'When I slept on your chest the other day, I realized someone could actually get attached to somebody, and you don't want to leave them; you feel like they should never leave your side or sight for even a second. I barely get attached to people, but I don't know why yours is different. I think this is what love is called. I wish we could be here and just leave the whole world and make ours just us by ourselves.'They said love is an extreme feeling of affection, a fleeting emotion of care. A strong, warm, personal, and intense feeling—yeah, I agree to that because that is what I feel for you. I feel that great affection for you.'I heard they said it involves compassion, care, affection, and self-sacrifice, and yes, I'm ready to sacrifice anything for you regardless, and I'm not specifically talking about money. I don't want you to feel like I am trying to make you feel inferior. I am not saying this because I truly love you, and I mean every single word I say to you now. I just can't
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