All Chapters of The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire : Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
70 chapters
Chapter 11: A Bad Case of Asshole
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Mila turned to him; her eyes livened with curiosity. Murder was a serious accusation. Jason could see that she was torn between defending the accused, whom she had known longer. He felt his right hand shake as a haunting past threatened to rock him off his feet like a wild wave. Quickly, he grabbed his left wrist, stopping the tremors and hardening his gaze. "There's nothing to tell my 'girlfriend' because you are nothing but a stinking liar, Ander." Jason sucked in a breath. "Goodbye." He placed a hand on the small of Mila’s back and led her inside and away from the uncomfortable situation. Ander reached out to stop Jason from walking out on him, but he had recoiled on second thought. This restaurant screamed fancy. It was the last place to start a brawl in. Instead, Ander growled low. "Murderer." He followed them until halfway to their table and added, "You'll pay for what you did to my sister, you scumbag." Jason ignored Ander and took the table at a far corner inside the b
Chapter 12: Dealing With A Cry Baby
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
"But," Ander's eyes shined with mischief, "You will have to let me fuck you tonight." Jason's gaze snapped to Ander just as the arrogant bastard laid out his conditions to Mila. He had been keeping calm, but suddenly, he couldn't. He rose to his feet. Yet Ander continued, unfazed. "He's had enough of you for free. Let a real man have a chance, doll face." Jason bit the inside of his cheek, pursing his lips hard. He wanted to teach Ander a lesson about respecting women, even though he couldn't understand Mila’s reason for her sudden change of mind. "If you are a real man, then the entire world is a joke, Ander." "And why haven't you left yet." Jason took a step forward, but the look Mila gave him had him stopping in his tracks. She had a plan. A good one and all he had to do was sit and watch. Mila said, "Let him stay. Won't you school him on how it's done?" "You are right. I will." Ander took Mila's hand, already mesmerised by her beauty. He couldn't refuse that sultry voice h
Chapter 13: The Secretly Rich Man
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
"Rick, can you imagine he just asked me to let him pay the money, and then he would make my life a living hell?" Ander fumed. Rick scoffed at Jason. "You? Pay that bill?" He pointed at the pad on the table that belonged to Ander and Mila, mocking Jason with his gaze. "Lol. When your card declines, I'm sure you would come grovelling at our feet, barking like the worthless dog that you are." When Layla finally drew to the scene, Jason ignored Rick, avoiding her gaze and turning to Kevin. He requested the bill for the two servings of the special dish Mila had ordered for his table. Kevin handed him his bill as all eyes watched. "Your bill is $60,000, sir." Jason walked back to his table and picked the briefcase he still carried with him. He opened it and brought out a wad of cash. "This is a 100k dollars. Keep the change." Jason handed it over to the waiter in cash, shocking everyone. Rick stuttered. "How—How do you have money? It's...It's not possible." The Jason that Ander
Chapter 14: Kneel Before Me
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Ander would never admit Jason was better than him simply because he paid off his own bill and the rest of them had trouble doing that. They had known each other since high school, and everyone knew how Jason's life was miserable. Now, everyone sitting there refused to pay. They all claimed to not have enough money and they were mumbling about him behind his back because he had initially said he would foot everyone's bill. That was before that bitch, Mila, tricked him. The manager, who had surfaced from his meeting, was on his neck this time. "Mr. Devereux, you have to pay up, or we will call the cops. The total bill has fallen to $5,910,000 dollars. Please, don't let us take strict actions against you." Ander couldn't believe the manager who had been kissing his feet earlier was so quick to turn against him. Fury rose to this throat, almost choking him. Meanwhile, Rick eyed Jason's half-opened briefcase across. There still seemed to be a lot of money inside it. He leaned in and
Chapter 15: I Won The Lottery
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Jason and Mila strolled down the sidewalk, holding hands. It was already late in the afternoon, and the sun had gone down. "Did you see Ander's face when I winked at him?" Mila giggled. "I almost mistook him for a tomato because of how red his face turned." Jason laughed, too. They continued discussing about his classmates, who had made a fool of themselves. Then, suddenly, Mila asked. "But how, Jason? How did you go from the guy I know to this guy who's with me now?" "What do you mean?" Jason feigned ignorance. "You know what I mean." Mila glanced at him, swinging their locked hands. "Where did you get the money to pay off those loansharks?" Jason paused for a moment, coordinating his thoughts. "Oh, you mean this briefcase?" Mila stared at him pointedly. And he continued after her silence. "I didn't want to say it before, but I've been trying for years, and I finally won the lottery." "Are you serious?" She narrowed her eyes, stopping in her tracks. "Of course, I am,"
