All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 101
- Chapter 110
288 chapters
Beaten like a pulp
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
It misjudged the weight of my weapon and it cut a gash along its shoulder. It shook off the electrical damage and hissed, a red glow suffusing its body. The speed of its strikes increased, surprising me a little. Enough so that I took two strikes to my shield before I retaliated with Flurry.I pulled my bloody staff from the corpse as a dozen more projectiles came flying in. Spears were mixed with rocks from slings. Three more impacts jarred my shield taking it down another hundred points. It only had a few points left so I decided to cast Area of Denial and Blink step, running at the group of kobolds.I wasn't expecting to run into a green barrier. The magical shield rippled violently at my impact, shattering. It was enough to stop me dead in my tracks though. I looked for the caster that conjured the barrier, finding him in the back."Fiona, deal with the mage, I'll deal with the rest."I didn't wait for a response as I started to cut my way thr
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Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
He slammed into the building, cracking the rock-like facade. I didn't waste the opportunity, slamming my staff down on the back of one of his legs while activating Calcifying Strike.I was forced to scramble away as a clawed hand ripped through the air I was occupying. I heard the shriek of metal as his claws brushed my armor. That meant my shield was now down.I took a step back and suddenly felt a tiny bit weaker. 'Shit, that meant one of the females was dead leaving me at a disadvantage.'Kragor turned toward me, I could see my spell was affecting him as he limped noticeably on his damaged limb.He smiled at me, then disappeared. I turned in time to see him pulling his sword from the ground and whipping it at my head. I ducked the thrown mass of steel and when I looked up he was gone again.Acting on instinct, I threw myself flat. I felt the air whoosh by overhead. Kragor had turned into a spinning top of death. I was forced to roll aw
Turning Head
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I rode into Biloxi on Bella, we were greeted on the main road like we were before, this time it was a different group that greeted me. None of the men hassled me like the previous time.The city was quite busy, considering its location and the Bazaar I wasn't surprised.I kept an eye out for trouble as Bella made her way down the streets and towards the Bazaar. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary but the crowds still made me nervous. Before my imprisonment, I wouldn't have thought twice about being around this many people. Now, I measured everyone as a possible threat to me. Humans more so than the other races. It wasn't a healthy way to live, I knew that, but it would take time for me to change.I let out a sigh of relief as I entered the Bazaar. I couldn't wait to get back to Arman or hunting dungeons. Anything to be away from the mass of humanity. My last time in Biloxi was less stressful because I had people I at least worked with, along with me. Fion
Falcon Wing
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Reginald cursed, that damn half-elf had managed to give them the slip. They knew where he was going but if he got too far ahead the tracker wouldn't be able to locate him.His boss had sent the four of them to this new world to scout resources and possible locations to plunder or control. Rumors of the new world spread quickly through the System. Stories of meteoric rises in levels as well as beasts and dungeons everywhere. His boss wanted a stake in that new world and had invested 40000 credits to send three of his strongest people over to establish a base.While a researcher wasn't the best asset to use for something like this it was what they had to work with. They had captured the man a few years ago and kept him around to identify rare objects that they came across. If his boss found out the man escaped they wouldn't find any sympathy."Do you have his trail?" Reginald demanded.Oslo rolled his eyes, "Of course, he is only an hour or so ahead
Hunter And Prey
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Reginald stopped as Oslo held up a hand. He watched as the man dismounted and inspected the ground around the road. He heard the man curse."What is it," he demanded."We got a problem, seems our little friend isn't alone. I wasn't sure until I saw their tracks both head off the road here," he said, gesturing to a barely visible trail."That's not all, looks like whoever picked him up has a war mount."Reginald stiffened at that. While not rare, nobody bought a war mount unless they expected to be in almost constant fighting. There were many other options that people could buy that were both faster and cheaper."Any idea what type?" he asked, not that any of them would be good to fight."Ravor beast," he replied, spitting to the side.Shit, he had fought a few of the creatures in the past. Usually when attacking a well-armed caravan. The creatures were semi-intelligent and brutal."Anyone else?""No, tr
