All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 261
- Chapter 270
288 chapters
Royal Inquisitor
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The trip from the orc forest to the town where I met Fiona took only three hours. I was curious about the state of the town so we flew over, remaining invisible.The barracks were easily recognizable and still stood. It seemed fewer people manned the walls, but perhaps they were just out on patrol.I did spot a few patrols, but I was surprised to see some of them were civilian patrols. No wall had been erected so the Sulid and other creatures were still about as I had spotted a few groups of those. There were some makeshift walls, set up to block off streets but it appeared that the locals and the Royal Guard had not joined forces. From the air, it was easy to see the mark of delineation, separating the north half of the town where the old citizens lived, and the south end where the barracks resided.Martin saw this too and chimed in. “Are these people dumb, why haven’t they come together there is no way they can survive like this forever.”I shrugged, “There were a lot of older peopl
Out worlders
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
“An understatement,” the tired-looking Commander replied. “Also complete and utter bullshit. Did you notice how he left off a specific timeframe?”I nodded. “I thought maybe he just didn’t know how long it would take for your men to arrive.”The man gave a half-hearted smile, more emotion than he had shown other than looking tired. “A man of Lord Durbin’s position could have easily figured out how long it should take. No, this was a calculated choice on his part. No matter how hard we would push to get there, he can say we did not follow his orders. A tasteless trick by nobles but effective.”“So, he wants to get you under his thumb, and have legal recourse to take everything from you?”“Potentially. He would likely execute the lot of us instead of keeping us around.”“You really think he would go that far?” Martin asked.“Why wouldn’t he? As far as the Asharon Kingdom is concerned, he is in charge over here.”“Why not contact your king then,” Martin inquired.The Commander chuckled m
Earth mages
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The deal took Martin three weeks to hammer out. Most of that was wasted with that stupid council, mainly just the one woman. She kept trying to control everything and considering her class was called politician, it was no surprise. The fact that her level was only seven, spoke volumes of her talent.Nothing changed until they brought in someone who had the Identify skill. I didn’t recognize the man and he didn’t recognize me or Martin. But that didn’t stop him from turning pale when he read off our levels to the councilwoman. After that, the woman was less of a pain in the ass, and Martin was able to push through a meeting between the two groups.I saw well-hidden relief on most of the other councilors' faces. After having to perfect a stony exterior or face punishment as a slave, it was easy to see the telltale signs. It seems they had been hoping to come to some agreement with the Commander but were bullied by the woman not to offer anything in return. I didn’t know what she had on
Office building
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The dry dock was ready and the old barge rested on pillars of stone a few feet above my head. I was examining the bottom to check for any issues I would need to deal with before attaching the plates. There was a thick layer of barnacles that needed to be removed but they proved to be not as strong as I was as I scrapped them away with a wide blade, enhanced with magic.The creatures were between levels two and eight. I had the mages take care of them, essentially free experience though it didn’t add up to a lot.The dirty work took about two hours and I finally had a clean…ish underside. It was still rusty from lack of maintenance but it would have to do. Since this was being designed to be as rugged as possible, I would be welding the plates in place. As with the fortress, there were more plates than needed and half could fail and still keep the barge aloft. It wouldn’t be fast, there wasn’t enough surface area in the front or rear to mount a significant amount of the mover plates. A
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I found Martin where the Marshall said he would be, but he was in a meeting. I decided to hang out with Fiona until his meeting ended.“Been a while, how’s everything going?”“Good, but having to wait around can be tiring. I don’t know how Martin can enjoy politics this much.”I chuckled, “just another challenge to conquer. Much easier than dealing a fatal blow to another person I imagine.”“I guess you’re right, at least I still have our evenings together,” she added quietly.“Is something wrong?”“No… well, not exactly, just something not physically possible.”“…”I didn’t want to think about her and Martin getting intimate.Fiona sighed, “I want to be a mother.”“… oh… OH. Can’t get pregnant because you revert to your spectral form?”She nodded sadly.“Well, it doesn’t seem like it will be that way forever. I mean, you’ve gone from being dead to having a physical form.”“I know, but it seems like all progress to expanding that ability has come to a halt recently.”“Do you think it
