All Chapters of The Angel System : Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
77 chapters
Fight with the demon Lord (3)
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Jack's lifeless body fell out of the sky and down to the ground, it was falling at extreme speed, and just as it was about to make contact with the ground Eirel caught him. Eirel had actually been freed a long time ago but refused to join the fight, he was replenishing his energy while also thinking of a way to win this fight. “JACE, JACE, DO NOT TELL ME YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD. ” Eirel screamed at Jace at the top of his voice but no matter how much he shook the dead body it didn't wake up. “The dead can't come back to life you fool, it's the rule of nature. ” Draven said cockily with a smug smile on his face. “DIE YOU FUCKER. ” Norman screamed and began waving his hands around countless while muttering countless prayers and chants. “Oh holy Angel of God, give me your chains so that I may bind this demon and drag him back to the hell he belongs. ” Norman screamed with his eyes glowing vibrantly yellow. Elvis tried to stand up but quickly fell back down to the ground, his body was j
Fight with the demon Lord (4)
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
‘Perfect.’ a wild grin had appeared on Draven's face which radiated his true intentions. “INSECTS. ” Draven shouted wildly causing everyone and everything around him to shatter from the mere demon energy radiating off of him.The demon Energy had completely fried Norman's rune on the ground which was constantly replenishing everyone's powers. A huge shock wave of demon energy had sent everyone flying apart except from Eirel whose axes had protected him from the onslaught of the demon energy heading towards him.Eirel hurled both his axes towards Draven, his axes cut the air at an intense speed which made Draven himself impressed but alas, speed didn't mean power. Draven held both of Eirel's axes and squashed them into pieces. Eirel didn't give up, he took to the skies, gathering all the energy he could feel around him, and began spinning rapidly like a tornado before descending towards Draven.Draven grabbed Eirel by his neck, suspending him totally in the air, but even so, Eirel
Restless Angel
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Present Day. “My friends. ” Hiro said out loud one more time with anger in his eyes, it was obvious his rage was boiling and one could see the Angel Energy all around him. [Shop]Hiro opened the shop tab because he knew there was no way he could win this fight without a good weapon, he had seen many movies and read many books about people with a system like his so he knew exactly what the shop tab was for. The shop tab appeared to be styled like some ancient shopping website and all he could see were random items with random prices. ‘System what weapon would suit me most right now? ’ Hiro asked the system angrily, he had no time to waste time and his anger was spewing all over the place. [Demon slayer Short Swords][INFO:These are daggers forged with the sole intent of killing demons, it naturally radiates Angel Energy and a cut from it would never be healed on a demon, swords can also be joined to form a proper sword.][Bonuses:+100 Speed.+100 Strength+30 Angel Energy.][Activ
Planet Enos
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Hiro looked around him expecting to see either his friends or their teammates but all to no avail, he pulled out his watch and tried to send a message to either of them but there was no service.‘Hm, that's weird, Jex sent me a message from this particular planet, how is there no service all of a sudden?’ Hiro asked himself but couldn't come up with an answer. Hiro and Jake had appeared on Planet Enos during its daytime which was two hundred hours of its day which happened to be 600 hours. Planet Enos was located in the Viladrobadia Aurora Nexus solar system, it was a solar system that was extremely far from the Earth but it was still a territory of the Earth. Since portals were invented, space travel has become way easier, and people are now able to move between planets in a matter of minutes, humans have been venturing into unknown planets and uncharted areas to conquer the places and harvest their natural resources. It was a very risky job as it involved going to completely new
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Hiro and Jake turned around instantly to the origin of the voice, it felt so soft and it was almost like he was silently praying that it was Hiro and Jake who were floating before him. “Yes, yes Norman it is me. ” Hiro said on seeing his friend, tears began dripping from his eyes as soon as he saw the unkempt condition of his friend, Norman was wearing rags, his hair seemed to have grown to his waist length and it stuck to his body due to the amount of blood that had dried between them, Norman also smelled like crap but he looked well fed. “It's been a month Hiro, we thought truly Draven's agents had killed you, but now I know demons only lie. ” Norman said with tears streaming down his eyes. “Hey guys, it's Hiro, Hiro is here, Hiro is back. ” Norman screamed frantically, he looked like a madman with the way he was screaming. Two figures appeared from behind the human shelter, one was tall, and strong, with his short golden blonde hair still glowing, it looked to have been unaffec
Let's take this fool down.
