A few days after the horrendous incident of Tower hijacking, a ceremony was held to respect the fallen victims from the incident in the Center Square.The president gave his speech after the ceremony, declaring that they will be opening a charity which donations would be given to the victims’ family.Meanwhile, the reparation for the infrastructure damages would be taken from the city’s fund and he would make sure that there will be no overlapping between the two.This statement is supported by the people who attended the event, which crowd had accumulated more than 300 people. Teachers, the police, office workers, students, everyone was there to pay their respects.After that, life had more or less returned to normal.While the ceremony in the square was commencing, the Orion Terrace also held their own ceremony in their courtyard. Led by Mr. Radcliffe because the headmaster was attending the president’s ceremony, it went on in conducive and respectful atmosphere.After the ceremony,
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