All Chapters of Mana System In The Apocalypse: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
288 chapters
Bazaar Battle
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
"So what was that spell back there?" I asked Fiona, wondering about the ability she used on the Vindicator as we made our way to the Bazaar. I knew she hadn't leveled and she wasn't the type to keep skills hidden if they would be helpful in battle."Well, I got the inspiration from watching you in the last battle. I decided to see if I could combine some of my skills. As you saw it was quite effective."I nodded, thinking about what skills she might have combined. Obviously, she used her Water Whip and if I had to hazard a guess the other skill she combined with it was Bleeding Edge or at least those are the names I gave her skills.It was odd to me that combining skills wasn't common knowledge, or maybe it was and there was a reason people didn't do it. I knew one possible reason, I thought, looking back on the elemental I inadvertently created. Despite that, I would continue to utilize any advantage I could get if it meant my foe's defeat and my survival
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The four I damaged had classes that were easy enough to figure out, except the Archer. Was it the spiritual meaning of the word or the time-related? I guess I would find out as he launched a silver arrow at me. I was going to smack it away with my staff but thought better of it, instead ducking below the shot. I heard a ghostly howl as the arrow flew by my head.I pulled out some more slave collars. Whipping them at the other groups, causing them to scatter. These weren't modified but they didn't know that as they instinctively dodged away from the possible explosion.This bought me time to close in on the first group. The archer was up and about but the other three were in bad shape. Still trying to recover from my initial attack. I didn't want to waste my Blink Step just yet. 'Just a few more feet,' I thought, dodging another ghostly arrow just barely. I cast Earth Fist on the archer, throwing off his aim on his next attack.These people must think I was
Rock Bottom
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I stumbled and fell, my exhaustion too much. The beating followed shortly after. I didn't even have the energy to try and protect myself as I was beaten and whipped with a stick. I wasn't the only slave to fall over in our fast march south. What did they expect? We must have marched forty miles. Did they somehow expect people on foot to have the same amount of energy that the Black Dragon members, all on horseback had? It was ludicrous.I levered myself off the ground, the beating had subsided and my collar was causing me more and more pain as I failed to follow my orders. The rest period was over and we trudged onward. I almost fell again as my foot caught another root. I didn't know how much longer I could go on for. My body had been tired even before I was captured. My mind kept going back to the apartment and Fiona's severed head, staring at me accusingly.After the battle the Black Dragons had all come together, abandoning the city without a second thought. Th
Black Dragon
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Sharla got an almost sexual amount of joy from finally capturing the man who injured her so soon after the system came online. She even got the bonus of watching her escaped slave die. She didn't particularly care how the collar got removed from her slave. Only that there was no point putting a new one on her.After they captured the town, she had confronted the merchant that sold the collars to them. She discovered, through judicial use of pain, some flaws in the design of the collars. The basic ones weren't as immutable as they had been led to believe. Also that there was no point recapturing an escaped slave as they could not be compelled anew by the magic. So it was an easy decision to let Dominique remove her.After her chat with the merchant, she purchased the upgraded collars. Supposedly they had fixed the flaws from the previous design. Time would tell if she needed to return and end the merchant's miserable life. Unlike the old collars, these weren't yet t
Disciple of the moon
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The slave masters went easy on us today, only pushing us twenty-five miles. I think it had more to do with the large river, cutting from east to west. That now barred our path south, more than any form of sympathy for the slaves. As we stopped I saw Sharla conversing with her second in command, the Duelist.I never got the man's name and I was unable to make any changes to my settings. Unless Sharla changed her standing orders, prohibiting me from taking any new skills or changing any settings unless I begged her to let me. 'Fat chance of that happening,' I thought, remembering I still had one open skill slot.The man walked up to me, "Come with me, we are assigning you to a patrol group."I followed the man through the tents of sect members, to the outskirts of the hasty encampment. The slaves had slapped together whatever protection they could to hide from the elements. It was a good thing it was late spring and not fall or winter.We walked up
