All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
288 chapters
Loosing the fight
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I read the popup message.[Fiona would like to challenge you to a duel, this is a non-lethal duel and combat will end when one combatant reaches 10% health and all health is restored after the match ends]"In here? It's awfully cluttered and what about the bond, won't that interfere?""In combat, it's important to keep track of your surroundings and avoid obstacles. And no, because this is a non-lethal duel that both parties agree to, the system will not punish me," she said smiling, her sword seeming to magically appear in her hand."You seem to know an awful lot about how the system handles Life Bonds," I said nonchalantly."Ahem, yes, well, shall we get started?"I groaned but pulled my staff from my ring giving it a twirl to check clearance. Most of my boosts were active as I had gotten into the habit of recasting them as soon as they faded. I cast Flurry and Aura Strike on my staff before clicking accept and a 5-second count
Midnight callers
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Something awoke me in the middle of the night, the room was pitch black and silent. Awaking like this had become a norm for me since the system came into being. Even in this so-called safe town, my nerves were on edge.I lay there listening to try and determine what had awoken me. There it was again, a light clank as the chitin plates knocked against each other. I pulled my weapon out of my ring and rose from the couch as quietly as possible.There was another soft clink from the back door. I glanced at my buffs, noting that Second Chance was still active for another 48 minutes. Good, that meant Fiona's was active still too as I had multicast it after waiting for my mana to recharge before we went to bed. All my other buffs were down so I started refreshing them as quietly as possibleWith Fiona still in my party and within range, she would automatically get my area of effect buffs, I hoped that they would alert her to our guests. Everything was cast excep
Interrupting signals
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Whipping my staff up vertically I released a Stunning Gust at our foe. The Assassin must have sensed something as he jumped to the side avoiding the attack, what he didn't count on was Fiona redirecting the attack back at him. The man slumped to the floor and Fiona finished him off with a slice to his carotid artery and a jab through his heart for good measure."Dying sucks," I said, falling back against the wall. I pulled out one of my health injectors and stuck it into my arm. Tossing that aside I pulled out a mana one, doing the same. This was no time to be stingy; we needed to leave in case there were more enemies.We looted the bodies finding a tidy sum of credits over 3000 in total. We took the armor, weapons, and another storage ring that the Assassin had.As we left the house Fiona took point looking out the back door. When she gave the clear signal I motioned her to follow me. I circled the block with Fiona in tow and we ended up across the street
Training Montage
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
We entered the area around the Bazaar as incognito as possible. My staff and armor were stored in my ring and I had put on a change of clothes. Man, it felt nice to wear clean clothes after so many days.Fiona had argued with me about storing her armor but eventually, I won out, saying that there were enough guards downtown to prevent any shenanigans by the Black Dragon members. She also had a change of clothes, thanks to my neighbor's wife being of a similar build. The clothes were a little loose on Fiona though.There were really only two people we needed to avoid and they were easy enough to spot. Looking around I didn't see the mage or her cohort so we hurried into the entrance tunnel, being whisked into whatever space the Bazaar occupied. I had asked Fiona about it after our first visit but she didn't know much about how the building worked."I'm going to see about getting us some mounts with the coin from selling off our spoils from last night. You s
New Stats
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I had no reason to deny the man and pulled the staff from my ring handing it over to him. The man deftly twirled the staff managing to stop it on a dime and switch direction. He then used it to vault into the air doing a corkscrew flip, slamming the end of the staff down on the hard mat. I could hear the staff vibrating from the impact but the man held on and used the added momentum to go into another series of moves. After a few minutes of this, he handed me back the staff. His staff still upright in the center of the room as if unfazed by all the gymnastics happening around it."It is an acceptable staff for this training but I suggest you purchase a war staff you will find it to be much more compatible with the style I am about to show you."I followed along as Trumbo showed me stances. How to set my feet, how to move with my strikes, constantly pushing my opponent, or retreating safely. Then he showed me how to strike out and angle my staff for the greatest eff
