All Chapters of Hidden Fortune of the Wretched Son In-law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
109 chapters
Logan entered into the sitting room, looking worn out. It was a few minutes past nine, two hours have gone by while he was taking care of just a job. Stephen is long gone, he should have seen his ancestors in hell by now. When it comes to women and children, Logan doesn't spare anyone, you'd die by his hands no matter what. As he was about relaxing on the couch, Ava's voice boomed in the room. "Where have you been?" she asked in a low tone with her forehead creasing. Logan was a little startled, he didn't see her when he came in and she spoke all of a sudden."Oh, I am sorry I didn't inform you. A restaurant was looking for a part-time manager due to personal reasons, I had to try to see if I could get the job since it was a one time thing and luckily I got the job, we just closed now and I got paid a few dollars, it wasn't much but then, it can do some things for me" the lies rolled out of his mouth smoothly like he has been practicing them. Logan couldn't help but cuss mentally,
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moving in
After his call with Daryl, Logan finished up his food and left the dinning to Ava's room. Without planning on intruding, he gently knocked on her door before going inside. She was seated on her bed while working on her laptop. "So?" Logan uttered, taking a seat beside her on the bed. She raised up her head before closing her laptop and focusing her attention on Logan. "I know that we do not love each other but with the way things have turned out, we have to act lovey dovey all the time so that my family won't suspect anything. We will also have to share a room, even if it's not okay by you, there's nothing I can do about that" Ava laid out. It's true that they barely know anything about each other but then, since they are already married, it's just right they make everybody believe otherwise. "I understand that, it's necessary" Logan replied in a single tone, he doesn't have anything to say in particular because he already predicted this before now. "And... It's nothing, forget
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Logan stood there watching his father and mother in-law leave He was totally livid but still maintained his calm, Logan has never been a patient type but somehow, he has been digesting everything this family have been saying to him. How he manages to stay tranquilized is a mystery to him. "Are you not coming in?" Ava asked breaking him from his chain of thoughts. She didn't bother to apologize to him because she sees no reason to.Without saying anything, he followed her into the room. "This is where we will be staying, your things will be moved into the closet" she explained while Logan looked around the room, it's big enough to contain both of them. That's all that he could see. "I will love it if you don't get too comfortable in my personal space and cross the line between us" she warned making Logan to raise his brow at her. Is she saying this to him? Was there a line between them before now? There's no way he is here because of her and then, she will draw a line between them
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The Hilton's dilemma
The moment Grandpa Hilton left, Logan brought out his phone and sent a message before leaving the library irritated, his heart burning from rage and retaliation for these people. Slamming the door behind him, he found himself going back into the house. Thankfully, there was no one in the living room so he went straight into their room. Even Ava wasn't in the room when he got there, she has either gone to work or probably just anywhere in the house. Logan like it more that she is not in the room, he will have time to do what he wants. He brought out his laptop and placed it on the bed and getting to work. The nonsense about him cleaning should be a joke because that's the last thing he will want to do, he can at least fax those emails but not cleaning. Logan inputted the details of the person and sent him a message. *Are you not going to give me back my data?* he typed that on his laptop and pressed sent, about three minutes later, he got a notification announcing that the person re
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Collateral; Gray Co shares
While the Hilton was calling all the media houses and their partners, trying to explain to them, Logan went back inside and turned on the televison in the room. He initially wanted to enjoy watching the news but when he saw that the paparazzi were in the company giving Ava a hard time, he stopped moving for a second. He could barely see the head of his wife because she was literally surrounded by tons of reporters and this is being broadcasted live. Logan dropped the remote and rushed out with immediacy, if he could fly, he'd do that right now. No one bothered to ask him where he was going, no one even notice him leaving because of the tension. Logan had known that whatever he will do will affect Ava but he still did it, as much as he is interested in her, he won't forgive her family for humiliating him all the time. He entered into his car and drove off, not caring about it befiting her family's already stained image or not. He is not going there to chase the paparazzi away but to
