All Chapters of The Heir : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
151 chapters
Chapter 71
"Come over here," the empress said, pointing to her left.Theo went closer and started to pull the chair next to Benedict's wife until the empress spoke again."Damien, please move," she said without meeting his eyes."What?" Damien asked, hoping he had heard wrong but when he turned to her and met the cold look on her face, he knew better than to question her again.The silence and tension in the room was so thick that it could slice glass as everyone held their breath, waiting for what would happen next.There was an unspoken hierarchy in the family and Damien fell third in that chart after his father and for the first time in a long time, that chart was about to be broken.Chase took slow, purposeful strides to the chair that was assigned to him and Damien only stood up after he got there and waited for a beat."Enjoy it while it fucking lasts," he muttered under his breath in Chase's ear through clenched teeth before moving to take the seat close to Imelda, who sported a victoriou
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Chapter 72
Dinner ended and just as they were all about to leave the dining table, the empress cleared her throat, stopping them in their tracks."Jennifer," the empress called as she sent deadly glares to the girl."Grandma," she answered softly with a bow of her head and everyone stared curiously."Do a repeat of what you did this evening and you'll see a side of me you've never seen before and trust me, it won't be nice," the empress warned.Seeing that her daughter was being apprehended, Imelda was about to say something in her defense but was cut off by a clearing of throat."It was an accident, grandma. Or wasn't it?' Chase said cockily, directing his question to Jennifer. He had seen what happened and knew better than anyone that it was anything but an accident because the look of harmful intent was clear on her face before the maid was sent spiraling to the ground."Yes, it was and I promise to be more careful," she said through gritted teeth."If that's all, grandma, I'd like to retire
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Chapter 73
Chase spent a good amount of the night reading the book the empress had given to him. From what he had read, it was written by the empress' husband and even though he knew a good deal about business, he was grateful for the book because it gave him insights about large scale businesses such as the one he had found himself in.He had been so engrossed in the book that he didn't realize when he slept off.A small knock on the door woke him up the next morning and he slowly opened his eyes, trying to make them get used to the unfamiliar environment."Young master," the muffled voice of Denise, his help was heard on the other side of the door.Chase pulled the comforter up to his waist and rubbed sleep from his eyes."Come in," he said in his deep morning voice.Denise pushed the door slightly open and poked her head in and when she was sure it was safe to enter, went the rest of the way in.She had to take extra precaution because she still had unwanted images of Damien fucking various w
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Chapter 74
While on his way to the dining room, Chase mistakenly bumped into someone."I'm sorry," he apologized quickly while holding the person to steady them on their feet. Once the person was standing on her own, his eyes met hers and amusement clouded his features.Jennifer stood before him, looking everywhere but at him."I didn't see you there," she started but there was something in her voice that told Chase that she had seen him very clearly and purposely bumped into him. But the question was why."Hmm," he hummed easily. "If you'd excuse me," he started and shoved past her but her voice stopped him again."Look, Theo," she called and he stopped in his tracks, turning back to face her and give her his attention.She looked like she was in search of words and Theo promptly turned his wrist, checking the time on the million dollar wristwatch that sat beautifully on his wrist, telling her silently that he didn't have much time to spare for her.Taking the hint, she cleared her throat and s
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Chapter 75
The empress came in and they all got up to acknowledge her."Sit," she commanded after taking her seat.Chase, who was standing all along went to take his new position closest to the empress."Are you ready for your first day at work, Theo?" The empress asked while the servants maid the rounds to serve the food."Yes, grandma," Theo nodded his affirmation. "You'll ride with me," she told him."Mother, we have countless cars out there and Theo can ride any one of them that he likes. Why does he have to ride with you?" Regina spoke up. She was fed up with the preferential treatment Theo was getting, instead of her son. That had been the reason for the mini outburst with her husband the previous night.Chase flickered his eyes to her but kept quiet, instead, put a slice of steak in his mouth. Did it really matter who he rode to work with?"You speak only when you're spoken to," the empress said firmly without looking at her.The empress thought she had quite the nerve to interfere with
