All Chapters of Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide: Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
189 chapters
Chapter 11: Truce
"How about this? You don't try to kill me again, and I won't hurt you," said Donald.The young girl just glared at him, and Donald wondered what he should do if she refused. It was too dangerous to let her live after she had tried to kill him, but he had never killed a person before. Killing the zombies was already a tough hurdle. The only reason he was okay with it was because it was a life or death situation, and it was easy not to think of them as people.People didn't go around biting other people. At least not the sane ones. Also, they didn't have twisted bodies, so he could pretend that the zombie in front of him hadn't been a person before. What happened earlier with Amanda didn't count either. That had been an unfortunate accident, and he was going to stand by that thought.After several moments of intense silence, the young girl finally said, "Fine."Donald was about to put her down but hesitated. "Are you really going to keep your word?""What do you mean?" the young girl de
Chapter 12: Preparing to Leave the Building
The woman didn't seem to believe him, but Donald was being completely honest. The last thing they needed was a repeat of what happened outside not too long ago. As soon as he thought this, Donald felt ill and tried to calm himself down. It wasn't his fault that Amanda died. It was just an unfortunate accident. He was only doing what anyone else would have done in his place.Only someone crazy or with a death wish would have continued to try to pull her up with zombies literally biting at his feet. If they hadn't been chased by zombies, things would have been different. His thoughts must have been visible on his face as his superior looked at him with a strange expression. It wasn't actually a worried or pitying one. It was almost like she had an understanding expression.Donald pretended he didn't see it as he said, "We should get going before the zombies from the upper floors decide to come down."She raised an eyebrow and said, "They haven't come down in hours. I don't think that'll
Chapter 13: Sharing Information
Donald couldn't hide his shock as he stared at her with wide eyes. "What? But how?""How did I control the zombies?" At his frantic nod, Nicole said, "It's simple. I manipulated their blood."His face immediately curled in disgust. Was that how she did it? He supposed it was true that zombies had blood. It wasn't like the blood vanished the moment they became zombies, but it was hard for him to wrap his mind around. The image of her waving her arms around as she tried to control their blood popped into his head, which he quickly waved off.Even though he had only known her for a brief time, he could tell that she wouldn't do something ridiculous like that. Maybe she used her mind to control the blood. As soon as he thought of that, he broke out in a cold sweat. If she could really control their blood with her mind, who's to say she couldn't do that to a real person? He tried to keep his face blank, but she seemed to see right through him."If you're worried I'll try something with you
Chapter 14: Question Restrictions
Donald smiled as he asked, "What are the restrictions?"[The user cannot ask very specific questions, such as, can zombies see humans within a one mile radius.]That was a strangely very specific question. He wasn't sure why he would ask such a question. Obviously, he would have asked if the zombies relied on sight or hearing to attack, but he wouldn't have thought to ask how far they could see and specifically about humans. Donald wondered if the question itself was a hint about the zombies' characteristics.[The questions must be in yes or no format. Any other format will be ignored and possibly penalized if the user pushes it. Questions that can't be answered with a yes or no will also remain unanswered.]He expected as much, but the last part bothered him. If the system wouldn't be able to answer the question with a yes or no, wouldn't that mean it didn't know either? That wasn't exactly reassuring. He thought the system would know everything about what was happening since they we
Chapter 15: Scouting Ahead
When she put it like that, Donald felt like a fool. It would have been nice if she had said it more nicely, but it really looked like the system had made him out to be a fool. Why had the system betrayed him like this? Wasn't it supposed to be on his side? What was the point of trying to trick him into thinking it was fine to ask questions when it wasn't?[The system is not purposely being deceitful. There are rules that have to be followed.]Donald wasn't sure what to think of the message. On one hand, he was kind of glad to know that the system was trying to screw him over. On the other hand, it didn't really change anything. He still couldn't ask questions, as he wouldn't be able to get an answer. Nicole cleared her throat, reminding him that he wasn't alone and couldn't brood on his own."Now that we have wasted enough time," she said as she pointedly stared at him. "We should make our move. Before I send a zombie out, we should at least try to assess the situation without getting
