All Chapters of Rise of the Desperate: Donald Carter's Zombie Survival Guide: Chapter 41
- Chapter 50
189 chapters
Chapter 41: Discussing Their Powers (2)
Nicole, in fact, couldn't control them. This fact left the two befuddled as they stared at the bottles filled with liquid that hadn't moved despite her efforts. It didn't make sense if her power was to manipulate liquid, but the evidence was right in front of them. Maybe the chemicals didn't count as liquids. Donald quickly rejected the idea. It was clearly liquid.Turning to look at Nicole, he asked, "Are you sure it's liquid manipulation and not something else?"She gave him a dirty look as she said, "I'm sure."Donald held his hands up in surrender as he suggested, "Maybe how you upgraded your power affected what kinds of liquid you control. I don't know how the system determines it, but that's all I got."Still giving him a dirty look, she gave his words some thought. Donald lowered his hands when he thought it was safe, as he also thought it over. Considering everything, it made the most sense. If her power was liquid manipulation and it wasn't allowing her to manipulate some liq
Chapter 42: Experimenting With His Power
Suddenly, their stomachs growled, reminding them that they hadn't eaten in several hours. Donald had eaten a while before Nicole had returned, while Nicole hadn't eaten anything. She hadn't felt safe enough to eat out in the open when she didn't have someone to watch her back. Someone could sneak up on her while she was preparing something to eat, or someone might hear her opening a wrapper.Nicole cleared her throat as a faint blush covered her face. "I think we should stop to eat.""I agree," Donald said.After searching through the supplies they had to determine what needed to be eaten right away, they settled for some stew. It had been an interesting test to see if Donald could use his power to heat up the pot. While his power wasn't fire related, they figured that he could warm up the pot by pouring electricity into it since it was metal.The first time he had tried it, the water had erupted from the pot, and they had nearly gotten electrocuted. It had been thanks to Nicole's qui
Chapter 43: Sleeping Issues
Nicole opened her eyes to the sunlight falling on her face and squinted. Blinking a couple of times, she finally felt awake enough to sit up. Stretching her arms out, she felt refreshed. She really needed that sleep. However, she didn't miss how bright it was. Hopefully, she had slept in and thrown the covers off. Nicole didn't really get why Donald was against using the beds.If he was so worried about germs, he could just change the sheets out. Well, he was missing out. Heading down the stairs, she expected to see him eating or maybe practicing with his power like last time. What she didn't expect was for him to look more like a zombie. She nearly lashed out, ready to defend herself from the approaching zombie, when she realized who it was."Donald?" she prodded.Donald ignored her and continued to play with the knives in his possession. The sight unnerved her, and she debated whether she should retreat back upstairs. After studying him for a few moments, she reluctantly headed down
Chapter 44: Sleeping Schedule
Donald already knew his choice. "I think we have to go with the second one."Nicole nodded. "I was thinking the same. We've already seen the first one is hard to pull off, and the last option wasn't really on the table to begin with.""What other traps are you thinking about? They shouldn't be too obvious, or else people will realize we are here. We also need to create a route we can take so we don't get caught up in them either," he pointed out.While traps would help make the place more secure, there were only so many traps they could put in before it became problematic. In case people tried to break in through the windows on the ground floor, they had set up some traps in the bushes right underneath them. They wouldn't be easily spotted, and a regular person wouldn't think to look there.Trapping the door was a bit more problematic. They used the front door, so if they wanted to leave a trap there, it had to be something they could get past. However, if it were a trap they could ge
Chapter 45: Small Talk
"What?" Nicole asked when she noticed his stare."What now?" Donald asked.She stared at him for several moments before saying, "Just relax, I suppose."An awkward silence stretched between them as they looked away and stared out in front of them. Now that Donald thought about it, wasn't this the first time they had small talk? Technically, it couldn't really be called small talk. They only exchanged questions, but it hadn't been anything about zombies, their powers, or anything serious.When he couldn't stand the silence any longer, he asked, "So what did you do in the company?"The blank stare she gave him made him self conscious, and he looked away. That had been a mistake. They had already talked about only sharing vital information with each other. Knowing what she did before the zombie apocalypse wasn't vital information. He could feel her judging gaze piercing the side of his head like a bullet.Suddenly, she said, "I was a gopher."Donald blinked. "What?"Nicole wasn't looking
