All Chapters of Dreaded Heir's Returned : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
98 chapters
Joshua took his place beside Rena who was visibly shaking, the tears from her eyes didn’t stop gushing down her cheeks.Joshua glanced at her every now and then but yet he knew nothing to do or say to make her feel comfortable or at least stop the crying.“What’s the name of the hospital?.” Jousha asked Rena.Rena pulled herself together and sat up, she pressed her back against the chair, as she stretched her neck to see ahead.“I think we are on the wrong track.” Rena wiped the tears from her eyes using her sleeves to enable her to see clearly. “She…” Rena paused and looked around.She stared at the noticeable landmarks and signs on the express road before she turned to Joshua.“I think we are on the wrong track! my sister is at the city general hospital.” Rena stuttered while trying to convey her message clearly to Joshua and most especially the driver who suddenly looked up in the rearview mirror.“That’s the other side of town, sir.” The driver said.Joshua nodded approvingly at t
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“Why can’t she undergo surgery now?.” Joshua questioned the receptionist in a haste.The receptionist looked around for a few seconds and then paused, with her eyes fixed on a man she said to Joshua. “That’s the doctor!!, you can ask him further questions.” Joshua smiled at the receptionist and quickly ran off towards the doctor who the receptionist had directed him to. His step was quick and switched which caught the attention of everyone in the waiting room including Rena who was puzzled as to why her boss was practically chasing after his shadows.“Excuse me, sir!.” Joshua finally said after not being able to catch up with the doctor.The doctor paused but didn’t turn around to see who may have called out to him.“Doctor?.” Joshua tapped on the man’s shoulder.The Doctor turned around to face the man who was in a hast.“How can I help you, young man?.” He questioned Joshua.Joshua inhaled deeply and then exhaled. “There is a lady in this hospital, her name is Grace Matway and I he
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Rena’s POVMy sister was in ward two, room number twelve.“That’s room ten,” I informed Joshua.His smile deepened. “That means we are almost there.” He said to me,I turned to him and caught him gawking at me, he raised his hand and rubbed it against the nape of his neck, and we both nervously stared at each other. Joshua reached out for my hand.Our fingers intertwined, I didn’t want this moment to end, I stared deep into his eyes as he did the same to me, I swallowed hard trying to control myself around him.“Get a hold of yourself, Rena!!.” I scolded myself.I blinked and liked straight ahead, trying so hard to control the emotions I had begun to build up for my employer. I was a mere worker in his company and not an heir to a multi-billion fortune which my late parents had left in my care but rather I was a poor brat.I sighed.“Room twelve!!.” Joshua cheered.I had been crying and craving to see my sister for almost an hour but now that I stood in front of her hospital room I co
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Joshua could feel the intensity between the sisters though he knew nothing about the family Joshua knew it wasn’t just the fear of losing Grace Matway that was tearing Rena apart.While on the other hand, Rena saw Grace Matway’s illness as a way to get to her boss ‘Mr Joshua’ who she claimed was hers to keep and have.Grace Matway lay on the bed lifeless, she could barely feel a few parts of her body as she lay there breathing and moving her eyes to see around.“How do you feel?.” Joshua asked her as he closed the door behind him.Rena who was at the other side of the door looked up at it as it closed, her heart sinking at that exact moment like her world had ended.“I am fine.” Grace Matway attempted to smile.Joshua sat at the edge of the bed. “You don’t have to stress your lips to smile, I can read your eyes,” Joshua told her.“My sister likes you.” Grace Matway let the cat out of the bag.Joshua was taken aback by the sudden statement by Grace Matway.“Why do you say so?.” Joshua
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Joshua’s POVI waved her goodbye as I walked towards Miss Rena as Grace Matway was being rushed towards the emergency room.“Is she going to be alright?.” Miss Rena asked me.I stared deep into her eyes and couldn’t help but see my ex-wife in her, she was calm and innocent but yet very mischievous.She asked me in a voice that seemed sad enough to make you sad but yet her eyes gave me the impression she wanted Grace Matway stock on that sick bed.I tapped her shoulder and smiled. “She will be fine.” I led her outside the hospital building trying to calm her down. “Lunch?.” I asked her.“How is she?.” The lady behind the counter asked us.“She is fine.” Miss Rena cheered.We both strolled out of the hospital building.“Where is your car?.As they both walked out of the hospital building, Rena felt a cold sensation sweep around her.Rena gazed at Joshua for a few seconds before her eyes returned to their exact spot.“What would you like to eat?.” Mr Joshua asked me.——I took a deep br
