Ainsley Calestia Edison did not continue words because when she thought about the person who had betrayed her father and caused her stress, she always felt angry and angry when remembered the incident when was still young.Moreover, previously had seen my father frustrated because he had lost a lot of money and gold which had been taken away by a good friend whom had trusted and considered like a brother, but instead had responded with a betrayal that really left deep wounds.That sincerity was met with betrayal, of course, made the father completely filled with extraordinary disappointment. He even considered him his own uncle, and called him the same. So, as if you couldn't believe what was happening."Why not continue?" asked Christian, now frowning with a curious expression on his face because he wanted to know what his wife meant.Until he understood when heard the baritone voice of the man with a large body next to him, which represented the explanation of the woman whose face h
Last Updated : 2023-12-03 Read more