“There's a roaster on the wall, if you name appears there, you have to move to Temple Jade before the end of today.” Keith notices everyone making their way towards the said wall in a hurry.“Please lord. Have mercy on my soul! I don't want to end up in that temple” Keith couldn't stop wondering what was so terrible about Jade temple! It seems like some place for monks, and that doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.Liv8ng with monks, you learn the most useful piece of advice as a ypung man and maybe some great martial arts..Why were the men so bothered? Should he be running up and down, too? Should he really be concerned? He glances up at Ellinor, who had the most sinister smile on his face. That certainly isn't a good sign! That devilish bastard, who knows what he had in mind for Keith?Ellinor could run a sword around his neck without thinking twice if he had the chance! Keith made his way to the wall in search of his name. His heart was racing, and his hands seemed a bit
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