Chapter 46: End of Second Wave
Fortunately, the duo was able to handle another day of a messed up sleep schedule without incidents. Nicole returned with a zombie and reported that she hadn't encountered any other survivors. Donald took it as a good sign. The fewer times they met, the better. They didn't need more problems on top of the ones they already had, like how he felt like he was going to die.Donald wished that there was a way to heal his wounds instantly, but the system expressed that there was currently nothing that could do that. It didn't get past the duo's attention that the system had said currently. After prodding it for more information, they discovered that if they reached the third wave, a new feature would become available to them, though it didn't say what it was.When they asked why it wasn't available now, it only stated that each wave only opened up one feature at a time. They easily deduced that becoming an awakened was a feature of the second wave. Apparently, the first wave didn't count. U
Chapter 47: Nighttime Visitors
Their decision to remain inside was proven correct when they sensed something was off in the middle of the night. Of course, they hadn't noticed anything right away since they were both asleep. They had a zombie that could now stand guard. However, the sound of banging on the door was impossible to ignore. At first, they were groggy from being woken up.That quickly changed when the situation caught up to them, and they quickly prepared themselves for a fight. Quietly rushing down the steps, they shared a glance before getting into position. Since everything was boarded up, they couldn't check through the windows to see what was making that noise. Instead, Nicole tiptoed to the door so she could look through the peephole.Nicole frowned when she saw a couple at the door. They seemed frantic, as if they were trying to get away from something. However, that wasn't enough to make her open the door for them. Obviously, whatever was coming after them would be dangerous for them. She contin
Chapter 48: The Morning After the Nighttime Visitors
Of course, that was easier said than done. Despite feeling sleepy, Donald's dreams were plagued with zombies attacking the house. It would jolt him awake and keep him up before he fell back asleep, causing the cycle to repeat again. As a result, he found himself looking like a zombie himself as he sat in the living room contemplating his life.Nicole, who sat not too far from him, looked like she was going through exactly the same thing. She clearly couldn't sleep either. Donald groaned as he leaned forward and covered his face with his hands. Nicole hadn't even told him what happened last night yet. The both of them had come down not too long ago and sat in complete silence.Finally, Donald asked, "What was that?"She sighed. "I'm not sure myself, but it looked like the zombies were moving in a large group."Donald gr
Chapter 49: High
Donald woke up when it was ten minutes to twelve. He grimaced as he sat up and rolled his shoulders. Maybe Nicole had a point about using the beds instead of the couch or chairs to sleep. Making his way to where Nicole should be sleeping, he knocked on the door to see if she was still inside and asleep. There was no response, so he tried again.Pressing an ear against the door, he still didn't hear anything and dared to open the door. He peeked inside and saw that she was still sleeping. Since it was almost twelve and he had told her that he would wake her up, he stepped inside. As he stood over her, he couldn't help noticing how peaceful she looked. Wanting to get a closer look, he kneeled down and stared at her face.He never thought he would see this kind of expression on her face. He wasn't sure what to think as he continued to stare. She was actually quite pretty, now that he thought about it. When her expression became pinched, he quickly snapped out of it. Slapping his cheek, h
Chapter 50: Zombies Lurking
The duo immediately moved. Donald rushed to grab the nearest metal object, which happened to be the kettle of water he had intended to test his power on, while Nicole ducked behind the couch. He quickly hid behind a different couch as they glanced around the corners to see what could have made that sound. Neither of them dared to make a move as they waited for a sign of their enemy.As they continued to hide, Donald's mind raced over what it could be. Since the system should be determining the threat level of zombies nearby, it should be a zombie that made that noise. However, if it was a zombie, that left him with several questions. How did it get in without being noticed? When had the zombie gotten in? Why hadn't it appeared to attack them yet?Glancing in Nicole's direction, he could guess she had the same questions. Several moments passed without anything happening, but that didn't c