All Chapters of The hidden heir of Wayne: Chapter 61
- Chapter 70
210 chapters
Sixty-one: Heart of greed and wicked
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
The sound of the water splashing against the floor and wall suddenly came to a halt and so did Tara's footsteps. She stood still like a statue, questions began floating around in her mind and she felt like her senses were coming back.Had she not come too far to lose it all? She gave up on her first love, her happiness, the guy that brought a smile to her face, she gave up on Ivan.All for what? To get physically and sexually abused by that spoiled brat, Charlie? No, if you put it down like that then it made her feel like a fool. So she asked herself again.Why did you give up on the man that even just a glimpse of him forced your lips into a smile? That was when she finally found the right answer.It was all for money. The Graham's were on the top ten list of wealthy families in England and a greedy young woman like her would have loved to be married to the Wayne family that had been sitting on number one in not only England but in most other countries of the world and possibly, th
Sixty-two: Broken hearts
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
The room was empty aside from China's thoughts that lingered around in the room. Out of boredom, she made a decision to call Mia, her new best friend to help keep her company over the phone.China's roommate walked in and called out to her, "China, hey." "Yeah?" China responded."You have a visitor." Her roommate said."Oh Okay. I'll call you back Mia." China said before hanging up.She turned to face her roommate, "who is it?" China asked."I think it's best if you find out for yourself." She looked at her roommate confusedly, what was that look in her eyes and that tone in her voice? She turned towards the entrance of her bedroom to step out and receive the visitor when the door pushed open, making her take a few steps backwards.Her eyes widened as she stared at the August visitor that was standing right in front of her at the entrance of the room."Long time no see, my little Angel." Mr Andrews said with a slightly noticeable smile on his face.China felt like her feet were glu
Sixty-three: Sex in the kitchen
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
Anxiety and fear poured down her back like a pail of water. It was a man's voice so it definitely could not be China. What should she do?She thought to herself; should I call nine one one just in case?She then decided to dial the number and keep her finger on the call button before opening the door.After a few calming breaths, she placed her hand on the door knob and twisted it open. Slowly and carefully. She decided to open it halfway and take a peak.As she tilted her head to the side, so did the young man that was standing at the entrance. "Hello." He said as he beamed at her, revealing his perfect set of teeth.She stared at the strange yet somehow familiar man that was standing at her door step through squinted eyes. She asked herself these questions; who is this man and why is he strangely familiar?Not just one feature made him so handsome, the unique colors of his eyes often made people speak of the color of eyes.That was not the first time Mia had seen those unique sets
Sixty-four: Those darn eyes
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
What the hell was she thinking? Having sex with him the first time they met in person, it was not even like they were dating. He was the young man that was helplessly in love while she was the beautiful young lady that was adamant on her decision.Was it because of those darn eyes? Perhaps they possessed the ability to make a woman fall so foolishly. She kept stabbing at her food as the thought of what she had just done wandered in her mind. This act couldn't go unnoticed by her roommate slash best friend, China."Spill it already and kill the suspense." China said without taking her eyes off her food."Huh?" Mia asked."I know something is bothering your mind, is it Ivan?" China questioned."No... Well I guess I can't say no because Ivan bothers my mind every single day but..." "He isn't the reason for today's brooding. Instead of waiting for you to tell me, let me ask you instead." She dropped her fork onto her plate and took out a golden necklace with an eagle shaped pendant and
Sixty-five: Childhood friends
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
It was a very snowy afternoon that day and it was only a few days to Christmas. A lot of people had begun preparing for the blissful holiday, they bought their trees and presents and lights. Some of the neighboring kids took it upon themselves to decorate the streets by building snow men. Truly, the Christmas spirit was alive. China was only nine then, she had anticipated the holidays and her rich parents had promised her numerous gifts if she came out with good grades from school.As always, she was the top student in the class, she wowed the teachers with her brilliance once more. Few days to Christmas, of course she ought to be rejoicing as several gifts were promised for her outstanding behavior but instead, she was sitting on the couch in the living room, sulking. Mr and Mrs Andrews, of course, as always were busy with business stuff and they had gone on a trip which they promised her they would return on the twenty first but it was already twenty third. Their family nanny
