- Chapter 20
107 chapters
An Unusual Infatuation
“Hi Amelia,” Charity waved with a beautiful smile. But Amelia was in no mood for pleasantries, she had a dreadful sneer on her face and was embarrassed and pained for what Sam was doing. She still believed he was doing it to get back to her, but it was already going too far beyond what she could call a prank. Charity was a little surprised that her best friend didn’t respond to her greetings, but merely looking at her would tell anyone that Amelia wasn’t herself.“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, don’t tell me?” Benson paused, glancing at Amelia and then at Sam. He was confused, what was really going on; who was employing who? “Wait, I’m lost… what’s happening?”Benson questioned, curiously. He couldn’t deduce what was going on. He had called for Sam to attend the job fare, because he knew Sam was broke and needed a job to sustain himself, but seeing Sam here with a group of people around him was confusing. “I’m hiring, Ben,” Sam replied, stealing a glance at Charity, he fe
Meeting the man behind the veil.
“Is all this for real?” Ben approached Sam, looking anxiously at him. Now that Amelia had gone, it was time for Sam to explain how he was hiring people in the job fare instead of trying to get a job. He needed an explanation for the words that kept coming out of his mouth. “Let the lady answer, Ben. I cannot begin to explain,” Sam giggled, glancing at Ben and then returning his gaze to Charity who was still reasoning the offer. She was also doubting, maybe all this was merely a joke; because there was absolutely no way Sam was hiring people to work for him while he dropped out of school just to provide for a woman who had dumped him. “I would like to know what position you wish to employ me in and the salary compensation,” Charity tucked her blonde hair beside her ear, suddenly feeling shy for no reason. “My personal assistant, I need someone I can trust with my affairs. I’m willing to give you $5000 for accepting my offer and then $10,000 as your monthly compensation,” Sam answ
The Real Truth
Sam was utterly confused hearing the elderly man with gray hair calling him son, or maybe it was just because he was a young man. Old people tend to do that a lot. He walked slowly to the couch where the men sat, glancing at the number of guards that stood around the room; he couldn’t recognize any of them, they weren’t Clinton’s guards. Sam made himself comfortable on an empty couch next to the one the men were sitting on. The surprise was still on his face, but he wasn’t really aware of it. “Would you like a drink?” Clinton grabbed the bottle and began to fill an empty glass cup that had been kept for him. Sam hardly takes alcohol, but that wasn’t because he was allergic to it or anything; it was simply because he couldn’t afford it. He collected the glass from Clinton and stared at the golden brown liquid, he was damn anxious. Who was this man? He really wanted to know. “I know you must be having several thoughts in your mind as to who I am,” the man began. Sam raised his g
Secrets in the open
Jonathan walked into the sitting room through another door, he didn’t come from the elevator which means he had been in the villa before Sam came in. He was dressed in a navy blue suit, and red tie; looking like a sharp billionaire; Sam had never seen him looking so expensive and handsome. Jonathan was a little bit older than Ethan, but now that he looked more closely, they looked so much alike; and they both had gray hairs. Sam had always noticed that he looked a little bit like Jonathan, the man who he thought was his grandfather. But now, he realized he looked more like Ethan than Jonathan, they had the same blue eyes, and it was obvious that Ethan's gray hair was once blonde like Sam’s. Jonathan buttoned up his blazers and sat beside Sam, who looked like he just saw a ghost. With Jonathan present, his disbelief had been erased; all that Ethan had said was true. Sam covered his face with both hands as he tried to take in everything he had just heard. His life had changed for
The First Reveal
Red flushes ran through Charity’s face, she looked away; would she be able to work for Sam and not obviously fall in love with him? Considering the fact that she had always secretly admired him but because he was her best friend’s boyfriend, she didn’t want to do anything stupid to jeopardize their relationship. Although she wasn’t really here because of Sam, she came because of the money, seeing him dressed like this; it seems everything he was blabbering about that day was true. The guys that Sam had hired rose from their seats when they saw him coming, Charity also did the same when she saw them.“Welcome to the villa gentlemen and my lady,” Sam gave a bright smile.The previous day, he finally learned the secrets behind his sudden mysterious wealth, even though he didn’t believe it. He wouldn’t be surprised how shocked these people would be when they found out he owned the very property they were in. Sam gave all of them handshakes including Charity, even though he had an infa
Surprise! Beauty! Love at first sight!
