All Chapters of Getting a Technology System in Modern Day: Chapter 441
- Chapter 450
851 chapters
The How Behind the Why
The number of people in VR had continued swelling over the two-week period of martial law and strict curfews. While not everything had translated to VR yet, which meant people still had to leave their houses for things like critical jobs, most people had still taken advantage of the time dilation in the public simulation and spent practically an entire “month” getting accustomed to the new world. That time had been enough for even the hottest of heads to cool down and wonder why they’d ever been angry in the first place. After all, nothing truly bad had happened since the empire officially came into existence; on the contrary, a lot of good things had come their way.But while the hotheads had mostly calmed down, conspiracy theorists came to the fore. While extra time to think about things was a positive thing when dealing with angry people, conspiracy theorists were the exact opposite. The more time they had on their hands, the deeper, more complex, and more weirdly believable their
Upgrade 2: Electric Boogaloo
Not everyone was happy with the recent advancements. There was one group in particular that took a page from the 19th-century Luddite movement in England and actively opposed the empire’s VR technology. They preached that the simulation was actually nothing more than a temptation that was connected to hell and that Aron was the devil himself. Thus, in order to avoid having to interact with it, they grouped together and lived in communes with each other, referring to themselves as neo-Luddites and ostensibly seeking nothing more than to live sustainably without persecution from the empire.But the relatively small neo-Luddite movement, along with others who held beliefs along the same lines, didn’t even dent the number of people rushing to enter the simulation. By the time martial law had been lifted, the ratio was clear: nearly seven and a half billion people had adopted the VR hardware, or at least AR glasses, leaving only a hundred million or so that still refused to pick it up for
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once (part 1)
Inside a former Russian military warehouse.“Is the inventory complete, comrade?” an old Russian colonel asked. He was once a commisar during the Cold War, and after the fall of the Iron Curtain, he had transitioned to the regular army and made it up the chain of command until he offended a general and was posted out of the way in a desolate ammunition storage warehouse in Siberia.“Yes, sir!” The former soldier snapped to attention and saluted the old colonel, handing him a folder containing the detailed inventory listing. “The stores have been tallied and logged.”The colonel took the folder and opened it to the last page. He glanced at the total number and signed his name at the bottom, approving the final tally of ammunition in the warehouse. “Prepare for the handover process,” he ordered with a complex expression on his face. Despite how it ended, his career had been glorious, once, but what began with a roar was destined to end with a whimper. He sighed, then turned his attenti
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once (part 2)
Earlier that day....After Nova ejected everyone from the meeting room when Aron’s upgrade began, the group naturally broke up and went in their own directions to handle the business of the empires; whether it be Aron’s political empire or his business empire, both required someone at the helm at all times.The AIs had headed back to their gathering point and work area, a nondescript office in the virtual version of the Cube on Avalon Island. While they could work anywhere, and they didn’t really even need a physical representation of themselves or the space around them, they truly wanted to know what it was to be human. Thus, they acted like them whenever possible, and keeping an active office space was a part of that.{I keep thinking that something weird is happening, but I can’t quite figure it out at the moment. Sister, please tell me what you think.} Nyx waved her hand and the office they were in broke apart, then rapidly reconfigured itself into the library representation of th
I Aim to Give it to Them
*A Marmaray metro train derailment has been discovered as a result of detonation from in it [Damage: medium] [Situation: yellow]*(Ed note: Damage refers to the amount of damage caused by the attack, and situation is a scale (white-green-yellow-orange-red-black) on an ascending level of catastrophe, where white is basically harmless to the empire at large and black is an extinction-level event. It takes into account every other factor than the immediate damage dealt by the attack in question.)*An explosion has been detected in a weapons warehouse in Russian alps [Damage: minor] [Situation: green]**Explosion detected in a Saudi Aramco oil rig [Damage: large] [Situation: orange]**A plane has exploded in former US airspace [Damage: small] [Situation: white]**A police station exploded… [Damage: medium] [Situation: green]**An explosion has been detected in the Suez Canal, [Damage: large] [Situation: yellow]**A....**An….**Explosion….**Burj Khalifa has fallen [Damage: extra-large] [
