All Chapters of Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
197 chapters
Ch- 21 : Followed
Two days after the incident at Cassie and Mark's apartment, Connor and Andrew were seated in a bar in Clovelly, which Connor was a shareholder of. In the heart of the city's upscale district, the posh bar stood as a haven of sophistication and refinement. The warm glow of dimmed chandeliers bathed the room in a soft radiance, casting dancing shadows upon the mahogany bar counter. As expected, the ambiance was one of sophistication and luxury, and the gleaming bar counter showcased an array of meticulously arranged top-shelf liquor bottles. The soft hum of laughter and clinking glasses created an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration.Connor leaned against the backrest of the couch, dressed in his tailored suit and an air of casual confidence as he swirled the drink in his hand. His position in the bar was apparent not just through the way he held himself, but also the ease with which he interacted with the staff. But if one looked closely enough, they would find that something
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Ch -22 : Invitation
Cassie was pulled out of her thoughts when the apartment’s doorbell rang.Thinking that it might be Mark, she rushed to open the door ;but it was the same incident all over again, because she found Andrew and Moira standing there at her door.“Why are you guys here again?”She spoke, this time, shielding the entrance with her body.This time, she was already prepared- she wasn't going to let them inside today, just so they could pass unnecessary and uninvited remarks about her marriage, and continue bad- mouthing her husband because of his pedigree. “I wonder, has nobody truly taught you manners, or have you just chosen to shed them willingly? Because as far as I remember, we both used to take the classes for morals and etiquette together!”Andrew asked, pushing her aside and stepping inside without caring that this action had made her hit the raised edge of the wall, scratching her elbow.Moira followed his head, casually running her gaze around the room;“Oh my dear! Your health an
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Ch -23 : Get out !
"Enough, Andrew!" she retorted, her voice carrying a steely edge. "I've endured your insults and snide comments for far too long. Mark is a good man- a better person than any of you have ever shown yourselves to be!"Mark observed the subtle shift in her posture, as her chin was held higher at this moment than he had ever seen it.The elegant grace that had always characterized her movements seemed to be accompanied by an underlying tension, evident in the way her spine stood straight, her shoulders were squared with resolve, and the fire burning in her eyes. Yet, Andrew was lost in his own world. He scoffed, his disbelief evident. "You're blinded by some misguided sense of rebellion, dear sister. But I guess, that's what happens when you've been a goody two shoes all your life! But I'm warning you, you're throwing away your heritage for nothing more than a whim."This seemed to snap a fuse inside Cassie's head, and she took a threatening step forward before snarling;"Then that's
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Ch- 24 : Followed
Andrew helped himself off the ground, dusting his clothes with a scowl on his face. The hatred he felt towards Mark at this moment could not be put into words, and he felt like needed to smash something or hit someone right at this moment.Moira, who had been watching everything with shock painted across her pictures, made her way towards him. “Oh God, Drew! Are you okay? You, look! What have you done, you will pay for this!”Andrew, whose pride had been wounded too many times by now, walked out of the apartment without responding to Moira’s question. She followed his lead, but not before throwing a couple of dirty glances towards Cassie and Mark.As the door closed behind Andrew and Moira, Cassie let out a relieved sigh, thanking her stars that the unwelcome guests had finally left. The tension in the air dissipated at last, leaving her alone with Mark for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The sun was almost about to set, and the dissipating light entered through the li
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Ch- 25 : Exclusive invite
Three hours after leaving their apartment, Mark finally returned to the Rover family mansion, and went directly to his grandfather's room.He didn't even wait to greet his parents or let them know about his arrival since he needed to talk to his grandfather privately. After all, the information he had gotten his hands on, was important to be shared with him.Maxwell was reading something while sitting on a chair placed behind a desk placed on the left side of his room, when he heard a knock on his door."Yes! Come in!Mark, you? My boy, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't really need permission to enter my room? That time I scolded you was a mistake -""Grandpa, you don't have to be sad because of the past, nor you have to bring it up once again.I am here to share something really important with you."Mark gave one of the most enticing smiles of his life; finally, after all these years, he was getting some semblance of hope back in his life."What is it?" Maxwell sto