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Grace Matway’s POVMy heart was aching as I watched the doctors flood the new room I was lying in.“Am I gonna be okay?.” I stuttered as I asked such a question.A nurse approached me with a tray in her hand, she placed the tray on a table beside me and leaned in close, her finger pulled a strand of my hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear.“You’re a beauty.” She smiled at me. “You’re gonna be okay Sweetie,” She reassured me.She looked somewhat younger than me but I didn’t know if it was my eyes or her voice that made me come to that conclusion.She was quick-witted while I lay there with no energy.An oxygen mask was put over my mouth.“...” my scream was subdued by the oxygen mask.The piercing feeling of the syringe caused me so much pain that I began to feel my body grow numb.———While undergoing surgery Grace Matway’s younger sibling was convincing herself that she was on a date with her boss and her sister was dead.“This tastes amazing.” Miss Rena said with her mouth f
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Evelyn’s POVI had a terrible day at work and all I need is a foot massage! Or so I thought.I walked out of the elevator towards my apartment door as I fished in my handbag for my front door key.I paused for a second to think. “Did I leave my house open?.” I questioned myself when I saw the door slightly open.My lips fell open when I felt my house key inside my bag, I looked from one end of the hallway to the other and there was no one present to ask any questions.“You probably assumed you locked it Evelyn” With so much going on I was becoming clumsy and forgetful but never did I think I would leave my apartment open for an entire day and be comfortable at work without for once thinking about it.I took the first step closer to the door, I stretched my arm and grabbed the doorknob though my limbs were trembling.I drew my hand back in fear of what could await me inside my very own apartment.“I should call the security!.” I thought to myself.My feet were quick to rush into action
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Grace Matway’s POVMy eyes began to flutter open slowly, the bright light that surrounded the room was blinding, I squicked for a moment before my eyes began to adjust to the lighting of my room.I hissed at the loud banging of the door, the blurry figure moved quickly towards me which agitated me.Who was it to make so much sound after what had just happened in the theatre?I kissed my teeth and tried to shade my eyes from the light and the quick movement of the woman in my room.I was harshly pulled from my bed. “You better leave my man or else I will wipe you off the face of this earth that you do not deserve to be in, in the first place!!.” The sound of my sister's voice and threat echoed in my head.I sighed, she let go of my neck letting me fall head flat on the bed.Tears welled up in my eyes as I began to feel overwhelmed, I never thought the hate she felt for me was up to this extent that she could threaten me with death.“Hi, girls.” Joshua’s cheerful voice caught me off gua
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Evelyn’s POVI tried kicking and screaming but the energy in me was drained. “Help…” my voice was failing me.I successfully pried his hand off my neck.“Bastard!!.” I cursed breathlessly.I sat naked on the ground rubbing against my visibly red neck, how could he do such to me? How could he try to kill me in the middle of lovemaking?“What did you call me?.” He gripped hard on my jawline and squeezed it hard.Saliva began to drip out of my mouth, I clawed and scratched him as much as I could but who was I kidding? My little child’s show wasn’t getting me anywhere rather I was dying slowly.What could I do? How could I assume that my fiancé could attempt to kill me in my house?“Do you know what you are Evelyn Joshua?.” He asked me.I heard the snapping sound of my jaw breaking, tears didn’t seize running down my eyes.I kicked him hard in the groin and ran as fast as my failing body could carry me. I held onto the edge of the wall and pulled my stiff left leg.“Come out, come out wh
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Joshua’s POVFor the first time in the past twenty-four hours, I saw a smile on both sister's lips as they conversed in some unknown conversation.I sat on the sidelines letting them have their moment when my phone began to buzz, I dug into my trouser pockets almost immediately and pulled out my cell phone. I looked up at the sisters to catch them gazing at me intensely, Grace Matway was first to look away while Miss Rena took a few more seconds stealing glances at me before she twisted her neck to her sister and once again they resumed their conversation like I had not just interrupted them for a second.“Evelyn?.” I paused in shock, I was astonished that she could call me after all that had been said and done between us both I assumed I would never have to cross paths with her though she was the exact reason I refused to change my call line.I stood up and excused myself. “Girls! I will be back soon.” I told them and walked out of the hospital room.I sat on the bench outside the h
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