All Chapters of Rise of the Demon King: Caleb Gonzales's Rat Race: Chapter 71
- Chapter 80
192 chapters
Chapter 71: Heading for the Demon Rat Nest
Caleb's followers rushed towards him, even those who couldn't have possibly heard him. They lined up in front of him, with the brainwashed followers in front of his regular followers. His eyes scanned the assembled demon rats to make sure they were all there. All twenty three demon rats were waiting to hear why he had them assemble."It is time," he said.The quicker ones were quick to catch on to what he was saying and vibrate in place. Seeing how excited they were was a bit unnerving. He still sometimes thought of them as the baby demon rats he cared for, but he forced himself to ignore it. Of course, the brainwashed demon rats didn't react at all and simply stared at him with blank expressions."We will be attacking the enemy nest," Caleb clarified to make sure everyone was on the same page.The ones that hadn't caught on immediately perked up as Gloria asked, "When will we be leaving?""We will be leaving right away. There's no need to postpone it any longer," he said. "However, s
Chapter 72: Attacking the Demon Rat Nest (1)
As soon as the words left his mouth, his followers rushed forward to stand in front of him. They were prepared to take on whatever they were about to face. Caleb didn't think to retake the lead. He was perfectly happy to stay behind them and let them do all the work. Admittedly, it felt a little scummy to use his followers as a shield.Of course, he didn't count the brainwashed ones. If they died, he wouldn't bat an eye. He would be a little upset over losing the meatsheilds, but it wasn't like they swore to serve him or he had raised them himself. It might even be better to let the enemy destroy itself. That way, he didn't have to worry about the brainwashed demon rats after the fight.Suddenly, a couple demon rats burst out of the cave entrance. Immediately, the brainwashed demon rats in the front attacked. They sank their teeth and claws into the unsuspecting demon rats. Since the numbers coming out of the cave were small compared to his forces, it didn't take long for his forces t
Chapter 73: Attacking the Demon Rat Nest (2)
None of his followers hesitated to approach the cave entrance, with the brainwashed taking the front, the giant demon rats in the middle, and Caleb at the end. Caleb had the brainwashed form two lines. Numbers six through eight would be in the very front, followed by numbers nine through twelve. This was a way to prevent all of them from being wiped out right off the bat.Since the cave entrance was quite large, two giant demon rats could pass with some space between each other and the walls. That was why he had Gloria and Helen act as the third row. Matthew and Tina were his last line of defense as they entered the cave. With the sun setting, they didn't have much light to rely on as they walked inside.Caleb debated for a moment about using [Fireball] to light up the path. It would allow them to see where they were going, but the enemy would also be able to see them too. However, given the circumstances, they were already at a disadvantage. Making sure the skill wouldn't hit them, C
Chapter 74: Attacking the Demon Rat Nest (3)
The demon rat leader stared at the entrance to the inner sanctum. It had heard the traps go off a while ago, but there hadn't been any death throe cries. In the beginning, there had been screams at intervals. However, it was strangely quiet. It didn't believe for a second that the enemy had died without making a sound. All the traps were perfectly designed to prolong the enemies' suffering.After some deliberation, it pointed at a couple demon rats and ordered, "Go look."They hesitated. None of them wanted to go, but they reluctantly obeyed. As their leader, they had no right to refuse its orders. It had been their leader for several months, proving itself to be stronger than all of them. However, that didn't mean they were satisfied following it. All of them were waiting for a chance to overthrow it and take its place as the leader of the nest.The trio of demon rats approached the entrance and stared into the darkness. The only light source in the room was the fire that was set up
Chapter 75: Attacking the Demon Rat Nest (4)
Caleb's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when a purple gas spilled out of her mouth. That wasn't something a demon rat should be able to do. He would know since he fought them plenty of times in the game. Even though he didn't know what kind of effect it had, he wasn't willing to wait around and find out. She needed to be dealt with right away before she filled the whole place with poison gas."Attack the leader," he ordered as he entered the fray.Using [Fireball], he launched several fireballs in her direction. Shutting her mouth, she darted away to hide behind the rock formation she was previously standing on. He quickly realized it wasn't only to avoid his fireballs, as the fireballs collided with the purple gas. Suddenly, the whole world lit up, blinding and deafening everyone in the cavern.When Caleb recovered, he saw that everyone had been blown back by the force of the explosion. Those unfortunate enough to be within range were blown to shreds. Luckily, none of them ha
