All Chapters of The Legend Of Tang Hu: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
76 chapters
Chapter 21 ~ Disclosing His True Identity
“Impossible...” No one was sitting; they all stood in tension. Certainly, what they are seeing now is beyond the limits of modernity or a miracle that has never happened. The attack of the Three Star beginner field cultivator successfully destroyed the energy shield of Qi and injured the Eight Star beginner field cultivator. If they don’t see it directly, they’ll see it as nonsense or gossip, considering there has never been such an event before. Qin Nara could only breathe because Su Hai arrived on time to rescue his daughter and his sister. If only the attack of the Blue Teratai succeeded on Su Xia, it would surely make him perish in front of his eyes, and Qin Nara would embarrass the elder of the sect, Gu Mei. Qin Nara only had a rough suspicion; clearly, the masked young man participated in the challenge not for a marriage contract but purely to hurt Su Xia, and the worst thing was the death of Su Xia. Is it a personal matter between him and Su’s family, or is Su's family of
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Chapter 22 ~ The Truth Is Out
A cultivator has the nature of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth because Tung Hu was poisoned to the point that the owner of his old body perished, so he must avenge him. The lotus flower swirled around Tang Hu's palm, and everyone present had not forgotten the explosion of Qi energy that had just occurred. The explosion, which could injure an eight-star beginner cultivator, was too terrifying for those with lower cultivation realms. Tang Hu's words made everyone understand what Tang Hu had experienced. It turned out that Princess Su Xia poisoned Tang Hu, which means she wanted to kill him. So Tang Hu's actions made everyone wonder if it was purely for revenge. Su Xia rolled her eyes. She had never poisoned Tang Hu; why did the other party think that? Did she really give him poison without knowing it? Su Xia wanted to explain to Tang Hu that if she never had the intention to poison him, it must have all been a misunderstanding. It was just that Su Xia didn't have the chanc
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Chapter 23 ~ A Thousand Alliance Troops versus
Tang family residence Patriarch Tang Murai and Patriarch Lu Tian, accompanied by their respective sons, Tang Zen and Lu Feng, were discussing plans to fight Tang Hu. Outside lies the Alliance Army of over a thousand troops united to fight the same enemy. also consisted of cultivators of the beginning three-star realm and cultivators of the beginning five-star realm. Patriarch Tang Murai and Patriarch Lu Tian both had a deep hatred for Tang Hu, thus having left secretly from Yangzhou City Square, where the previous challenge was held. The two families immediately coordinated with each other. “I didn't expect that we, who were at odds a long time ago, would form an alliance just to fight against the trashy young master of the Tang family,” Patriarch Lu Tian said dryly. Over the years, the two families had endless disputes over trade, agriculture, the alchemist shop, and so on. "Completely my fault... If I had followed my father's plan by killing Tang Hu back at the Tang residence,
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Chapter 24 ~ Destroyed
The yellow energy of gold enveloped the whole body of Tang Hu, with each inch of the outer skin coated by the energy of Qi. Even in the face of a thousand troops from the alliance, Tang Hu did not shake. Both hands were filled with remarkable vitality, not to mention the speed of his reaction, as if he had another eye behind his head. “Destroy it...” “Habits him...” “Don’t let me live...” Tang Hu avoided every attack coming from the four sides; in the stage of his attack, he reaped life with every step. “Duar...” In a battle in which hundreds of bodies are scattered, Tang Hu also climbs on the bodies; the body, herself, no matter how strong the energy defense of Qi belongs to the other side, will destroy herself with the heavy nine-wave boxing. Also, there are hundreds of very powerful assassinations of him; what else did the other side's spear technique do to compete with their sword technique? all in order to kill one person, Tang Hu. The blue defense has not yet passed. “I
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Chapter 25 ~ Malice
The front page of the Tang family The vast square that covers the whole place is filled with hundreds of bodies crawling around without anyone moving. The terrible battle between one man and a thousand forces made the four only freeze in a very profound surprise, for the winner was on the side of the one. Tang Hu’s strength was beyond his expectations. Even though they are upset, they don’t dare act agitated. Patriarch Lu Tian and Patriarch Tang Murai both scratched their teeth desperately. If Tang Hu became their son, both of them would be grateful to Heaven. Also, Tang Zen and Lu Feng, if he could take the body and talent of Tang Hu, would thank heaven. The fourth is full of disgust for Tang Hu’s talent. It didn’t take long for Tang Hu to see the existence of his fourth. Tang Hu, who stood in the middle of a sea of dead bodies, had a rough and irregular breath. “Daddy, this seems to be the limit; even though he’s strong, without his top conditions, we can definitely kill him
