All Chapters of Secretly Godly: Chapter 161
- Chapter 170
300 chapters
Heavenly Judgement
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Dean's eyebrows moved when he felt the aura, he immediately turned to his back and the powerful aura pushed him backwards.He gains his balance back and faced the two monsters that had just resurrected, he thought the two monsters were dead, especially the one he killed last, since it didn't have regeneration ability at first, there was noway he could regenerate himself back again.It appears his region skill did the trick, while the other monster's death was uncertain, whatever the case, these two monsters have used a lot of energy, they wouldn't be too powerful for him to handle.Dean's eyes changed to blue and the probability of him winning was 10 percent, while the monster had a 90 percent chance of defeating him.His eyebrows moved to cover his eyes, he hasn't seen such odds against him before, this is certainly life-threatening.“You bastard!!”Weston immediately blasts to Dean, the movement let out a burst of wind behind Weston, and he instantly reached Dean, Dean's eyes widene
Dean Hunter
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Dean released a powerful wave of wind energy, and everything stopped moving, this zone skill is a combination of his special effect power, the result is something groundbreaking, but his aftermath is different from the rest mages that have mastered this technique, and that is because his special effect is strange.He appeared in a white room, Dean turned to his back and a giant balance scale was behind him.The chances of him winning was still one percent and the chances of him dying here was 99 percent.Dean hesitated before he uttered.“I trade myself”Immediately Dean uttered, the chances of him winning skyrocketed to a hundred percent, and he instantly came out of the white room.Karter and Weston finally gain conscious of themselves, their faces squeezed seeing Dean's katana color has changed to white, the hell is wrong with this brat.“Bas.....”Karter eyes shot open seeing Dean was standing close to him, and his Katana was reaching to slash his head away, the hell is wrong wit
In A Terrified State
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Oliver face hardened, he really wanted to see how far Benjamin Lane head would go if he kicked it hard, but this little girl had to spoil his fun.This simply shows she is a wicked person, she allowed him to waste his time to position himself, and deliver a perfect kick only for she to stop it, his fist hardened, he will kill her first because of the crime she just committed.He faced Helen and his jaw raised a little, the girl didn't sustain any injuries from his kick, the power he exerted on the kick was more powerful than the ones he has been giving these people.His face darkened, this little girl is stronger than these people on the floor, how come he didn't sensed her all these while, he thought this old man energy was the highest here, but it seems it's this little girl.Oliver lips formed a half smile.“Well, well, did you actually think these people will be able to stop me”“Is that why you chose to stay behind because you thought these livestock will defeat me”“How dare you
Adam Claus
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Adam eyes widened, he wasn't expecting this monster's ultimate form to be a giant level, since the body mass has increased, his endurance rate will be on a high side now, that will surely hinder his internal explosion timer.His guess was approximately five minutes, but with this current shape, it might take ten to twelve minutes to see another explosion, this damn monster really wants to put him at the edge of his seat.“Boom!”He evades the attack and the monster's giant fist strikes the ground, Colton's face harden seeing he missed his target, he immediately moved his hands to Adam's current position and started pounding the area with his fist.“Doom!”“Doom!”“Doom!”The area crumbles to dust and Colton cheeks moved, he stayed alert while he was pounding the area, and he didn't see Adam leaving, which means he caught the bastard off guard, and he might be dead already.He waits for the dust to clear away, his eyes wanted to assess the massive destruction on the floor when Adam voi
Everything Will Be Fine Now
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Jose stares at the wall, thank goodness monsters are not trooping inside anymore, the wall shattered and dozens of monsters stormed inside but for some reason, they were rushing to the stadium direction without caring for the humans they were seeing, only some low—life G ranked monsters stayed behind, and his team has killed them all.“Everybody. Report just came in, they are over six B ranked monsters inside Cherry city, and they are all monsters at ultimate level”The crowd panicked by Geal words, some of them fell to the ground by the sudden fear that Geal voice created.“Don't worry, we are all going to be fine, I have been given a safe route to follow, and I promise we won't encounter any monsters on our way there”The fear subsided and everybody straighten up again, one of the old men around raise his hand.“Sir Geal, what if we encounter monsters on the way, we should just stay here and wait for the rescue team to come, after all, no monster is coming in”“We should wait”Every