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
“Okay the plan is simple, Each day his people come around this area to scout, we are usually hiding or out in another region fighting beasts to get crystals, this time we could let them kidnap us since we would be delivered right to Draven,” Norman explained his very simple plan“Kidnap? I do not support that, we would be heading into uncharted territory without any idea of the scope or nature of the place, we would have no advantage and they would have all, it's a suicide mission.” Jake said disagreeingly, the plan was quite stupid, to be honest. “We simply tail his people when they are scouting this region, Hiro and I can fly so it'll be easy for us, all we just have to do is a quick scope of wherever Draven is and see where he is keeping his prisoners, our enemies and any other thing of vital importance. ” Jake said smartly, he had been working in the military for years now, and thanks to his abilities he was one of the best reconnaissance agents out there.“What if you are caugh
Beast Hunting
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Jace and the rest of the guys smiled and all dispatched to their assigned tasks, there was no time to waste time and everyone was getting themselves ready. Hiro was to go beast hunting along with Elvis and Jace and now they had all gotten ready and were on their way to the hunting region. “So, please tell me more about Eirel's death, where is his body? ” Hiro asked with tears in his eyes, he was still feeling emotional after all that had happened. “Draven ripped out Eirel's wings and then his heart, and as for Eirel's body, Eirel didn't leave it. ” Elvis said, he had not known Eirel for long and he didn't feel that bad about his death, what he really felt bad about was that he broke his promise to the supreme commander for letting one of them die. “What do you mean, Eirel didn't leave his body? ” Hiro asked, it was common knowledge to all, that when someone died their bodies would be left and then they would be buried and put to rest. “I mean, his body vanished into a cloud of go
The Divine Judgement (1)
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
‘I know I would not win, but if I try to run, my death would be faster.’ Hiro said, clearly deceiving himself and giving himself a reason to fight. Hiro leaped right at the beast, he summoned his two short swords and held them in a reverse grip getting ready to cut down the monster. “INSECT” The beast shouted, with a swipe of its hand, Hiro had crashed into a cave like a piece of useless furniture. [-100HP]*SPIT* Hiro spat out blood from his mouth, the strength behind that attack was unlike what he had ever seen before, it was like a bus moving at full speed had crashed right into him. “Who are you, and how dare you trespass? ” The beast said once more questioning Hiro, it didn't like beings trespassing in its cave but this particular one had tried to fly into his master's abode. “Relax Gorillian, that right there is an Angel, the beings I told you I was created to mimic. ” A man said appearing behind Gorillian. “So are you telling me that this weak being here is an Angel? ” Go
The Divine Judgement (2)
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
Hiro could feel his mind being viciously pulled out of the real world, it was like his mind was going through a portal. Hiro fell to his knees screaming while holding his head, his vision began slowly fading along with his sense of hearing, touch, taste, and Energy, it was almost as if he was viciously being ripped out of his world. *FLASHBACK, DIVINE JUDGEMENT'S POV*His hands were slightly spread apart with beautiful white light gathered in them, as beautiful as the light looked it radiated an aura of pure danger. He knew what he was doing was wrong but so what?, God created him for this reason and why would he order me not to complete it yet? Was he not more Powerful than Satan? These were the thoughts that ran through Blade's mind, opposite him was his archenemy, the devil himself who stood proud and tall looking at him with a very serious look on his face, his demonic katana pulsing with purple glowing energy. “Satan, today you die. ” Blade said angrily with his eyes glowing
The divine judgment (3)
The Angel System /ECM_MANGA
“What did you say? ” Hiro asked confused, he had no idea why The divine judgment would want him to inherit his powers. From the powers he had seen in the flashback, he was powerful enough to injure Satan, and with those powers, Hiro would essentially become the most powerful man in the world. “Yes, I would give you my powers, but only if you defeat the most powerful demon on this planet. ” The divine judgment said, and just like Hiro suspected there was a catch, nothing came free in this life. “Okay, no problem. ” Hiro said, it was a no-brainer, he was sure he would be able to defeat Draven with a little help, and that kind of power would put him on the same level as Ariel. “Wait up, you are from another dimension, and the Satan you fought was definitely from another dimension, so does that mean there are multiple Satan's? ” Hiro asked, from the stories he had heard about Satan he wasn't handsome looking like the man he saw in the flashback. “Yes, there are multiple Satan's, each