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Chapter 26 ~ Cruelty in Killing
Fresh blood flowed on the sword that Tang Hu used, and he insisted that the blood would dry out quickly. Patriarch Lu Tian and his son Lu Feng were both brutally killed at the hands of Tang Hu. Patriarch Tang Murai was very frightened; he wanted to escape rather than become the next corpse. Only his legs could not be moved for some reason, and he just trembled there. Tang Hu sneered while looking at his uncle. who had committed a great sin, Tang Hu still remembered clearly how the treatment obtained by the owner of his old body while living in the residence of the Tang family Patriarch Tang Murai, who will always give the beat every time he meets Tang Hu Little, Now, different Patriarch Tang Murai is like seeing a monster or beast that will kill himself. “Didn’t your uncle think that Tang Zen’s cousin made you a feather?” Tang Hu reminded me. “Tang Hu... Don’t say something that doesn't—no.” The patriarch, Tang Murai, shouted In the situation of life and death, one who chooses t
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Chapter 27 ~ Unexpected Assist
Hundreds of cultivators led by Patriarch Su Hai, Su Xia, and Qin Nara, along with hundreds of elite guards of the Su family, are heading to the Tang family residence. After the disappearance of Tang Hu, sucked by the dimensional portal, the Su family immediately concluded that Tang Hu had a special treasure used to move instantly. Based on the confession of Servant Su Mo, they all decide if Tang Hu's departure will cause Tang Zen to take revenge. Only Tang Zen escaped with Patriarch Tang Murai; Patriarch Lu Tian and his son Lu Feng also disappeared. Obviously, both families quietly colluded to get rid of Tang Hu’s existence as a genius against the sky. It turns out to be true; the Patriarch Su Hai’s inspection immediately found something striking. The two families formed the Thousand Armies Alliance just to kill Tang Hu. Originally, Patriarch Su Hai intended to find Tang Hu and leave Yangzhou City to escape the assault of a thousand troops. Only Patriarch Su Hai was late because
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Chapter 28 ~ Dual Cultivation
Su Xia and Qin Nara took Tang Hu to a hostel occupied by Duan Wei. A well-known physician on the Holy Continent is not only known for his legendary cure; he can even cure all sorts of diseases. Just Duan Wei prefers to move rather than settle in one place. At the moment, he has been in Yangzhou for more than three days and intends to go again. “Princess Qin, please come in.” Another beauty welcomed the arrival of Qin Nara. “Duan Ling is the Doctor Duan Wei inside." Qin Nara asked. “Father, it’s inside; actually, we’re going to go now." Duan Ling welcomed him in, and then she was a little surprised when she saw a man who had red-colored skin and whose vitality would explode at any time. “He just put it on the bed." Duan Ling understood that the one who needed help was the young man. “Thank you...” Su Xia thanked her, but his anxiety did not disappear. Duan Ling is the daughter of Tabib Duan Wei, and she is quite reliable in the field of medicine. “Princess Qi, it is a pleasure
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Chapter 29 ~ Benefit
Qin Nara sat down with a whimper, sometimes crushing her eyebrows while biting her little lips. In his life, Qin Nara had never dreamed that one day he would keep the door of a room open for someone who was doing double cultivation. By knocking on the door of the living room, Qin Nara could hear Su Xia hurl and scream, up to the sound of an explosion from inside the room. “Duarrrr...” “Su Xia has broken up!" Both of Qin Nara’s pupils were surprised for the first time; he had never heard if double cultivation was a particular method that could enhance the cultivation realm. However, it is not expected that Su Xia, who is currently doing double cultivation in a few hours, will have a very rapid breakthrough. “Duarrrr...” “Break through again!” If a breakthrough once surprised Qin Nara, the second makes Qin Narah unable to calm down. Qin Nara clearly knows how difficult it is for a cultivator to improve their cultivation realm, and any increase in cultivation will require sufferin
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Chapter 30 ~ Separate
Qin Nara is not satisfied. Why does Junior Su Xia get benefits while he gets nothing? Despite being upset and jealous of her junior fortune, Qin Nara could only be patient. He was very confident that one day Tang Hu would bow his knees in front of him and devote his body to only Qin Nara. This was the first time that Qin Nara was very interested in men, while the Prince of the Han Empire, who had no shortcomings, rejected himself. Qin Nara does not like political marriages and prefers to act as much as he pleases. Qin Nara looked at the humiliating men, but who hoped that one day he would withdraw his words? Faced with the body of treasure that can improve the realm of cultivation, Qin Nara is very obsessed. This is not a matter of love or pleasure but of selfishness, whatever happens. “Mrs. Nara... Senior Nara...” Su Xia’s call awakened Qin Nara. “Ehm. Junior Su Xia, it seems we should bring Tang Hu to the Gu Mei sect." Qin Nara is determined. “Senior, why do you think superfici
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