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I sat on a log about a mile from the city. While there were multiple ways to get to Arman from Biloxi, I expected this group to come the same way from before. I was proven right when I spotted a group of horses coming down the dirt road."Well, you ready?" I asked Fiona and Martin.His sister had adamantly denied any assistance. Martin and she had gotten into a heated argument over it but she didn't budge. I was starting to think Martin was getting fed up with her recalcitrant attitude.I think stubbornness ran in their family as I was unable to convince Martin to remain in the city."Yeah, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself," Martin replied."Trust in your friends," Fiona whispered into my ear.I cast my buffs on us as the riders got closer. They came to a stop about a hundred feet away and got off their horses.I watched as three of the men approached, I kept my eyes on all of them though. I looked at Mart
The Sweep
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I heard the man hiss to his cohorts. "He has a strong will, get in there and deal with him before he overwhelms my ability."I watched the three pull out weapons and they dismounted and ran into the fog towards me. I struggled against the man's ability as the three continued to close. They came unerringly toward me. That would only be possible if they had items that let them see through the mists. Fiona waited until the men were within ten feet of me before she struck.She stabbed the Psion through the back and he let out a scream of pain. Immediately I felt the power dissipate around my mind as I blurred into motion.My first target was the fool that turned his head at the scream. I fed mana into my staff and activated Flurry, driving through his guard. He was quick but I only needed to brush against his skin one time for my blinding pain enchantment to activate.He dropped his swords and screamed as the ability took hold. It was only amplified b
Appearance Are Deceiving
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Frederick released his hold on the dominated bird, opening his eyes. The mission had ended in complete disaster. The fog prevented him from seeing most of the fight but he saw enough to know that his homunculus had been killed. The magical construct had been a gift from his father, Baron Margood Duwalt. Of course, he had killed his father that same week and fled the country.Replacing the homunculus would be pricy and difficult. You couldn't just find a custom-tailored one in the Bazaar. It had been an acceptable loss though, even if it had ended in death. Frederick wasn't surprised, the constructs could only mimic a few skills, which made them only as effective as a quarter of his actual level.He would miss the homunculus, it had allowed him to stay far from danger, a lesson he had learned from his father. 'Why do something yourself if you can get someone else to do it for you.' Frederick took that lesson to heart.The others had been killed but that was
Homonculus Brain
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I was about to touch the device to my face again as there was a loud pounding on the front door."Fuckin, hell!" I exclaimed, barely keeping my hand from jabbing the sharp needle into my eye.I put the device down as I stomped towards the door, "This better be fucking good," I yelled loud enough for my visitor to hear. When I wrenched the door open, Martin was standing there."Martin, what the hell, did you not see the do not disturb sign? You almost made me poke my eye out.""Sorry, I wouldn't disturb you if it wasn't important.""Well, spit it out, I was kind of in the middle of something," I said, gesturing to my eye."Wha... no, I'll ask you about that later. This is about the visitors from a few weeks ago. I drove past the area on my patrol and decided to check and make sure the bodies were eaten. That's when I found this," he said, walking to the quad with something wrapped in a tarp.It looked like a body, "Is it
Looking for answers
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
After finishing my tattoo, I rode quickly to Biloxi, arriving late in the day. The activity in the streets was quieting down as people left to go home for the night. Still, it felt like I was being watched.I glanced around, not seeing anyone watching me. The feeling lingered as I made my way to the Bazaar. I was about a block away when three men stepped out from an alley. Bella gave out a low hiss.I turned my head, seeing the path behind me blocked by three more men."You see that boys? His pet threatened us."I turned towards the man who was talking, recognizing the voice instantly. It was the same guard that had tried to break into my room.All six started approaching me."You sure you want your ass beat again?" I said, looking at the guard.He smiled cruelly, "you ain't got no friends or tricks to save you this time, boy."Oh, how wrong he was. While I could probably take these six with little effort, I was