All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
151 chapters
Chapter 131
The dinner continued uneventfully with Catherine dropping flirtatious remarks and Chase engaging her in small talk.He wanted to be anywhere but there, but at the same time, he wanted her to believe she already had him, which was why he was engaging her."Don't you like your desert?" She nodded at the creamy pudding on his plate."No, I just have somewhere else to be," he said."A girlfriend?" She asked."I wouldn't be here if I had one," he said, propping his elbows on the table and leaning closer to her."I guess that's great," she said while looking at him through her lashes.She wanted to say something else but didn't want to seem too forward. She could tell that Theo had definitely picked interest in her and all she needed to do was be calm and let him do the chase."So, Catherine Ferguson, your father owns a lot of companies home and abroad as I hear," he said, shifting the topic from his relationship life."Yes and I'll be taking after him soon, which is why my parents are work
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Chapter 132
She blinked away the tears rapidly as she stared at him."Let go of me and don't ever show me your face again. You should be lucky I'm not scarring that face of yours right now," Chase said in a cold tone and power radiated off him as he spoke.Catherine's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach at his words but she wasn't ready to give up.She was still trying to wrap her head around how their sweet dinner date had taken a whole 360 turn for the worse."Please…" She tried to beg again but he shoved her off him and walked away.He had pushed her hard and she fell on the floor and the men who had been admiring her when she entered stared at her in disgust."Isn't that Sir Ferguson's daughter?" "She's the one.""Oh my goodness."Whispers could be heard around her and soon, the sound of cameras clicking filled the air as they took pictures of her.She had never been seen in that state before. She was always dressed to the tee and stuck her nose up in the air, never a strand of hair out
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Chapter 133
No sooner had Chase got to his room than his phone started blaring up in his pocket.He fished out the phone and stared at the caller id. "I really do not have strength for this," he said to himself and ran his fingers through his hair.The call ended before he could pick it, only to start ringing again a second later."Martha," he called when he answered the call."I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I'm still waiting and…." Disgusted by the desperation in her voice, he cut her off. He had originally planned to postpone their meeting to the next day but he still had a lot of strength after dealing with Catherine."Fine, send me your location and I'll send my driver to come pick you up," he said flatly."Okay, thank you," she thanked him again and again before he ended the call and a second later, a text message containing her address followed."Let's see how much you'll thank me later," He said to himself.That night, he was going to end it all. He was done running around in circl
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Chapter 134
"Thank you," she replied with a smile that showed her pearly whites."Please sit," he said and motioned for her to sit opposite him and she nodded."Your place is gorgeous," she started as she looked around. It was her way of finding out why he hadn't invited her to the bigger house."My grandmother is personal with her space, so this is where we received guests," he lied through his teeth as he watched her every move like a hawk.She slowly crossed her legs, showing off her long, toned legs through the slit of her dress that stopped on her waist."You look better than you did in the morning," he commented with his eyes trained on her face."About that…" she started slowly and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I was in the middle of some sort of crisis," she said."Crisis my foot," Chase said inwardly."Thank you for letting me come and see you," she said and he nodded once."What do I offer you?" He asked her. "Water? Wine?"Martha looked around and the ambiance was nice
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Chapter 135
Chase slid the signed documents over to her and she held onto it like a lifeline."I'll have a copy sent to you. I really appreciate this, Theo," she said and he nodded with a smile.She gulped down the rest of her wine and smiled politely."I have to get going. I have an early start tomorrow," she said and placed her bag over her shoulder and started to get up."Keep in touch," Chase said without bothering to stand up."Of course," she said and scurried out of her seat.Chase watched her trying to leave and a sinister smile crossed his lips."Do you ever wonder what happens to people who lie to me?" He asked, making her freeze on her spot.Her heart fell into her stomach with his words and she slowly turned around to face him to be sure she had heard him correctly."Wh…what are you talking about?" She stuttered.She tried to think of a backup plan in case he had caught up with her.Her eyes flickered to the door and the wheels turned in her head while she weighed her options."Don't
