All Chapters of Light and Darkness: Nytri's Odyssey : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
113 chapters
Research 201: Level Breakthrough, bunker weaponization.
Nytri is making eggs from rune circle when suddenly a wave hits her, she falls on her butt as her body shakes. Nytri makes a creepy grin then burst into laughter. “HAHAHAHAHAHA SO THIS IS WHAT KEPT ME BACK. No wonder the creeper could beat me. I’ve surpassed my limit. Next, I’ll show them just what I can do HAHAHAHAHA” A clone touches Nytri’s shoulder interrupting her maniacal laughter, “huh?” The clone is Clone5, she shakes her head as Nytri watches her, “What?”Clone5 sighs, “Living in this place is starting to get to you.” Nytri still has no clue. Clone5 continues, “You seem to be affected but since we’re clones the environment isn’t affecting us. Your nature is changing with each passing day, although small it’s noticeable.” Nytri calms down and nods her head, she looks at the eggs. “Make sure to remind me who I am, so I don’t lose myself.” Clone5 nods and teleports to the lowest floor to continue what Clone6 was doing.Nytri summons Clone6, “Good job me, you figure
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Research 202: Rune Breakthrough, Ultimate bunker
After months of living in this realm, the little hole made by the side of a mountain is now a fortress. The Variants are now moving through the bunker, each with an objective to help develop their home and grow stronger than they are. The variants as their name states are mutations of monsters caused by Nytri infusing her blood and soul into summoned eggs to make new beings. Nytri is in the research room with the Variants as they work hard to manufacture weapons and tools, the Variants now take part in hunting and research as they could be seen testing some of the inventions.Nytri sits at a corner of the room as runes starts to appear before her, “Runes are really awesome. Each rune has a meaning and an activation symbol, I can write all these down but without activation it won’t be any different from ordinary text. There’s even rune to delay spells, strengthen the body permanently and even make a runic being.” The runes around her takes shape as it forms a cat, the cat mo
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Research 203: Necromancy
The expedition team of 5 panzers cut through the forest with ease, often encountering golems or automata on patrol or stationed there. After travelling for 20 kilometers, they come to a stop. Nytri takes a radio and speaks into it, “Alright everyone, stay sharp. After here, we’ll be out of the green zone. All units are to return fire to anything that attacks us.” A combine response come through, “Yes sir!” she starts the panzer and drives as the other 4 follows behind her in a straight line. A clone opens the hatch on the panzer and mounts the turret there, the same happens to the other 4. Rocker launchers and cannons appear from the sides and front of the panzers as they drive through the forest.After 30 minutes of peaceful cruise, they picked something up. “Look alive everyone, boogie entering firing range.” The panzers readied the weapons. In a few minutes a rhinoceros monster appears before them, this one had feathers and 2 horn with 6 limbs. “Bicorns approaching!
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Application Research: God Rank
[INFORMATION MAGIC DISPLAY LEVEL 6NOTICE: Targets can’t be appraised. They possess similar qualities to the elder god Zareth based on previous encounter.Nytri: So, the undead are as strong as Zareth?NOTICE: Negative. Upon further observation, targets far outmatch Zareth.Nytri: My undead are already stronger than Zareth? Whatever the head was it must have been really powerful for it to raise undead gods. Oh well, focus on the now. Any ideas on how to turn this blood lake into ordinary lake?NOTICE: Nytri can use Abyssal magic control of water to control the blood in the lake. The blood can also be considered valuable as it can enhance the undead. Advice against personal use as being used on a living being could create the notion of the target being alive.Nytri: So, if I use it for myself, it means whatever that killed this thing will think it’s alive and track it to me.NOTICE: Affirmative.END]Nytri sighs and looks at the undead. “Shame I ca
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Nytri walks to the elevator and it takes her to the sleeping quarters, she sends an order. “Golem set meet me outside, and I need 50,000 soldiers, undead gods included.” Nytri arrives at the sleeping quarters, she walks into her room and takes a shower, then dresses up in her usual jacket. She heads to the surface, as she reaches the entrance, she covers her eyes from the rays of the sun. She steps out of the bunker and sees the land before her, an army of 50,000 golems and automata with the undead gods at the front. They all salute.Nytri smiles at this sight, “This brings back old memories. King.” King golem walks over to her and bows, “My liege.” Nytri looks over her army and at King, “King, I’m going out to test myself. You are part of my skills so I’ll take you along. I’ll keep you all in a storage space and summon you when I find a suitable target.” King bows and waves his hands as the army bows. Nytri swipes her hand and except the undead gods, they all turn into lights a
