Marcus Renold was stunned when he heard Maribel's confession to him while they were on their date, Marcus Renold took a deep breath while he is seen drinking heavily into Luxurious Bar, He is pretty much drunk! " Hey Marcus, What are you doing here? " A Voice asked from behind when Marcus slowly turns to see his Best Friend standing before him, Levi Garrison is seen dressed in his Purple Luxurious Suit. " Levi? Levi? Is that really you? Are you really the one there? " Marcus Renold asked, He drank from his bottle of Vodka when he took a deep breath and he sighed, He slowly rose up from his seat. " Oh Marcus, What in the hell has gotten into you? You are not this kind of guy who gets drunk so easily, Why are you like this " Levi said when Marcus Renold fell on him, Marcus held the bottle of Vodka. " Well something unexpected happened today, That is something I never expected to see " Marcus Renold said when Levi slowly took him to his seat, Marcus took a deep breath while the songs
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