All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
151 chapters
Chapter 21
Chase got to work ealy the next day and he barely managed to walk past his giggling and mocking colleagues as he went to his station."Are you okay? I heard what happened," Evelyn rushed to him as soon as he opened the door, eyeing his body to check for any injuries. She had just finished her rounds the previous night when she heard that there was something going on in the lobby and it involved a cleaner in her unit. On getting there, the drama had ended and the crowd was dispersing."What happened?" She had asked Natty, a chatty girl that worked in laundry department."Oh, just some random dude that got what he deserved," the girl had said and laughed away with her friends.She knew that Theo was the only male in here unit and after more enquiry, the scrawny description that the people gave matched him. Somehow, she felt guilty because if she had allowed him wait for her, he wouldn't have bumped into the man."I'm fine," Theo said, not meeting her eyes. He really didn't want to talk
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Chapter 22
"Let's go, Theo," Evelyn said as she dropped her cart in the office after the day's work."I'll just wash my hands," he said and walked into the adjoining bathroom to wash his hands. "Let's go," he said when he was done.Evelyn had changed out of her work clothes and she was dressed in a blue skinny jean and a black tee shirt. Chase had never seen her in anything outside her work clothes so he had to blink twice. He knew she was beautiful but seeing her in regular clothes, certified it. She blushed slightly under his gaze and turned her face the other way so he wouldn't see the pink hue that had settled on her cheeks.Chase caught himself staring and quickly cleared his throat and the awkward air. "Let's go," he said and she nodded and they walked outside."The weather is nice. Let's go somewhere nice. Maybe grab dinner? On me," Evelyn said once they stepped out of the lobby. The weather was indeed nice and the sun was just setting into the far west horizon, its warmth slowly being r
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Chapter 23
They got into the store and were already getting weird glances from the entrance. They went deeper and walked through a varieties of precious stones that were encased in glass and displayed on the wall. One simple jadeite caught Evelyn's attention. It was a simple pendant with a blue Jade stone in form of a teardrop and it had tiny snowflakes around it. She was awed by the masterpiece and her hand unconsciously reached out to touch it. Chase noticed her liking for the piece and he admired it as well. It was simple and beautiful, just like her."Hey, don't touch that," one of the female attendants boomed, which startled Evelyn and she yanked off her hand immediately."Sorry," she said softly but the woman kept shooting daggers at them."Were you trying to steal that?" She asked and her lips curved up in a sneer, she took in their appearance and from attending to the store, she knew what rich looked like and she knew what it didn't and a rich man definitely didn't wear ratty shoes, h
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Chapter 24
"Ignore her," Chase said as she was about to go back in there and teach the woman a good lesson."Why? Why is it okay for her to say those demeaning words to you, to us? Why do we have to ignore her? Who does she think she is? She's probably no better than us, acting all high and mighty like that," Evelyn couldn't control her anger but more than anything, she couldn't understand why Chase looked calm. Was this a normal thing for him? Being insulted? Degraded?Instead of replying, Chase held a smile on his face. The thought of little Evelyn fighting someone was funny to him although he was happy that she would actually fight someone because the person insulted him."You were just insulted and you're laughing. What's funny huh? Did I miss something?" She didn't understand the man."You're cute," he blurted out and she turned around so he wouldn't see her red her cheeks had gotten."Don't call me cute," she scolded but her anger was now replaced with a smile."Hey, it's true," he insiste
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Chapter 25
"Don't you like the food?" Chase pointed at her almost untouched food. The thought of her mother always left a bitter taste in her mouth.Seeing his worry, she plastered the biggest smile that she could muster. "I like watching you eat," she said jokingly although it wasn't far from the truth. The fact that he had a girlfriend kept nagging at the back of her mind but she ignored it. It wasn't like they were married or anything right?"Hey, that's cheesy," he scolded but couldn't stop the grin that escaped and spread across his lips."You know, since we're friends, I should invite you to my house for dinner sometime. I can't cook as good as this but trust me, I'm decent," she offered with a smile and Chase rapidly nodded his head.He couldn't say no to home-cooked food, especially when she asked so nicely and besides, he felt safe with her. A sense of security that he didn't even get from being with his supposed girlfriend. "Eat your food," he said sternly this time.Evelyn knew she ha
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Chapter 26
"This is me," Evelyn said when they stopped in front of her house.Chase nodded impressively at the neat environment. The house was a single storey building and the driveway was well kept, same as the flowers that had now withered due to the cold. He could bet anything that it was a beautiful sight during spring. He wondered how she was able to afford the house, given it was in a good neighborhood."Wanna come in?" She pointed her thumb towards the house."No, I should get going. Next time," he said. It was late already and he knew she needed to rest for the next day's work."Wait here," she said and went into the house, taking the steps two at at time and entering a room she hadn't been in for the longest time.She opened the door and dust mixed with nostalgia filled her nose but she wasn't there to dwell on the memories, besides, he would be home in a couple of months. Her brother had been sentenced to a year in prison for "trespassing on private property," and he would be out soon.