Big Big Brother
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Everybody panicked face was seen, they knew Henry is an E ranked mage, and Sir Jose said only an S ranked mage can eliminate these monsters without issues, which simply means Henry is going to be killed instantly.They wanted to move quickly, they intend to runaway, but they couldn't move their jelly legs, what if the monsters immediately killed Henry and attacked the ones that tried to escape or what if they faced a greater problem once they escape this one.They didn't know what to do rather than to wait patiently for death.currently, they can only pray that Henry succeeds.Henry stopped his movement and his posture seemed to be covering the sunlight in the area, he raised his shoulder and uttered with a man filled with confidence.“Dad, you don't have to worry about me, these monsters are no match for me. Everyone can relax, I am here, so you are safe.”Everybody face squeezed when they heard Henry's words, but they couldn't voice out any words, they could only pray that before He
Have A Blazing Heart
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Everybody was flabbergasted, Geal eyes opened widely with shock written on his face, this kid has two zones skill and he is able to use them simultaneously, is such a thing even possible, how can a kid be able to perform something like this.‘No… no…. this is no kid…. this is a master…. a grandmaster’Fear grips Geal heart, he actually wanted to offend somebody like this, and he even came to worry his father, he is surely looking for his death, he really wants to die.Jose was frozen in his position, he couldn't believe this kid had three zone skills, is that even possible. This wasn't the zone skill Henry used that day, the hell is going on here, who dare hell is this kid.Did the military really reject somebody like this, or he rejected the military.This kid is unbelievable!“Let go boys, Let get this done!”Henry marched forward with his flames soldiers, their strength has increased greatly, and he can summon fifty now, soon he will be able to summon the maximum, which is a hundr
Xander And Ezra
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Xander stares at the stadium, he could feel it, he could feel the energy of mages disappearing at a fast rate, he doesn't know why Dean placed him and Ezra here, they are captains, and they are supposed to be participating in this fight.Dean didn't position one captain but two, he knows the people are important, but if they don't eradicate these monsters on time, the loss will be great.He turned when he heard the murmuring sounds of the people behind him, it seemed the transport vehicles from wood city have arrived, once they finished here, he will go to the front of the stadium to join the team there.Xander wanted to face captain Ezra when his eyes met with Lora, his eyes widened a little.He remembered Lora was in a wheelchair and he noticed then that she was sick, so normal mages in the hospital wouldn't be able to help her, only maverick Winston can cure diseases, if that is the case, then this girl was healed by Maverick.There is noway a commoner can meet up with Maverick and
The Next Level
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Xander and Ezra faces darkened seeing the enormous energy this monster was exhibiting, and it hasn't entered ultimate form yet, this amount of energy is already worrisome and this isn't all of it, according to their observation, this monster will get stronger and fast whenever they kill it, this alone makes this monster a formidable opponent.Can they fight something like this, they have numerous people behind them, what if this monster decides to explore this route.Ezra gets to his feet and faces the monster with an emotionless expression, they have so many people behind them, this should be one of the reasons they shouldn't joke around with this monster, if the monster decides to eliminate the normal humans first, they might not be able to protect everybody.His grips harden in his katana handle, he fell to his knees when the monster came attacking, he couldn't even block the attack, whereas Xander blocked the attack and still stayed on his feet, doesn't this show the people around
The Fourth Resurrection
Secretly Godly/Chessman
Alexander head dropped to the ground, his dreams are slowing turning into reality, finally his cursed will soon be broken, once everything is completed, he will be able to enter his ultimate life, his true form, he can't wait to experience the joy.He will get to create an extravaganza show that will send shivers into the crowd watching, and the characters will quiver with endless fear until they meet their end, what could be more interesting than ripping the heart of those that killed him five times, nothing, NOTHING will be more interesting than that.However, once he resurrects for the fourth time, he won't be able to hold himself anymore, his body will seek desperately for life force, and he will lose control of his goal, he hopes these mages can survive his fourth resurrection; otherwise he will never enter his ultimate life.“must survive......”Ezra slashes Alexander head to pieces, then he slashes the monster's body to nothing, he placed his katana back when he was done.He is