All Chapters of The Magus Echoes of the forgotten: Chapter 11
- Chapter 20
55 chapters
Word Games
His face was defined by a strong, chiseled jawline, with high cheekbones. Above them, his stormy gray eyes held a glint of both intelligence and hidden depth. Thick, neatly groomed eyebrows arched gracefully, framing his intense gaze. A straight, noble nose sat proudly at the center of his face, emphasizing his regal bearing. His lips, slightly full and set in a firm line. 'A tight-lipped fellow, huh?' His black hair was shaved on the sides but left longer on top, slicked back with precision. The man stood there, and yet there was something deeply unsettling about his presence. 'He's definitely someone you wouldn't want to be alone with in a room. Shady!' Asselin held me even tighter, but her smile lacked its usual warmth, failing to reach her eyes. "Lord Marduk! How have you been? I'm afraid you're a bit late for the funeral." Her words sounded off and her tone lacked its usual warmth. There was an underlying message in her words, but I couldn't grasp its meaning. Lord Mardu
First kiss
His hand came closer, covering my vision. I tugged at Asselin, feeling her hold me even tighter. "Anyways sweet dreams." No matter what I did, it was futile. There was nothing I could do. His hand covered my vision. I was enveloped by the void, with the last sensation being Nana's tight embrace and Marduk's chilling touch. Crap! What happened? Where am I? What did he do to me? Confusion washed over me, and the complete darkness only added to my disorientation. But soon, I began to feel a tingle spreading throughout my body. What's this?! Next, I sensed a peculiar energy resonating with me. Hmmm... I felt a sense of calm wash over me as I acknowledged its presence. Compelled to investigate further, I tried to pinpoint the source of this energy. And there it was... in my solar plexus! I couldn't fathom how, but even without any external senses, I could clearly perceive its existence. Even within the encompassing darkness, I could feel, or rather sense, a path, a connection. Focu
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes...?!" "No, no, no, nooooooooo!!!" l was so close! Damn it! So close! It was right there, just a bit more and... Ah, damn it. damn it all. All that effort and build-up, for what? Whoever woke me up, I better not catch you. When I open my eyes, there must be someone ready to explain, or else... I'll slice and dice you and then I'll gut you!! To my wild bewildered thoughts, the first thing that greeted my droopy eyes were Asselin's worried eyes. They scanned me from head to toe. Oh! The wave of shame. Her worried gaze settling on mine. She genuinely looked concerned. It didn't take long for the worry in her eyes to dissipate, replaced by a soothing calmness. 'Great! Now I feel like a jerk.' All my thoughts about losing my opportunity and everything else vanished like smoke. Even though the worry in her eyes began to subside, the guilt inside me did not. I could feel my stomach twist into knots, my insides squirming. 'This feels horrible...' 'That's
Utilizing my breathing technique, I could feel a sense of inner peace washing over me. Now, I know this might sound strange or even scammy, but believe me, it works. Of course, it doesn't magically erase the shame I feel, but the technique itself is quite intriguing. It possesses two distinct abilities. First, it allows me to draw energy from the atmosphere or whatever it may be into my glowing sphere. With each breath and cycle, the energy is refined and the sphere grows a shade brighter. However, the progress is imperceptibly slow, making it difficult to notice. The process involves purifying the motes of various colors in the atmosphere, directing them towards my glowing sphere. After each cycle of expansion and compression, the sphere becomes a shade brighter, and the quality of the energy within it changes as well. The second ability is even more fascinating. It works like a charm. By allowing the energy in the atmosphere to pass through my body and replenish the energy inside
A small chuckle escaped Asselin's mouth observing the shocked expression on the silver headed baby's face. "Oh my, did I startle you, little Ely?" Her words were like honey that could calm even the most eruptive volcano. But it seemed that her words fell on deaf ears, as the silver-haired baby shrank even further beneath his blanket. He trembled so intensely that one could mistake him for being lost in a white dessert. He was deeply shaken. It was his first time witnessing magic, but its pleasantness was ruined when he realized it was dark magic. In his former life as Mark, such notions were alien to him. The concept of witchcraft, often brushed off as stories concocted for privileged children, held little weight in his life. Such Luxuries were far removed from his everyday reality. His main preoccupation centered around the modest desire for a peaceful night's sleep. Now, seeing what he had always considered mere spooky tales come to life, and to top it off, witnessing his Nana
With the misunderstanding now cleared... Truth be told some damages had been done. First things first, Asselin was indeed a witch... or rather, a mage, magician? I guess that sounds more proper and less spooky. And this world houses these beings—magicians, they are the cornerstone, pillars and the most exalted beings on this world. 'Of course, there is a hierarchy. Where there is power, there is a ladder. Someone has to be at the top, overseeing everyone and everything.' And don't even ask me why I have her as a caretaker. but my Nana happens to be one of them. But here's the craziest part, I, too, have the potential to become a mage. As she proclaimed, I was supposedly some sort of chosen one, someone rare. Thanks to her teachings—though I still can't figure out why she bothered explaining all this to me—I've come to learn that everyone in this world can use magic. Magic is a common thing here, but don't be mistaken—it's still considered a rare and wondrous kind of miracle.