magical coordinates
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I spent the remaining day practicing with my new staves just to get a feel for them. I was more than happy with the results.The morning to leave came quickly and I was standing next to the freshly christened barge. Silk Road was the name my employees had decided on for the craft. I thought it was a bit presumptuous but didn’t argue about it. There were certainly worse names they could have gone with.The barge rested in the same parking lot as the fortress, the ramp extended to allow the merchants to get their carts aboard. It seems a few more merchants had decided to take my offer as more than previously agreed to my offer got on board. That was a good sign that they saw this opportunity in a positive light.Fiona was spending the last hour with Martin before we left. Who could blame her, we were going to be gone for nearly two weeks. In that time we would hit up eight different towns and also cross the Spine to hit up that town we freed from the Cartel goons.The last wagon of good
The journey
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The night went by quickly and we left early in the morning the next day. Javier and Maria were quiet but studious as I showed them the simple controls to the barge. I let each have a turn with the controls to the horror of the merchants as we plummeted a hundred feet when Javier bumped the height lever.“Careful,” I said in admonishment. “That lever is very sensitive to height adjustments, and while the barge can’t rise very quickly, it can fall as fast as gravity allows.”The kid nodded his ashen face from his position on the floor. He had fallen when the barge came to a sudden stop. I hadn’t intervened in the error as I knew it would level out. I was also the only person braced for it to happen as everyone, including the merchants, had fallen.“Monitor the controls while I go out and see if anyone needs healing.”“Please, Mr. Paul, let me,” Javier said, getting to his feet.I nodded as the kid moved past me on slightly wobbly legs.I turned toward Maria, “try not to crash us into th
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
After fixing the Retribution and rounding up most of the hidden pirates, my small group set sail again. Everyone was in good spirits after our little battle, even Barcos. Mostly because there was enough booze on the island to make even him happy.The first island we stopped at had no merchants willing to brave the trip, even with our insurance that we would be protecting them.It wasn’t much of a surprise to me that they refused. I would have refused in their place as well. It wasn’t like they knew who we were, for all they knew we could be leading them into a trap.Knowing this was the case, our next three stops didn’t go any better. It wasn’t until we made it to the fourth island that a man approached us as we drowned our repeated failures in the local bar.“Are you, Captain Paul, of the Retribution?” the unassuming man asked.I surveyed the bar but nobody else seemed to be paying attention. So it seemed this man came alone. That was odd. Not odd that he approached us, we had been a
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
It was less than two weeks since we had left the island to its own devices. So I was a bit surprised to see two pirate ships docked at the port. Careful of a trap, I dropped Barcos and Em’ah off to scout things before we docked. Thankfully the merchant ship was a Guild ship and even if these were pirates, they weren’t dumb enough to attack a Guild vessel.It didn’t take long for Barcos to send up an all-clear signal. With a weary shrug, I ordered Khikall to take us in.It was soon apparent why Barcos signaled it clear. All along the dock were the corpses of pirates, hanging from poles every five feet. The populace was hurrying about, unloading spoils from the ships. One of the self-appointed freed leaders was waiting by the dock with Barcos and Em’ah.The man nodded curtly and motioned for us to follow. Without waiting for a reply, he headed off at a quick pace toward the meeting hall.With nothing to do but follow, I fell in next to Em’ah. “What the hell happened here?” I whispered.
The Spark
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
After a week of following the faint trail of the ship that left the pirate haven, we finally caught up with it. Or at least where it stopped. It was another pirate city but it appeared a massive battle had taken place.Buildings were nothing more than burned-out husks and bodies were strewn about everywhere. It was rather easy to tell what had happened as the remains of broken slave collars were lying about everywhere. The exception to this was the non-combatant slaves. It seems the former pirate slaves didn’t look too kindly on them. Using them as practice dummies, taking turns defiling their bodies, or simply hacking them to pieces while leaving their collars intact, making it impossible for them to fight back.I just shook my head at the wanton slaughter that occurred here. Nobody was going to miss the dead pirates but I doubted this was the sort of revolution the optimistic freed slaves had in mind.Seeing as there was nothing left worth taking as the former pirate slaves had rans