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Chapter 76
They got into the back of a white SUV. The family members had been surprised when she asked Theo to ride with her because she never offered to ride with anyone. If not that they all bore the same last name, nobody at work would know that any of them were related to Dame Gabrielle Alcantra, but again, she had extended the hand to Theo, which she never gave even her own children."Do you want to grab a bite first?" She asked him when the driver smoothly peeled the car out of the driveway."No, grandma. I'm good," he repeated. She had no reason to worry but she couldn't help it. She had been given a second chance to take care of the only legacy of her favorite child and she was going to do it while giving him maximum protection all her life.She sent him a side-glance and placed a soft hand above his, silently telling him that she was there for him."Grandma, I've been introduced to the family and I know I was supposed to finish my training here but I wanted to ask if I can go back to P
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Chapter 77
The rest of the car ride was done in silence with Chase looking out of his tinted glass, trying to see what's on the other side of the city, while the empress pulled out her phone to send a broadcast message to the rest of the family, informing them not to reveal Theo's identity yet."What games are the playing at this time?" Damien scowled as his phone pinged and he pulled it out to see a text message from his grandma.Jacob, who was in the same car with him scrunched up his nose but before he could ask any questions, his phone pinged as well. He skimmed through the message before turning the phone off and placing it on the center console."Whatever games it is, stay out of his way as much as you can," Jacob gave his son the most valuable piece of advice he could give him.It was no longer news that the empress treated this new addition to their family like a priceless egg and it would be plain unwise to cross him unprovoked. They needed a plan and Jacob was already cooking various i
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Chapter 78
Chase knew that the words that would follow wouldn't be easy to do in the least but he was ready to take the shot."I'll give you two weeks. If you're able to meet our monthly revenue of the head branch in two weeks, then I'll not only make you my vice-president, I'll make you untouchable," she said in a sickly sweet voice. She knew how near impossible it was to meet that target. The head branch made about 30 billion dollars monthly in revenue and she expected him to meet it in two weeks. It was laughable even. "But, if you're not able to meet up with this, you'll remain in the position of a director for the rest of your life," she said, her voice dropping dangerously low. Even if she loved him dearly, Theo knew she wasn't one to mince words or back down from them.Again, Chase weighed his options and after a second of thinking, a small smile played across his lips."Double," he said and the empress creased her eyebrows in confusion. "I'll make double the head branch's revenue in two
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Chapter 79
"Why did you take so much time to get here?" Damien asked with narrowed eyes."You're not supposed to be talking animatedly with me," Chase rolled his eyes and walked past him, entering the office that the guard held open for him.Damien, not accepting the snub, followed Chase into the office."Can you stop being annoying and answer my question?" He asked.Chase stopped in his tracks and turned around dramatically."Well, if you really want to know, I was having a chat with grandma," he informed him."For that long?" Damien spat out. The empress wasn't one to engage in long conversations with anyone if it wasn't about money and as far as he could see, there was nothing Theo had to offer the empress and this spiked his curiosity.In response, Chase shrugged his shoulders in a bored manner."Does this 'chat' of yours have anything to do with the text message we all received from grandma?" Damien pressed.Chase clicked his tongue and chuckled. "You know, for someone who clearly doesn't l
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Chapter 80
The rest of the day passed in a blur, mostly consisting of Chase studying graphs and numbers and some of the top officials in the company coming to welcome him.They all knew that there was a new director on board and they all went to welcome him. But the main reason for this was because the news had spread like wildfire that the empress had gone herself to the new directors office, which was when she took secretary Kim to Theo. This came as a shock to everyone because even though the empress worked there everyday, nobody ever saw her. She had her own route in and out of office and to hear she went personally to a new director's office, they all had to thread carefully.Chase was a bit disappointed that his plan at being incognito had failed but he couldn't dwell on it for long and besides, all they knew was that he was an important person. He had a more important task at hand.After giving secretary Kim strict orders not to let any other person that wasn't the empress in, he spent th
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