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Chapter 136
Her mouth went dry instantly. She had expected him to curse her or call the cops on her, but what she hadn't expected was for him to actually want to hear her 'explanation'. This was because she didn't have any. She had planned everything out down to the least, but what she hadn't planned was what to say if she got caught. "I…I'm sorry," he said and bowed her head. Chase's deep and dark laughter filled the room, making her squirm. She was usually a confident woman but right there, there was absolutely no confidence left in her as she shook like a leaf in the wind. "Did you say you're sorry?" He mocked. She closed her eyes tightly and nodded, making him bark out another malicious laughter. "You wanted to get away with 'Grills 'n' Stix' by making me sign a disguised document?" He asked. Under the fake document she had asked him to sign was a document that transfered all of his shares, which means, literally handing over 'Grills 'N' Stix' to her because the restaurant was now in hi
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Chapter 137
Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she tried to piece what was going.She pointed her shaky fingers towards the figure but no word could leave past her throat."I thought we should do a little reunion before you leave, don't you think?" Chase asked in a mocking tone.Martha tried to stand up but the weight of what was going on and the dizziness she felt pushed her back to the couch.She could only watch a partially conscious Mark being rolled into the living room in a wheelchair. His face was battered with blood stains all over his shirt.Mark had tried to play off what Martha had told him earlier that day but he couldn't deny the feeling of dread at the pit of his stomach that something wasn't right. When Martha had gone out with the driver that was sent to pick her up, he rushed to pack some of his things, hoping to flee and save himself but he wasn't fast enough because the guard whom Chase had assigned to watch them had seen him trying to make a run for it and dragged him back to
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Chapter 138
"No….no…that's impossible ... .you're trying to mess with my head!" Mark yelled as he shook his head violently. "I watched him die. We buried him. It was an open-casket burial. He died. I saw his lifeless body laying in that casket. I saw him being put in the ground with my own two eyes. I saw it all happen. You're messing with my head," Mark fumbled over his words."Michelle Andersons, our mother, died while giving birth to you," Chase said, moving closer to him."You….you googled that," Mark rushed out."When you were eight, you hid our father's passport because he traveled so much and you missed him. He searched for his passport for hours and he missed his flight. You became remorseful and came to my room, asking what we should do and I took the passport from you and gave it back to dad, taking the blame for your actions and he spanked me that day," a single tear rolled down Chase's eyes as he recalled how close him and his brother were before greed for material things blinded him.
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Chapter 139
Chase had barely woken up the next morning when his phone started blaring from underneath him.He grabbed a pillow and threw over his head to block out the noise from the annoying device."Ugh!" He groaned when the call persisted and touched around till he got the phone.He read the caller's ID and closed his eyes tightly for a second.There was only one person capable of calling and disturbing his sleep by that time."Morning, grandma," he greeted in a husky voice."How are you, son?" The empress asked.She had made it a duty to call him every morning before breakfast. She was very concerned about his well-being since he wasn't under her roof and she wanted to make sure he was okay all the time. Theo understood this too, so he was always happy to pick her calls."Just waking up," he yawned."I see," the empress hummed.Chase sighed and sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes. "What's up?" He asked because from her voice, he knew that there was something she wanted to talk about."Cath
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Chapter 140
Martha immediately scurried to a corner on the bed as soon as she saw him. Now that she was level-headed, the fact that he was actually her ex husband sank into her and she wanted to get as far away from him as possible but she couldn't get too far due to the constraints around her hands and legs."Leave," Chase commanded the two guards that were keeping watch."Hey, Mark," he said with fake enthusiasm and walked deeper into the room.When Mark didn't reply, he grabbed his chin roughly and forced him to look at him.His eyes were hollow and empty and he obviously hadn't gotten any sleep the previous night due to Martha's screams of pleasure."Did you like my gift? Hope you enjoyed it. Hope you enjoyed watching your wife get fucked because everything you felt was what I felt even more that day because I actually loved her," Chase spat in his face before throwing his head to the side.Chase went to the wall that was covered with weapons and picked a lady gun."Why is it so quiet here? I
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