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Mama Godzilla
Nytri unsummons her clones and summons them again. “Guys, let’s show it whose boss.” The clones grin and charge at the bug queen which is now all alone against an army of 40,000. It has 12 long legs which can even reach its back, the golems are attacking from above and below it with cannons as the automata use blades. Nytri climbs up its hind legs and runs to its head as she uses abyss fire spear to pierce its eyes. *KREEE*The clones turn the ground which is about 200 meters wide into ice causing the bug to slip and fall. Nytri uses her great axe and takes out one of its eyes. Nytri is moving though her army so the bug can’t pinpoint her exact location and attack. Some clones use their wings and use webs to restrain the movements of the bug as the rest dealt heavy damage to it. They ski on the ice and use it to gather momentum and attack the bug.*SKREEEE* The bug enters a frenzy state and attacks haphazardly but the clones keep restraining it and they beat it up. The golem
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New Family
Mama Godzilla lies beside the bunker looking like a mountain. Nytri and her subordinates stand there in awe, watching the massive creature's body mold to look like an actual mountain like camouflage. Suddenly, Nytri hears a voice in her head as the Mama Godzilla opens her eyes, she realized that Mama Godzilla was communicating with her telepathically. "Little one, do be careful when near my borders. I have been napping her for a long time now, some trespassers might wander in from time to time. I want you to avoid the borders for now."Nytri listenS intently, realizing that Mama Godzilla was revealing details of this place to her. Mama Godzilla continues, "I brought my son here to learn to hunt, as the number of competitors is very low in this area. It is safe for him to hunt here, and that's how I came across you, little one. I intended to leave a while ago, around when the moon's broken sides faced down." Nytri’s thoughts, “Huh? There’s a moon? I should try to find i
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Life in the Data Lake: A Day in the Life of the Slaughter Variant
The Slaughter Variant wakes up from his bed in the data lake and stretches his arms, feeling the energy coursing through his veins. He sits up and rubs his eyes, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep. As he looks around his small room, he notices the familiar screens displaying the latest news and updates from the data lake."Good morning, fellow variants," he greets his fellow clones through a mental connection. "I hope you're all ready for another exciting day in the data lake."A chorus of greetings echo in his mind, as the other variants reply to his greeting. Some are already busy possessing golems to complete various tasks, while others are leveling up and improving their skills.The Slaughter Variant gets up from his bed and walks towards the large screen in his room, eager to catch up on the latest news. He watches in awe as the screen displays highlights of Nytri's fight with the Dread Monarch insect queen. It is truly a spectacle to behold, and he coul
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Evolution and Creation of a New Race
Nytri wakes up to a strange sensation. Something feels different, but she can’t quite put her finger on it. She climbs out of bed and stretches, her gaze falling on her reflection in the mirror. And that's when she notices it: her reflection wasn't quite right. She moves closer to the mirror, studying her face. Her eyes were still a vivid black but with slight symbols in them, her hair a tangled mess of black. She frowns, trying to figure out what is going on. And that's when she hears a voice behind her."Morning, Nytri."She spins around to see one of her variants standing in the doorway, looking almost human except for her height and additional limbs. The variant towers over her, easily reaching three meters tall.Nytri's jaw drops. "What... what happened to you?" A screen appears before her.[INFORMATION MAGIC DISPLAYNOTICE: A growth side effect of the evolution.Nytri: You mean the evolution I wanted to delay?NOTICE: Yes.END]The variant shrugs, "I don't know. But it's happen
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How to Farm Skill.
Nytri walks wobbly out of the lab, although she’s got the lord rank she’s still shaken. Nytri walks to the elevator and takes it up to the sleeping quarters, she stumbles into her room then falls on her bed. Her voice muffles through her pillow, “My body feels weird, it’s so heavy. Urgh, who keeps moving the ground.” Her vision is illusory as things keep bending, actually the things are bending. “WHA?!” Nytri sits up on her bed. “APPRAISAL.”[INFORMATION MAGIC DISPLAY NOTICE: Runes etched into bunker is receiving irregular EP. SUGGESTION: Increase proficiency in skills to stabilize supply of EP.Nytri: So I got so powerful I can’t tune my EP to suit home?NOTICE: ……….Yes.Nytri: Dang it.END]Nytri drags her body off the bed, “Time to increase my skills and level it up.” She calls all her clones before her, “Now, we’ve all reached god rank. We’ve got to increase our skills and levels quickly. We spread out and grow as much as fast as possible.” The
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