All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
720 chapters
The Morgan's Move
"What is the analysis saying?" Aubrey, Morgan's Family Head inquired to the slightly trembling presenter who was overly nervous, which was in stark contrast to his confident demeanor during the previous conference where he had given an idea that had earned him praise from Aubrey."Why are you quiet? Do you want to piss me off," George, the Family Head's Favorite son asked, confidence evident in his voice and personality since he had been the favorite son after he had been successful in executing the attack on the Rothchilds and inflicting heavy damages on them."The thing is, the suspected individual seems to be in the process of dumping billions into the country, pumping the economy with large amounts of dollars in the country and increasing the confidence in investors, reducing the chances of the economy collapsing to a lesser degree than what we had previously calculated," he paused to take a breath as his heart was almost trying to jump from his chest from all the nervousness."To
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Nova playing Sim City
A real-world day has passed since Aron had started showing John the weapons in the warehouse, meaning a total of fifteen days have passed in the universal simulation already.During this period, Aron had demonstrated to John everything that was in the warehouse and even the experimental ones that were still under the process of research. This was then followed by him taking the soldiers to where they would be receiving their training after Aron called for them.Meanwhile, Nova, who had just finished decorating and furnishing the building, shifted her focus to the decoration of the surroundings of the building.She started doing so by building a large parking lot, immediately followed by building a massive park surrounding the building, ensuring that the atmosphere surrounding the building doesn't appear to be mismatched, destroying its beauty.She also followed by starting to build infrastructure leading to the building since one of the pipeline digging and one pipeline printing machi
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FBI Meeting
Meanwhile, in a meeting room."So, what did you find?" James Comey, the FBI director, asked the two men standing in front of the long meeting room table of high-ranking officials in the Bureau."Sir, in his basement, there is a server that seems to not have been upgraded since the time he bought it. And although its power consumption was minimal it was still indicated that it was actively being used. Also there was something else that was consuming enough power than what the entire house does. Nothing comes to my mind that would cause such a machine to gobble such a high amount of electricity while maintaining abnormal silence," reported one of the men, and not much surprisingly, he was the one who had visited and inspected Aron's house under the guise of being an inspector from the power utility company."Did you manage to take a look at it?" asked Lisa Page, the FBI attorney."No, madam. There was a guard accompanying us throughout the whole process," answered the second man."So,
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Receiving the News
{Welcome back sir} Nova greeted Aron, appearing in front of him in her augmented reality form the moment Aron opened his eyes after logging off the VR, having just finished his meeting with John just moments Ago."It looks like you really went all out," Aron said after he opened his eyes and could see the side of the building rising a hundred or so meters in height, its length resembling a Titan wall.{I decided to start earlier to make sure that no problem occurs midway and causes delays to the project} Nova reported."What do you mean by that?" Aron asked, quite puzzled.{Based on my calculations using the variables and datasets that I have access to, it shows that there is a high chance that Esparia will escalate its actions, either due to either external influence or internal factors} She explained to the now completely focused Aron, who after hearing this report had lost any curiosity about the building behind him or about any of the other infrastructure that was still ongoing th
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The First Batch of Trainees
The next day."Oh my god what the heck happened here?" Gasped one of the fifty Ares soldiers who had been sent the next day, responding to Aron's order for them to come so that they could receive their training earlier than the rest of the soldiers who were scheduled to arrive by the next week.And as the rest of the occupants disembarked from the messy boat, they noticed the massive new port which the soldiers knew didn't exist before, since some of them in this batch had helped in transferring the first batch of the materials to the island when Aron was about to start the construction of the fusion reactor.The port looked new and futuristic, and though empty, it still commanded respect since it was built differently than any other usual port, it was a hybrid port for both the civilian and military vessels to dock on it without needing any specialized modifications.Faced with the size of the port the boat those soldiers were in felt out of
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Training Starts
{You are inside the VR, as for your real bodies, they are inside a pod within the massive building that you had seen and are under the protection of Sir Aron, so don't worry about anything else and focus on your retraining} Athena began, answering all of their questions in one swift motion.{I understand that my answer might have given rise to some new questions for you, so let me answer them immediately, not wasting both of our time}{Your bodies have been injected with genetic enhancers specifically tailored according to each of your bodies and would help in enhancing your genetics and increase your body power, coordination, speed and many more} {However, these enhancers are inactive at the moment and the only way for you to activate them is for your body to undergo the exercises needed to push your body to really reach that realm. When your brain starts to imitate this in order to activate the enhancer, the enhancements will be reflected into your real
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Two days later…"Man, she is not giving us enough time to rest," complained Jeremiyah as he sat down to use the little ten minutes of rest that was given to his team as a reward for completing their last course of exercises.For the past month, Athena had done nothing other than making them train from one exercise to another. And with the training getting progressively difficult and longer with each new exercise, they were always being forced to always break the new limits that they had managed to raise due to their previous exercise.During that period, they were only given one hour of rest every day and additional rest time was granted if they could impress Athena by completing a set of tasks faster than the time she had tasked them with. The moment they realized that they could gain more rest time by working harder, it resulted in them always working harder than what Athena expected.{One last exercise and if you do it well I will give you a who
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Preparations For The Influx of People
While the Ares soldiers were making their way to their second test, Aron could be seen sitting at the center of the rooftop of the massive building with his eyes closed while the entire rooftop continued to glow in a golden color.Slowly but surely, the color of the rune that was covering the rooftop started to turn to white. With that, Aron stood up from the spot where he was sitting and immediately went to the elevator which immediately took him to the ground floor.Meanwhile, Nova got to work as she started providing Mana to the runes, causing them to immediately came to life and for those who could see the building from a bird's view, they would be able to see the entire of the building had started to disappear and in its place started to appear an image of uncompleted construction of a building, making it so that whoever wanted to photograph the building from the bird's eye viewpoint would only be seeing an incomplete building that was still ongoing its constructi
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Increasing Tensions
In the following few days, the massive military movement in Edenia put a slight sense of unease among the citizens of the state.Buses after buses filled with soldiers were being sent to Edenia, the capital city, which was now filled with soldiers as they were being stationed in various hotels of the city and in any places where people could be accommodated for a short period of time.The unrest continued to increase day by day until the president was compelled to make an announcement to address the rising anxiety of the citizens among whom the rumors were spreading that maybe they were preparing themselves for a war with Esparia and the soldiers were there to protect the city.During the announcement, the president assured that the soldiers were here temporarily to prepare themselves to go for further training in a classified location. Although this slightly helped calm down the citizens, some of them still thought of the speech as a diversionary tactic to avoi
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Meeting General Aron
After getting out of the pods, they immediately walked to the closest elevator they could find, as they got closer, the doors of the elevator opened.Upon entering, they noticed that the elevator was spacious enough to fit all of them at once and still have some space for more, after everyone was in, the doors of the elevator got closed and it started rising even before they could press the floor they wanted to go.As they waited to reach their destination, the screen inside the elevator was showing various information, including the time, date, temperature and other miscellaneous things, however, the soldiers' eyes were stuck on one thing: The date.Initially, they thought that it would have been a mistake but then considering the amount of technology that might have been needed to accomplish what they had been through, they came to the conclusion that the technology they have is too advanced for it to miss such a mistake, thus, they came to a shocking realizat
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