Months flew by, and the hungrily awaited day finally arrived for the little one. It had felt like an eternity, but now he was finally placed on the ground, his tiny feet touching the floor as he took his first tentative steps. He was relieved to graduate from his pastel-blue blanket that had cradled him for six months. It wasn't that he disliked the blanket. It may have been a bit early for a baby to walk, but he couldn't contain his impatience anymore. He just had this feeling that he could do it. Asselin, as his caretaker, wasn't against the idea either. Watching the little one try and struggle to get out of the swaddling blanket he was wrapped in convinced her to accept this decision. She had seen her fair share of babies, and while most couldn't even crawl at this age, it didn't seem outrageous, especially for someone as experienced as her. She entertained the idea without much thought, until the little sunshine started taking those first tentative steps, bypassing the c
Sensing the shift in his demeanor, Asselin calmly asked, "Would you like to open your presents now?" Her composure mirrored her understanding of Yon's temperament, neither surprised nor disappointed by his reaction. It had long been an intriguing observation that Yon, since the day his mother passed, had been slightly off, but after meeting his siblings he was awfully silent and... lost. Even at the tender age of one, when most babies would throw tantrums out of nowhere, especially at night, seemingly to purposefully rob their families of a good night's sleep and peace... ...these miseries! "Eek!" The one-year-old toddler, with twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks, squealed in surprise. Clutching the parchment he had just swiped from the ground, he looked around, realizing he had been caught red-handed by his nana. The look on his face was priceless, as if he had been caught stealing candy. His sudden reaction seemed to have given him away as his caretaker approached him. "My,
Gift (2)
Tapping inside his reservoir, he drew out his magical energy amd poured into the jewel-like black crystals. "..." The lids were indeed too tight! There was no sign of them loosening, even though he was pouring his Magical energy into the box. Once again, Yon found himself stuck. Nothing seems to happen despite his efforts. Frustration and confusion mounted as he paused to contemplate his situation, searching for any overlooked detail. Suddenly, inspiration struck like lightning, and he could hardly contain his excitement. Without hesitation, he put his new solution into action, confident that this time he would be successful. With his small hands trembling slightly, the mischievous little rascal gently touched the four matte black jewel-like crystals positioned at each cardinal direction, readying himself to inject them with magical energy once again. However, this time, there was a noticeable difference. He wasn't tapping into his own reservoir. Instead, he was drawing fro
Don't judge
'Don't judge a book by its cover, Nana. Just because you happened to guess right doesn't mean you have the full picture,' he admonished, a gentle chiding in his tone. 'I know you don't have the best impression of him, but to think that even you would be blinded by such petty judgements.' Taking a deep, steadying breath, he reached out to grasp the mysterious book. 'I'm not excited, just curious.' He insisted, though the light in his eyes told a different story. He held the book gingerly in his hands, examining its external appearance. On the surface, it seemed unremarkable - a plain yellow cover, devoid of any title or markings. 'Don't judge. The surface is but a surface. Besides... what an interesting choice of color. Let's take a look at it.' Shaking off the prickles of disappointment and unreasonable expectations, he carefully flipped open the cover, to catch a glimpse of what it might hold. Flip. Blank! The first page was completely empty, not a single word or illustratio