Maribel Bizrac and Alicia Cromwell both went to a Birthday party of a Friend of theirs, They were invited to one of their few friends birthday party, The Daughter of a Well known Senator whose partners with her Father.They were dining and wining, Enjoying themselves with happiness as the DJ gave them heavy beats for them to enjoy, Both boys and girls were present, Whoring around while enjoying themselves.Maribel is spotted dancing alone while holding her glass of wine!!If she is calm and gentle by nature, She will definitely be approached by many guys but Maribel is known as a Terror, Feared by all and respected by many, She is the definition of a boss lady who needs no man.An high value woman who still remains a virgin, Her Virginity is what makes her Fiancee, Marcus Renold respect her even though he despises her, Atleast he could see she actually respects herself and her body.Meanwhile although Alicia is the one who disvirgined Marcus Renold, But she wasn't a virgin then, Marcu
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