Chapter 16: The Unknown Hater
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Jason took a shower when he finally returned home. Night had fallen, and the day had been one of its kind. One he could never forget in his lifetime. It was the game changer. He sat on the rickety swivelling chair before his desk in his bedroom. Keeping his feet crossed atop the desk, he signed up for all social media platforms, adding his contacts and following celebrities on his list of favourites. Jason scrolled through TikTok, which was the last platform he had signed up to. His wasn't near complete. He still had to create content, but he took a raincheck on that. The app's notification popped at the top of his screen. Someone he recently followed started a live stream. Jason read the username aloud, and it sounded unfamiliar. He clicked on it, joining the live. To his surprise, it was Mila. She was showing off outfits from her brand and entertaining her fans. Jason looked at the comments. They poured in a mile a minute, but he kept track. Joel_creativex commented. "You look
Chapter 17: Battle of The Century
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
The unknown account sent a reply to Jason's threat a split second later. "Who's this wannabe coming here to chase clout? You don't even have a single follower yet." More comments popped up in barely seconds as fans furiously typed on their phones. "I ain't supporting the guy who's slut shaming the Tiktok princess, but who's the other one??" Another fan said. "Lol. I think people shouldn't go around throwing blind threats." "I wish this was real life! This shit would have been on another level." "What a bully. Report reb.faulks account now!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Jason read the comments popping up. Most fans seemed neutral, but they didn't like the fact that he had no identity. He was barely hours old on the app, and he was already threatening to deal with another user. "The other sick guy should be banned from here! He's dragging her name in dirt." "Do Tiktok's community regulations on violence apply to comments on a live feed? Let's see what jay_storm is capable of!" "I'm
Chapter 18: Don't Mess With A Boss
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Another user commented. "Shit! If you aren't on Mila’s live right now, you've missed the battle of the century!""Jay_storm must be from another earth. He's so cool!""I'm already following jay_storm. All my 5000 followers have as well!""Fool! I'll show you!" The unknown account sent in the highest Tiktok gift possible.He sent in 25 Tiktok universe. The comments trooped at a rate of knots."That's the highest gift possible!""Did reb.faulks just send 25 of that??""I wish I was Mila right now. She's rich!""I'm curious, jay_storm. Is this where you bow out?" Another unknown account dropped this comment. Suddenly, Mila turned off the comments. Her live was blowing up, and she couldn't believe it. What started out as 1000 fans watching had turned into 8000 people. She received notifications on new followers every second."Thank you so much! You and jay_storm have helped me a lot." She sniffled, showing her gratitude for the fans' viewing. "But let's remember to stay respectful. I'm a
Chapter 19: Live Up To Your Expectations
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Jason returned to home page on his phone and even turned it off before tossing it on the bed. He approached the door, hesitating before he opened it halfway.“Hey, Mila. What’s up?”She spared a white smile, bringing up two bottles of wine and wiggling them before him. Jason breathed easily. She wasn’t here to call him out.He stepped out of her way, gesturing further into his room. Mila followed his hand and walked in while he closed the door behind her. Mila gave his room a once-over. “This is my first time in here. Not that it’s a surprise.“Did I live up to your expectations?” Jason raised his shoulders, not knowing what else to say.“I always knew you weren’t a slob. I wouldn’t have stayed here this long if you were.” Mila laughed, setting the two bottles of wine on the bed table and plopping down on his bed. “Whoa. It’s comfy.”“You don’t have to be polite when you don’t mean it.” “Agree to disagree. It’s my taste. Your bed feels warm and comfortable.”“It’s an old thing.” Jaso
Chapter 20: Twice Tempted
The Underrated Son-in-Law is Secretly A Trillionaire /Olivia C. Onoh
Jason’s mouth fell open. Mila’s pretty face was right next to his and he noticed everything. Her flawless long lashes, velvety skin, full lips and beautiful green eyes.She leaned closer and Jason thought he could just give in, but he remembered Raymond’s words. The condition to receive the Stormwell fortune was that he had to marry Julane Halston, at least for a year. He automatically had a fiancée.“Err…you…we should…I don’t think.” Jason stammered, drawing away from her pretty face and putting a distance between them.Mila laughed, covering her mouth with her hands and holding her midriff. She laughed so hard that tears fell from her eyes. Jason rubbed the back of his neck, conflicted. “I wish you could see your face right now!” She laughed again. “I’ll get you for this.” “Ooo, I’m scared.” Mila mocked him, holding his arm as amusement swirled in her eyes. Jason lurched and tickled Mila. She yelped, laughing nonstop as he ambushed her on a quest to make her pay.“Jason! Sorry—