Sixty-six: Unhealthy circumstances
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
The two had been brought together by fate, only to be drawn apart by circumstances. Never did China think, not even once that the person they suspect, the family is the family of the Graham's and their number one enemy was her first love, Charlie."China, why are you spewing such words that you and I both know you don't mean?" Charlie asked with a confused look on his face."I mean every single word that I am saying!" She exclaimed angrily."Is this about me not coming to find you as well? Believe me or not, I tried! I did search for you! I didn't give up and I still haven't! I only learnt about you cutting ties with your parents recently and I knew it would be harder to find you." Charlie explained to her."That is not the reason! Okay?!" "Then why are you mad at me? Why are you raising your voice at me if it isn't because of what happened?""Do you know a guy named Ivan?" She asked him."Ivan..." He muttered to himself. "What does that bag of trash have to do with this?!" He exclai
Sixty-seven: A miracle
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
Charlie paced about in the living room while Tara just watched him. She was trying her best to stay calm but her curiosity forced the anger in her into an outburst. "Will you stop pacing about already?! You're making me dizzy from watching you!" She exclaimed. Charlie paused, he titled his head to the side and gave her a side glance. She blinked repeatedly while looking in another direction. Apparently her voice was louder than she intended. "I just... I am just worried about you! That's all! Can't I be worried about you?" She questioned as she crossed her arms below her breast. He let out a sigh with his eyes closed. "Even if I were to explain it to you, you wouldn't be able to understand it." "How sure are you? Have you ever heard that I found a situation difficult to understand? You know of my level of IQ, my intelligence is well over almost everyone's." "Not Ivan's, he is the smartest kid in the entire school." Charlie said.Tara fell silent and bowed her head to the ground
Sixty-eight: MV3 virus
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
The night before...The room was empty and motionless. There wasn't a single sound except for the continuous beeping of the monitor in the room that proved Ivan was still alive. China sat down next to Ivan's bed, just staring at him as he slept so peacefully. She moved her hand to his hair and pulled a strand away from his face. He had been asleep for so long that his hair had gotten longer but he still looked very beautiful. The peaceful expression on his face suddenly disappeared and his face scrunched up like he was in pain. China was confused, was he perhaps having a bad dream? They did say people who were in a coma were capable of dreaming. He suddenly grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it."Ivan? Ivan? Are you awake? What's going on with you?!" She exclaimed. She was beginning to get scared and confused. His eyes were still shut tightly but his grip on her hand grew tighter and tighter.The heart monitor began to beep abnormally, his heart rate was very abnormal. "Doctor
Sixty-nine: Taking risk
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
"What is this virus in question?" Ivan asked one of the nurses that drew his blood sample."The MV3 virus is a very complex virus that was discovered in the rural parts of the city. Apparently it comes from a certain bacteria we have never seen before and the first person to contract this got it from drinking contaminated water."The water from that part seems to be lurking with these bacteria but thankfully the water doesn't travel very far."The scientists are trying to find their origin and what can kill them but nothing for now. I can't really explain it in terms that you would understand but to make it simple... It is deadlier than corona virus and Ebola." She said through her nose mask."What the fuck? Is there a cure?" "We don't know. The few people who have contacted it are currently being studied while in isolation. So far, we haven't lost anyone but we don't know what might happen next." "Please I need you to find a cure for this as fast as possible. I have someone who cur
Seventy: Secret investigation
The hidden heir of Wayne/Quinn Writes
The room was silent except for the sound of Ivan's heartbeat that echoed through his head. His only love had moved on because of his accident. Everyone else had probably moved on, a lot had changed and even his course mates were in their final year in the university.What he had tried to protect so much was taken away from his hands and all he did was sleep through it.Their lips slowly separated as they slowly moved apart. Mia caressed his face softly while breathing him in. He didn't bother to move away, she probably wanted to savor him and their last moment together which he did as well. "I know I couldn't say this back then and this was what caused us to fall apart but... It is really coming late but... I love you, Ivan, and I'm sorry I couldn't say it back then." Mia muttered to him.His eyes remained closed as his lips relaxed into a smile. The door suddenly pushed open and Mia's eyes widened when she saw China standing at the door with the assistance of a nurse and doctor W