Chapter 16: Making Preparations to Escape
Donald waited anxiously to hear what Nicole had to say. He tried not to fidget, but with each passing second, he found himself checking the stairs and entrance. Why hadn't she said anything? Was she still thinking over his idea? All she had to do was say they would go with his idea or that she refused. It was that simple.After what seemed like centuries, Nicole said, "We should set up some traps, but they have to be quiet if we want to avoid drawing the zombies a floor above us."At the reminder, he glanced back at the stairs and grimaced. He had sort of accounted for them in his plan, but not really. His plan also relied heavily on the idea that the other zombies wouldn't notice what they were doing. Donald didn't think the zombies coming inside would be loud, but it was a dangerous assumption to make and would need to be handled properly."Should we
Chapter 17: Whittling the Zombies
At first, nothing happened. Like they had originally expected, the zombies didn't react to her zombie's presence. It was like it wasn't even on their radar. After a few moments, they finally seemed to notice that there was another place they could travel to. The first zombie to move was the one that had been pacing back and forth. Instead of passing by, it took a detour and entered the building.The next one to move was the one moving in a circle. It broke out of its pattern to walk towards the open door. However, before it could, Nicole had her zombie let go of the door. The zombie outside ended up bumping into the door as it closed. They winced at the sound and glanced back at the stairs. So far, there have been no signs of the zombies above them reacting.Donald stepped forward as he prepared to face the zombie head on. It seemed to recognize that there were humans there and charge fo
Chapter 18: Everything Goes Wrong
"What just happened?" Nicole demanded as she called back her zombie."As if I know," Donald said as he held up his box cutter and faced the zombies.It was a good thing that the traps were reset. Otherwise, he would have difficulty facing them head on. Like before, the first two zombies fell for the previous two traps, leaving four zombies left. Donald waited anxiously as the third trap was triggered when the third and fourth zombies tripped the wire. Immediately, a table flew at them and knocked them down.Donald almost ran from his spot so he could get rid of the two zombies being crushed underneath the table, but the last two zombies were too close for comfort. He didn't want to get caught by them while he was trying to kill the ones on the ground. Fortunately, Nicole's zombie was on the way, and it dealt with the first zombie to fall for the trap.They were lucky that the doors swung outward instead of inward. Otherwise, things would have turned out completely differently. Donald
Chapter 19: Making Their Escape
[The system believes it is unwise for the user to attempt such a jump.]Donald ignored the system's warnings. It was obviously dangerous to jump. Even though it was only the second floor, it was possible for them to seriously injure or kill themselves in the attempt. However, given that they really had no other options, they didn't have much of a choice. That was unless the system was suggesting that they should try hiding from the zombies.He was sure that would work out so well. Hide and hope the zombies didn't find them sounded like a great plan. It wasn't like it was possible that the zombies would smell them out or might never give them an opportunity to leave if they didn't go now. Yeah, there was no way they were going to take that risk. They would rather jump now.The duo immediately rushed to the windows to check which spot would be the safest to jump out from. They needed to choose a place where there would be no zombies to decrease their chances of getting hurt or killed. H
Chapter 20: Second Wave
[The second wave has started.]Of course, things couldn't go that smoothly for them. It was just what Donald was worried about. The second wave had started right in the middle of their fight. So far, there didn't seem to be any significant changes. The zombies didn't suddenly get stronger or faster, but Donald wasn't going to take the chance. Nicole was on the same wave length as she jump kicked the next zombie.Donald went for the next zombie that lumbered towards him and stabbed it in the eye. Electricity surged into his eye socket. The message from the system popped up again, but he ignored it and pulled out his box cutter so he could move on to the next one. His next target was slightly farther back, and he chose to use the zombie he defeated as a shield.Keeping the defeated zombie between them, he glanced in Nicole's direction to see how she was doing. He was shocked to see she had already dealt with another zombie, leaving her with only three left. Shoving the zombie in his han