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Ch- 26 : Willowbrook Estate
Earlier that afternoon:The party was being held at the countryside estate of the Rover family, named the "Willowbrook Estate". Nestled amidst lush green fields and towering trees, the estate was the very definition of grandeur. Normally, on approaching the estate that the family usually visited once a year, a majestic wrought-iron gate adorned with intricate vine patterns greeted the visitors, opening onto a sweeping gravel driveway that led to the heart of the property.The facade of the main manor was a masterpiece of architectural craftsmanship, featuring creamy limestone walls adorned with delicate ivy climbing along the edges. A centuries-old willow tree spread its graceful branches near the entrance, casting a gentle shade over the grounds- after all, this had inspired the name of the estate.Mark remembered that back when they were kids and he was home from boarding school for his vacations, he and his brother would spend their days over here.This was the first time he was
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Ch -27 : Power
"Brooo!" Alex gave him a wink and stepped towards him."Okay,so tell me what this new plan of yours entails -""Nuh uh! That, my friend, is a secret -""Oh, come on!"Alex whined."No! None of your tactics are going to work this time."Mark smiled.He was going to say something more, as he moved from his place in front of the mirror, deciding that he looked perfect; and took Alex's tie from his hands. While he was arranging the maroon tie, Alex found the chance to speak again;"Okay, leave that! Tell me, when are you going to introduce me to my sister- in- law?"Before Mark could have replied to Alex's question, his phone screen flashed on to display a message notification popping up.A smile appeared on Mark's face the moment he glanced towards the screen."Today! And I guess your sister in law really does have a long life, as she has almost arrived."While saying this, Mark loosened the noose of the tie from around his neck, and looped it under the collar of Alex's shirt as he cont
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Ch: 28 - Hyena
Connor also noticed that even though they were heading towards the exclusive entrance, their steps had stopped near the common area for some reason. A smile crept up on his face as Connor realized that it would be a great time to get Mark thrown out of the party, before he appeared in front of any prominent personalities of the city.After all, Cassie should also get a taste of what it looked like to get her pride hurt by somebody! With all these agendas lined up in his mind, he made his way towards them; and before Mark and Cassie would have started walking once again, he was standing in front of them."Oh, hello Cassie! Casandra Holmes, if I am not wrong -""Connor…"Cassie murmured the name to herself at a volume low enough to not let anyone hear, knowing that she had never told Mark about Connor and his proposal. Looking back at it, she had two reasons for that decision; in the initial period of knowing Mark and getting close to him, she had a fear that Mark might feel like he
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Ch - 29 : Warning
As if Connor's presence was not already enough to trigger the calm tiger sleeping inside Mark's heart! That Andrew had also arrived there and decided to make the worst mistake of his life by challenging Mark by adding to his previous sentence;"So tell me what other tricks do you have up your sleeves, are you going to complain about my friend to Mr. Rover?""Andrew! My friend, haven't you heard this phrase before that goes like: 'The dogs who bark, don't bite'.""Oh, my bad, Connor! I seem to have forgotten that phrase, thank you for reminding me."Andrew replied and lifted his hand to take a look at his watch, and he said again. "I guess only fifteen minutes are left for the start of the exclusive party. Don't you think you need to rush to check the arrangements one last time, before you start the serving?Going by your looks, it is really clear that Mr Rover has really been quite generous to you by giving you some branded clothes."He added his last remark as if he himself was d
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Ch- 30 : Real beggar
Everyone turned in the direction of the authoritative voice that had just echoed in their ears, only to find Maxwell Rover himself, standing there.Andrew had only heard the name of the great Maxwell Rover but had never really had the opportunity to meet him, or even see him in person.Hence, he was still in confusion about who this old person was, and was about to say something. But on the other hand, Connor Lawrence and Mariella Holmes had not only heard his name, but had seen him on a few occasions, during major business conferences and bids.So before Andrew could get the chance to open his mouth and make things worse when they were already on the ground, Lady Mariella Holmes spoke up. "Hello Mr. Rover, it's nice to see you here! I was not expecting that you yourself would care to come to receive the guests by yourself -'"So! As I was saying! He could not only get you thrown out by asking the guards, staff or security, but he can throw you out by dragging you out by himself.Bu
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