Shock and Horror
Ruins of the Burj Khalifa, Dubai, UAE.“Arghhhhhhhhh!”“Heeeeeeelp!”The dust had yet to settle and amidst the backdrop of creaking and groaning concrete and steel, cries for help rang out in a cacophony of multiple languages and volumes. Debris was everywhere, pieces of the shattered building thrown all over downtown Dubai by the blast, which had shattered windows even ten blocks away. Here and there, lucky people who were less injured were pulling themselves from the rubble of the collapsed tower and ruined megamall.The survivors were wailing in horror, anger, and desperation as they dug through the rubble they had just climbed out of in search of their friends and loved ones who were beside them when the bomb went off. One person found his child’s body, riddled with injuries, burns, and broken bones, and fell to his knees, sobbing, wailing, and cursing at the uncaring god who had allowed the tragedy to happen.Thirteen short seconds was all it had taken for what everyone thought w
Rescue (part 1)
In the air over what used to be known as Haiti.Four fighter jets whooshed over Port-au-Prince at Mach 7 on a patrol route that provided full scanning coverage of the paralyzed city. Though they were flying fast and low, the sonic boom following them wasn’t any noisier than a regular pre-empire passenger jet, if not even quieter.{Scanning complete. Proceed to the next destination.}The pilots of the jets acknowledged their orders and increased their speed to Mach 8.4 as they headed southwest toward Carrefour, surrounded by an invisible bubble stretching fifteen kilometers in every direction. Their mission was simple, though emotionally and physically draining; they were performing deep scans on each city they passed over in an attempt to pinpoint possible survivors of the wave of terrorist attacks carried out only minutes before.Similar operations were being carried out all over the world as the Aeolus Air Force sent out squadron after squadron of Aeolus ES-75 Catseye reconnaissance
Rescue (part 2)
*Three Gorges Dam has suffered structural damage and is failing [Damage: catastrophic] [Situation: red]**Svalbard Global Seed Vault has suffered a biological attack [Damage: low] [Situation: white]**Taweelah Desalination Plant has suffered a chemical attack [Damage: high] [Situation: yellow]**Chichen Itza has suffered a suicide bombing [Damage: low] [Situation: green]**United Nations Headquarters has been carbombed [Damage: medium] [Situation: orange]*Reports of ongoing terror attacks continued streaming in even as Minerva, Hephaestus, and Asclepius were coordinating rescue efforts. Even though they reached each site in an average of twenty minutes, and fifty minutes at the longest, the estimated death toll continued its meteoric rise despite their best efforts.{Dispatch LEAs to assist with evacuation along the Yangtze River. Send RES-QRs and constructor swarms to shore up the dam and buy time for the evacuation. The Yangtze River downstream from the dam and the Yangtze River De
The Greatest Lie the Devil Ever Told
While the terrorist attacks continued, it was at a much slower rate. Reports began dwindling and reduced in frequency from seconds, to minutes, and finally, tens of minutes. And with an average response time of twenty minutes, it seemed that the AIs had caught up to the trend and the worst was over.All of the scenes around the world had been cordoned off. Imperial police and LEAs were maintaining the cordon as RES-QRs dragged out survivors and placed markers on the dead for later retrieval; at that moment, survivors mattered more. Some of the smaller attack sites, like the wave of suicide bombings at UNESCO Heritage Sites, had even been cleared of all casualties and GEMbots dispatched to repair the damage. Soon, most of the attack sites progressed to the cleanup phase. Active rescue was only ongoing at the worst of the sites, like in Dubai, where the Burj Khalifa had been dropped on the Dubai Mall and a few other skyscrapers fell due to the blast; or in Paris, where the Louvre had i
Indistinguishable From Magic
If the goal of the recording that had just played on the news was recruiting, it backfired in a spectacular fashion. Rather than gaining the support of the majority, it had enraged them. As the attacks had happened all over the world, nearly every citizen in the empire had lost someone, whether they were close family or simply acquaintances, or even friends of a friend. So other than those that had already been extremely dissatisfied with the empire, no one even thought of answering the masked terrorist’s rallying call.Despite that, the conspiracy theorists’ heyday continued. Now, they had another piece of “evidence”; obviously, the person in the video was a scapegoat brought forward because the theorists were absolutely correct in saying that the empire had planned and carried out the attacks on their own. That said, while the conspiracy theorists were patting themselves on the back, believing they had proven their theory true by a preponderance of the evidence, most normal people