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Alex David
"What? Don't you think it's too much? You already have the right to make decisions in the company since you are a shareholder but 10% shares?" Ava addressed as a frown naturally appeared on her face. Even as the vice president, she doesn't have up to 25% percent of shares. "I am a very busy person, you can call me when you are ready" Daryl said at the verge of ending the call when Ava interrupted. "I will ask my Dad to transfer the shares to you" she blurted, not bothering to think about it twice. She concluded that they will be able to pay back the money in two months and get their shares back. Meanwhile, Logan felt satisfied. He chuckled continuously to himself while watching them exchange words. With the amount of shares he has gathered in his in-laws' company, he will be able to overthrow them and take over the company completely if he want to.Logan is only laying foundation for the future, he will make sure to have everything in his palm. That way, his retaliation in the futu
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Something to do
Logan furrowed his eyebrow in confusion, what is he doing here even after Ava got married? "It's okay Grandpa, despite the fact that our marriage fell through, Ava is still my friend and I still love her as one. You can come to me if you need any little help, I am always ready to help" Alex spoke with his emphasis on the 'love' and 'friend'Although he doesn't know what their relationship is, if Ava will marry a stranger instead of him that's her 'friend' then, their relationship is messy. They definitely doesn't get along and are not friends so why is Alex saying that to gain favour from the Hilton family? What are his intentions? What help can he render when he doesn't have much in his account? Alex wouldn't have given them the amount of money Logan offered to them and he knows that. "You are so kind, I know I made the right choice for my granddaughter but this happened" Grandpa Hilton said, sounding heartbroken and Logan couldn't help but roll his eyes at their drama, instead o
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A leech
The next morning came by quickly and just as he thought, Logan didn't sleep a wink. He was roaming around the house untill morning, he couldn't sleep since memories of the past were coming back as nightmares. "Why are you awake so early?" Ava asked, yawning and getting herself out of the bed. "I am not a morning person I think" he replied with a shrug. It's true that he wakes up early but then, that wasn't the case today. He just didn't find himself sleeping. She got out of the bed, heading into the bathroom. It was their first night together on the same bed yesterday and they just slept without bothering the other. Logan was seated on the chair in front of the mirror, all of a sudden, he decided to instigate her to see her reaction. "Some Alex guy was here yesterday, he claimed to be your friend" Ava froze on the spot the moment those words rolled out of Logan's mouth. She staggered and held the wall for support, the expression on her face changed into that of fear and disgust.
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De Coaster
Without having to take permission from anyone, Logan left the mansion in the same car he was warned to discard. How can he throw something he just got away because his grandfather In-law said so? And if he had done that, how will he be transporting? Using public cars? He is not used to that, Logan can't even remember the last time he used that. Seeing that he still have enough time, he drove at a slow pace and didn't bother about being late. He will have to rest if he gets there before the meeting because it's still early hours of the morning. It's past 9am. About twenty minutes later, he got to the Blue Carter's mansion and was welcomed firstly by Clark, one of his members. "Welcome Blue, good morning" he greeted Politely. "Good morning Clark""A package arrived very early in the morning today for you, Alfred asked me to keep it till you get here" he explained handing a wrapped delivery for him. Logan naturally creased his forehead together on seeing that, he didn't expect anyon
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Friendly and then strike
After making the declaration, no one countered to it since they believe that Logan will take care of any situation just fine. They don't have to worry about him. "When is the general meeting with the other mafia families again?" Logan asked. "Thursday next week, by 7pm" Alfred replied"Please one of you should remind me of it next week, I know a lot of people doesn't want me there but I wish to attend""Noted Blue" Alfred replied, bowed and left the brothers to talk. "I hope sister in-law didn't starve you today? Have you taken breakfast?" Daryl asked sitting back on the couch. Logan haven't told him about moving into his wife's family mansion, Daryl will think he is crazy if he gets to know. "Of course I have, my in-laws were so kind to let me have breakfast with them" Logan replied, nodding his head. "Does that mean that they spent the night in your apartment? Why? Do they think you are going to run away with their daughter?" Daryl queried. "They think I will run away with her
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