Stephan's heartbeat skyrocketed, he couldn’t believe his eyes, this was the same Sam that was always looking homeless. How did all this happen in such a short time? What surprised him the most wasn’t just Sam, it was the three suited bodyguards that were walking behind him and a very beautiful lady beside him. Just in the space of a few days, Sam had become a millionaire with bodyguards and probably a new girlfriend. Stephan was so stoked that he stood by the side of the door, till one of Sam’s bodyguards opened it for Sam to pass through. Sam walked into the restaurant majestically, the place was also part of the properties that Ethan had given to him. Who would have thought that he would own the place he once worked at? He gazed at Stephan who was standing by the door with a shocked expression, and grinned; it feels so good to be wealthy, Sam thought as he made his way inside the restaurant followed closely by Charity. Charity had her hair done in a ponytail, with one of the l
Jealousy in its purest form
“Are you open or not? And why’s everyone staring at me?” The lady questioned surprisedly. “Because you look stunningly beautiful,” Sam didn’t know when the words left his mouth, but on second thought, he was glad he said it. Flushes of red rushed up the lady’s cheekbones, she smiled and looked away feeling embarrassed at Sam’s straightforward compliment.It wasn’t Charity’s intention but she felt bad anyway, she didn’t want to call it jealousy. Why exactly should she be jealous? Yeah, she liked Sam, but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t compliment another woman Yet she felt a tight squeeze on her chest looking at the way Sam focused on the lady. If she really wanted Sam, she would have rejected this job, now that she had accepted, it would be awkward to fall flat for your employer. “Please come in and have a seat, we are open,” Sam finished up his statement, while the lady was still standing in front of him blushing. He had never seen a lady so beautifully made, the first one was Ame
Another word for Awkward
Sam was surprised to see Emily standing inside the elevator, he wasn’t the only one who was astonished by her presence, Charity was mostly confused than surprised. And above that, Emily was confused too. Did Sam work in the same company as her? That would be a real red flag to what they had planned. Although if Sam worked here, he wasn’t going to be in a small position considering the guards and this woman that follows him all around, Emily thought. Nevertheless, this was the first time she was seeing him in Ethan’s Corporation, where she had been working for over three years which would conclude that Sam must be a new employee or something. They all stood there, and each person froze in their spot until the elevator door started closing again, the guard held it and glanced at Sam. Sam nodded and walked into the elevator, his gaze not leaving Emily. She was now wearing a black blazer on her dress making her look more official. The three guards and Charity stood in front of them
Trouble Looms
The doctor gasped when Elena burst in, he was so frightened that he fidgeted and all his medical tools fell off the bed. He sighed when he saw that it was Elena and started packing up his tools again. Even though he hadn’t seen her for a while, he knew who she was. “Why are you in such haste? And what are you doing in LA?” Ethan landed two questions for his wife who was still panting. She ran all the way to his room as she just got back from the airport; Elena wasn’t in the state. She was enjoying a nice vacation in Miami but decided to rush back because of what she had heard. “I should be the one asking you what you’re doing, Ethan,” Elena growled, as she tried to catch her breath. She was wearing a green flowery gown that was meant to be worn in the summer at the beach, it was the first dress she saw while she was rushing to get on the plane back to LA. Elena was Ethan’s wife, the woman his dad had forced him to marry after Helen’s death. However, he grew to love Elena, but he
What Real Brothers Wouldn’t Do!!
You might have been wondering why Joseph and Ethan have different last names, well that’s because they’re not from the same father, but the same mother. But the two loved each other just like normal brothers and didn’t allow their differences to come into their relationship. However, Ethan’s father refused to give any of his property to Joseph and Joseph didn’t really mind, because he was okay and content with what he had. However, Joseph and Ethan’s bond grew so tight that they didn’t see themselves as stepbrothers anymore but as normal ones; which was why Ethan entrusted him with Sam because he trusted him so much. Joseph, on the other hand, decided to grant Ethan’s wishes; and took Sam like his own son raising him like he wasn’t a wealthy child. Hearing that Joseph told Elena about Sam was unbelievable, it couldn’t be; there was no way. Ethan’s thought had rested solely on Clinton Wells, but Elena's reveal shocked him to the brim. He jumped off the bed and walked out of the