All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
288 chapters
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I awoke as the couch I was sleeping in lurched violently below me, throwing me across the room. I covered my head as I slammed into the wall, triggering my shield. When I came to my senses I heard Martin yelling."Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!""What's going on," I screamed, trying to get to my feet. Everything felt floaty. That shouldn't be possible unless we were falling rapidly... oh, oh shit.I grabbed the wall, heaving myself forward and down the hallway to the control room."Paul, thank god you're awake. I'm not sure what's going on. All of a sudden we started plummeting from the air but the crystal still has power and the power output hasn't changed."I pulled myself into the small room and over to the control console. "Hold on, this may hurt."I waited for Martin to grip the doorframe before jacking up the power output to max. I had noticed that the power of the crystal was dropping fast even though we were still falling. Wi
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Ska ran through the forest in a panic. He had been out in the deep hunting when he spotted something coming from out of the abyss. He fled immediately, knowing the creatures that dwelled within were well beyond his level. He ran to his village to gather up a war band to deal with the threat.His graceful feline legs propelled him through the dense forest with ease, allowing him to speed through the underbrush and towards his village.Ska burst through the final stretch of forest and into the village. He was stopped almost immediately when Ni'Sha stepped out to block his path, he was forced to come to a halt or run into the larger female."Ska... you return early and without a kill, why the hurry?" she said calmly, but her eyes bore into him, causing him to squirm like a newborn kit."I greet you Ni'Sha but my business is urgent. I was on a hunt when I spotted something coming from the abyss."She hissed in denial, "that's not possibl
Moving West
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
A few days passed as I checked the house for repairs that needed to be made. The time was also a good test to vet Ska's competence and willingness to follow orders. We also spent an inordinate amount of time refilling the mana heart that powered the house.It might have gone faster if I hadn't told Martin to keep half of his mana available... just in case. Fiona didn't have mana to speak of, being a spirit and all. As for Ska, he had very little mana. Turns out as a nascent intelligent species they only got a skill every three or four levels and all of Ska's relied on his endurance.It turned out Ska was very talkative, almost afraid to be left alone to his own thoughts. Finding out that his species only recently, in the last thousand years or so, developed sentience his curiosity wasn't all that surprising.Ska wasn't dumb, just perhaps ignorant of the greater world. He knew about the system from traders and travelers from his old world.The
Better, Stronger, Faster
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
In total, we collected eighty-four plates that were six feet by four feet. Way more than necessary for what we needed but now we had plenty of backups when these new ones inevitably burned out.Since we had so many extra plates I decided to have three on each surface. It would reduce the swaying considerably, making for a much more enjoyable trip. Also having three along the back and front would speed the travel along, allowing us to go further during the night.I was deep in thought when Martin came in."Hey, Paul.""Oh, Hey, what's up?""We're going to be here for a few days right?"I turned to the large pile of plates in the corner. "Um, yeah... probably a week or more. Why?""I would like to bury the dead.""Oh... um, ok. Hmm, perhaps take Ska with you for backup."Martin nodded, leaving to find Ska.I could only shake my head. I understood he felt bad for the Gargon, though I couldn't imag
Into the pit
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The house settled with a groaning thump as I deactivated the plates to reserve power. It had taken seven hours to arrive at the clearing, a small hill surrounded by sparse trees and wilted vegetation. The area smelled of sulfur and we had spotted a few bubbling pools in the distance.Ska was the most affected by the smell, sneezing every few minutes and growling angrily.While annoying I couldn't blame him, the smell was getting to my nose as well."Let's make this quick, I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to.""Sounds like a plan to me," Martin said, holding his nose closed."The foul beasts hide behind the smell, so we are not able to destroy them," Ska growled.It made sense. If their main enemy was the Grimalkin, why not use their highly developed sense of smell against them.The entrance to the dungeon turned out to be hidden in a tangle of fallen logs and branches. How Fiona came across it was confusing until I spotted one of the jackals run through the treeline a
Old Trauma
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