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Chapter 27
After the morning rounds, they went back to the office and Alice went about for office gossip."I'm beat,"Chase said as he landed in the chair with a thud. One of the rooms he cleaned, a woman made him tear the whole place upside down, twice, in search for her ring which at the end, was sitting pretty inside her purse. He pulled out the two hundred dollar bills which she had tipped him afterward and sniffed it. "Nice reward," he said and pocketed the money back."Tell me about it," Evelyn grumbled, also sounding tired from her rounds."You know what would make us better? He asked and his eyes twinkled in amusement."Coffee!" They both said in unison."Don't worry, I got it," he said and stood up when she made a move to get the coffee started.That had become their daily routine. Morning rounds, coffee afterwards, more rounds, lunch at the cafeteria, more rounds, then final round and close. Usually, Evelyn was the one that made the coffee but that day, he wanted to do something for her
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Chapter 28
"I thought I'd missed you," she said, trying to catch her breath. She had ran a flight of stairs because the elevator left before she could reach it."What's wrong?" Chase asked, looking behind her at the open door to know what she was running for or from.She held up a finger for him to hold on while she took in air properly. "I want to come with you," she finally said when her breathing was back to normal."What?!" He asked. That was the last thing he expected to hear."I want to come with you. You're going to give your girlfriend her gift right?" She asked and he looked at her warily but nodded."Why?" He didn't mean to come off as rude but he was genuinely surprised."Um, I just want to be out for a while. My place can get pretty lonely," she said. Although it was true, it wasn't the entire truth. She wanted to walk under the starry sky with him. She was already attracted to him and she couldn't help it."I…actually she's busy with her studies so I just wanted to drop the gift and
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Chapter 29
Just like a déja-vu, Laura was bent over her reading table, receiving back shots from a man whose face he hadn't seen yet. Just like last time, blood drained from his face and he stood rooted on his feet."Laura," just like last time, he could only manage a croaked whisper. They hadn't even heard him come in amidst their intense love-making till the wind carried her name to their ears.Laura turned around, shocked at first but the look of shock soon turned to irritation when she saw who it was.The man also turned around and it was none other than Patrick. Chase felt like a complete fool. He should have known all along. The reason why she had been acting up for the last couple of weeks and it all started after that day on the road."What?" Laura snapped at him, pulling him out of his reverie."I….I came to give you your gift," he found himself saying, looking everywhere but at them. When he caught himself, he immediately scolded himself. They should be the ones ashamed. Why was he th
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Chapter 30
Chase walked back to the bus stop but made a quick stop to buy alcohol before reaching his house. As much as he hated to admit it, he wanted to keep hearing Evelyn talk. Her soft buttery voice was like a healing balm to his broken heart and soul and her soft palm in his was the only thing that kept him sane throughout the ride from Laura's house.He shook his head, willing himself not to dwell in the thought. He had just been betrayed for the second time and he definitely didn't want to put himself in the position to get hurt again.He picked the bottle of black jack and once he was sitting on his squeaky bed, popped the lid open and brought the liquor to his lips, throwing his head back and taking a long swig.It wasn't until his eyes began to water and his chest felt constricted before he brought the bottle down. The hot liquid traveled fast throughout his chest and distracted him momentarily from where it actually hurt the most."Rag." He took a swig."Garbage." Another swig."Wor
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