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Despite the condition of my armor I decided to wear it anyway. Tying up the straps and loose bits as best as I could. I looked like a fashion model, promoting the world's most ridiculous piece of clothing. I even imagined all the ooh's and ahh's from the imaginary crowd around me. I got a few odd looks from the other members of the group.In hindsight, I should have been paying more attention, instead of daydreaming and fiddling with my armor. Then perhaps I might have seen the arrow streaking towards me in time to dodge, instead of taking it in the knee. I was so surprised that the pain didn't register at first. A ridiculous thought that my days of adventuring were over, ran through my mind before the pain arrived. Falling over saved me from being hit by the next arrow.The arrows were being fired from quite a distance away. With my wounded knee, I was at a bit of a disadvantage. Good thing I still had my staff. I managed to lever myself up, knocking arrows aside as I hobbled to cove
A long Road Ahead
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
I awoke in a cold sweat. My sleep was plagued by nightmares about Fiona and her disembodied head, pleading for me to save her. The arms on her headless body reaching for me, all the while Sharla held me in an iron grip and laughed maniacally. Turning my head I could see it was near dawn, the inside of the tent barely visible in the early morning light, filtering through the canvas sides.I decided it would be preferable to head out to meet my patrol group early, rather than spending more time in the tent with Sharla. I quietly stood up and made my way out of the tent. Luck was with me as I slipped out without waking the woman. Time would tell if this angered her or not.I headed through the camp towards the gathering point. I was rather early as very few people were awake, except for a couple of guard groups patrolling the perimeter. I found a quiet out of the way spot to wait.Since nobody was around I decided to carve out a quick piece of metal, using th
Forest Kin
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
Our little scout group waited around the area until the rest of the caravan arrived, three hours later. I was called back to setup Sharla's tent and then left to my own devices for the rest of the day. Since it was around supper time I found where they served meals to slaves. Had a quick dinner and found a quiet place to just be alone. I had only been ordered to stay within five miles of the camp and return at night.It was surprisingly generous of Sharla to allow me this freedom but I didn't believe her charity for one minute. Instead, I took the opportunity to get as far from the camp as I could for as long as I could. I would also test this imposed range limit and see what happened. It would be important to know in the future. I knew I would likely get punished for this act, so I needed to make it worth the pain. To make my intentions less clear I walked upstream of the camp. When I was out of sight of anyone I ducked into the dense forest and just kept going.The forest was peacef
Final Destination
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
The days seemed to blur together as we marched south. It took another three days of walking to clear the massive forest of the Kin. Beyond that were a wasteland of burned-out homes, buildings, and cars. Despite our travel time and distance, we had only just made it to Milwaukee. The city had experienced something apocalyptic, even more so than the System appearing. As very little was left standing, short of a few sections of the highway. We moved quickly around the outskirts of the urban area, keeping an eye out for any possible hostiles.There were the occasional people, that fled at the first sight of our caravan. At first, riders were sent out to capture any survivors. When they never returned the group moved even quicker to clear the area. We were heading between two burned-out buildings along a rural road when we were ambushedScreaming men and women poured from the structures, heedless of their own safety. At least I thought they were men and women at first. As they got closer I
Black Dragon Stronghold
Mana System In The Apocalypse/Arch Angel
My crafting time was shortly interrupted. I could hear frantic activity from outside the door. I hastily packed away my gear and went to see what the commotion was about. It looked like everyone was packing up and preparing to head out. I could see a new group of individuals by the main entrance talking with Sharla. I decided to make my way over to listen in."Mistress Cotton, so good of you to return. We had thought you lost to the wilds." a man wearing formal business attire said, in a haughty tone.Just looking at Sharla, I could see her ire building. I made sure to stay out of her line of sight.Surprisingly she kept her feelings contained."Yes, well we had some delays. Nothing that I couldn't handle though."The man's gaze roamed over the remains of Sharla's troops. A significant amount had been lost to fighting in the north.The man let out a disdainful snort, "Yes, I can see you only brought back the dregs. Perhaps next t