6"Can we set down for a few days?" Martin moaned.I agreed with the man, we needed some downtime. It had been over a week of constant travel. With the way the house rocked, it was pretty exhausting. Our westward journey had come to an abrupt halt when a mountain range blocked our path. Technically, we could levitate over the mountains but with their extreme height, it seemed like an unnecessary risk. We decided to head south and hope that the desert was still where the ocean had been."Yeah, I was planning on setting us down when we reached the desert or found a way through this monolithic mountain range."I had actually thought we would have come across the desert by now but maybe we had gone farther north than I realized. Even Fiona's scouting hadn't located the desert. The land was rocky and barren with small stands of sickly-looking trees. There were little to no signs of earth-like life in the area.We had spotted a few rock creatures ambling about the terrain, but they seemed c
Open For Business
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Kurt walked quickly down the street. He was in a hurry but didn't want to spook the locals. Unlike most of the town survivors, he knew what was going on. It had all happened the night after the System came into being. At the time nobody knew where they had come from but Kurt learned later that they had come ashore in a drug-smuggling submarine.Somehow the criminals had been able to paddle the subs to shore. There were twelve in total and two subs. They killed the mayor and the sheriff while giving the remaining officers an ultimatum. Fall in line or their families would be killed in front of them. Two of the town's ten officers took offense at this.They were subdued by the criminals. Hours later the men returned with both officers' families in tow. They were forced to watch as the men raped and tortured the women and killed the children. Then they killed the two officers.The message was clear and the rest of the officers fell in line. That was until last night when Officer Richmond
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Martin, Ska, and I were eating lunch when the teleport scrambler started beeping."Whelp! I guess our friends are here," I said, putting my fork down and wiping my mouth. "You think they will wait for us to come to them?"There was a loud bang and the house shook as they tried to bash in the front door."That would be a no," Martin replied."Alas, they have no redeemable qualities. If they had, maybe, just maybe I would feel sorry about killing them. Nah, probably not," I added, standing and stretching as another bang rocked the house."They are persistent," Ska added, looking out the window."How many do you see?""I can only see four, but I smell more."I grunted in affirmation."Martin and Ska, how bout you greet our guests, I'll land behind them. Feel free to kick it off."Martin nodded and Ska gave a satisfying throat rumble.I did not doubt that Ska would attack the first person he spotted. I headed for the back balcony as the others headed downstairs. I heard the clank of Marti
Penniless But Not Broken
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I woke up on the bottom floor of the house. Martin and Ska were on the floor next to me. The house was a mess, items of no value had been tossed around. Furniture had been ripped or broken and windows busted out. The front door was still intact as well as the front windows. Those I had made stronger with runic enchantments. That was a good sign, it meant that the control room was likely still intact.The control lines should still be in place as well because they were hidden from view by the Odin rune. I stumbled to my feet, whatever they had dosed us with still affecting me somewhat. After quickly checking on the other two and seeing that they were alive, only unconscious, I moved toward the control room.The door and frame around the room had dozens of marks from axes and other weapons. But it was still intact, it seems they had given up trying to get into the room. I placed my hand on the door, activating the tattoo on my hand.The door swung open and the control room remained unto
Leaving The Past Behind
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Our stay in the fine oceanside town didn't last long after we killed off the Cartel goons. That was over a week ago. Honestly, leaving the town turned out to be our biggest challenge. We couldn't pass over the mountains without some serious upgrades to the house. That left heading north again, back east, or south.That came with another unknown challenge. Namely the ocean. I had no idea how the levitator plates would react to open water so it had to be tested. Thankfully, I still had my test plate and used that to see what would happen. It did work, pushing the water aside like a boat. I figured that was as close to a confirmation as I could get.My faith was rewarded as we glided over the open water. I did have to push the levitators to the maximum output to keep us above the waves though.It was odd watching the cavity created in the water below. I flicked a stone from the porch and watched it splash and sink below the dark water. The shoreline was barel