Chapter 76: Absorbing the Enemy Demon Rats into the Army
It was almost pitiful how easy it was to clean up the forces after dealing with their leader. The keyword being almost. Caleb studied the demon rats in front of him. His estimate of how many there were had been right. There were about sixty of them. Of course, that wasn't including some of the ones that had been killed. Some of the bodies were too mutilated to guess which part belonged to whom.There was also the explosion from earlier. Caleb was pretty sure some of the demon rats that had been unfortunate enough to be close to the explosion had been vaporized. He had no way of proving that, though, so he had no way of knowing the original number unless the enemy was willing to offer up that information to him. Well, there was no point in knowing anyway.What was the point of knowing how many there were to begin with if they were dead? The dead weren't going to be integrated into his army. He wasn't some kind of necromancer. Actually, now that he was in the game, he wondered if there
Chapter 77: Returning Back to Base
Dennis studied the trap formations to make sure everything was in place. Of course, nothing had changed since he last checked it ten minutes ago, but he needed to be sure. With their king absent, it fell to him to be in charge of the nest and ensure it was well protected from enemies. It had been several hours since the king and the others left.The king didn't say how long it would be until their return, so they had no way to know when they would be back. It could be a few more hours or several days later. All they could do was wait, but the idea that the king would be away for so long was nerve wracking. Dennis wasn't the only one anxiously waiting for their king's return, as the rest of them kept checking the borders for any signs of the group.All of them had the same idea and wished they had been part of the group that had gone with their king. At least that way, they could be by his side. Dennis sighed as he observed his surroundings. He didn't like taking on the role of tempora
Chapter 78: Well Deserved Nap
Dennis stared at their sleeping king, who had barked out orders not to be disturbed after they returned to the nest. Their king hadn't even taken a moment to check the status of the base before simply collapsing into the soft nest they had prepared for him. Something must have happened while their king was away, and Dennis turned his attention to the other demon rats that had returned with him.Gloria, Matthew, Helen, and Tina were covered in bits of flesh and blood, with some dust in the mix. Otherwise, they appeared to be relatively unscathed from their journey, which was expected of them. However, that wasn't what caught his attention. His eyes were solely fixated on the demon rats with them. Those had to be the enemy, and he wanted to know why they were there.Sensing everyone's gazes on them, Gloria said, "Our king has claimed them as his slaves."Even though their king had explained it to them before they returned back to the nest, she still had a hard time understanding. All sh
Chapter 79: Waking Up to Chaos
Caleb blinked several times to make sense of what happened while he was taking his nap. Well, rather than a nap, it was more correct to call it a deep sleep. He had slept the whole day away, after all. This was certainly going to lead to a messed up sleeping schedule for the next few days, but that wasn't the reason why he was currently befuddled.Unable to take it anymore, he asked, "What are you doing?"His followers and slaves looked at him innocently, but there was nothing innocent about what they were doing. He had left them to their own devices because it had never been a problem before. Whenever he was asleep, they had done well to keep watch and make sure the base was safe. So why was it that he was seeing them drag demons into the base?He had only been asleep for a couple hours. Okay, it was more than several hours, but that was beside the point. Where did they get the idea to drag other demons into their fold? He had never told them to do this. It was a huge security issue.
Chapter 80: A Large Force
Caleb should have known better than to jinx himself. Staring at the demon rats in front of him, he wondered how things had turned out this way. It had seemed like any other day. He had been busy leading the demon rats while also dealing with any demons challenging his authority. When he had seen a large force of red dots heading in their direction, he immediately had all his forces be ready to face it.There had to be at least one hundred of them, and he had feared the worst. He had thought that perhaps the humans had caught wind of them again and intended to pick a fight with him. Another possibility that crossed his mind had been that it was an army of demons who couldn't stand him acting up despite being only a mere demon rat.When the enemy force finally came to view, he hadn't been sure whether he should be relieved or worried. An army of one hundred demon rats had stood in the distance. If demon rats were their enemy, Caleb was sure his side would be able to handle them. However