The Bond
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
"These are ravor beasts, while not as fast as a horse at full gallop, they have more stamina for long-distance travel at a faster pace. These are also trained combat mounts so that should help keep both of you safe. They have another nice quirk, they can be blood bonded to a rider. Just know that if you do blood bond with her, that you can never sell her.""Why would I ever sell her, it's every boy's dream to have a dinosaur of his very own," I said all wide-eyed and innocent.Fiona just rolled her eyes at me, "To blood bond you only need to put a drop of your blood in their mouth."I was about to reach my hand up to its mouth and just cut my hand on its teeth but Fiona grabbed my arm to stop me."Best to place the blood on a bit of food and toss it to her, they tend to bite un-blooded people and you would be lucky to only lose your arm."Well, that explained the blinders over the creature's eyes. I took out a piece of dried meat and put
The Matron Task
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
We located the Matron easily enough; well Fiona did. I was more curious about the market since I didn't look it over the previous day. The woman was in the same spot we found her yesterday."What do you two want? Did you get lost and need help finding your mommy?" the irritable old woman said.Of course, the old lady focused all her vitriol at me and I smartly kept my mouth shut, letting Fiona answer."Greetings Matron Gertrude, we were wondering if you could point us to either the town leader or someone who might know of any local dungeons.""I might be able to do that, what's in it for me, hmmm?""We can certainly pay for the information.""Bah, I have little use for credits. I did hear an interesting story; stop me if you've heard it. About five dead men in a house to the east and one of them happened to be a Black Dragon member," she said, whispering the last part, "See the thing is they are a weed that needs to be plucked if
Draft Doger
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
It didn't take Fiona and me long to find the Army Headquarters. I think it was all the soldiers outside that kind of gave it away, No, maybe it was the massive dirt-filled sandbag walls; if you could call massive cubes of material filled with dirt sandbags. I assumed they used dirt instead of sand since it was easier to come by. I was honestly impressed, how had they managed to move all these massive walls into place and fill them. Turns out that was an easily answered question, the heavy equipment moving around behind the wall kind of gave it away. Looks like they had more mana engines for those as well.As we approached the gate guards stopped and searched us. Not exactly sure what they were searching for as everything was inside my inventory and it wasn't like they could access it. After a quick pat-down, they waved us through. I just shook my head in displeasure as they went back to watching the gate. I couldn't believe their lax attitude.We approached one of
Of delving And Root
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
We arrived quickly to the dungeon's supposed location, an area roughly ten miles outside town. We decided to avoid any monsters on the way, which thankfully there seemed to be few of, this close to town. Surprisingly, riding the ravor beast was rather easy and even with my piss poor skill at riding, we made a decent time. Eventually, I got the rhythm of riding my mount down, It was much easier than riding a horse. I just had to adjust to the more upright position the beast ran in. The best part, I didn't feel like I had been beaten up during the ride, like the one time I rode a horse as a teenager."Well, we're where the map said the dungeon is supposed to be, but I don't see anything," I said, slightly annoyed, "I guess we should split up and look around. You go right and I will go left. Meet back here at the stump in an hour.""Sounds, good."Fiona agreed with me and we rode off at a slow pace, to try and find this entrance. After half an hour of se
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Just sitting there while poison racked your body for five whole minutes sucked but at least I earned a title for it.Congratulations you have earned the title Grin and bear it; you survived a deadly poison, 50% less damage taken from poisonsJust once I wished a title didn't have to come with me putting myself in deadly peril, but I guess that's where the best titles would be earned. The rest of the trip down the stairs was uneventful after I healed all the damage and we exited the stairs into a large open room with four pillars.Each pillar had a lit torch burning and I could see something moving in the shadows beyond the light. Turns out this was a distraction, a freezing beam of blue light from the opposite side of the room slammed into me.You have been frozen, 5 seconds remainingThe effect of the spell encased the left side of my body in a coating of ice, doing a fair bit of damage to me. I could heal that but the frozen effect