All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 91
- Chapter 100
184 chapters
Ninety one
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECNEITHER OF MY BROTHERS TRUSTED ME TO DRIVE, AND I COULDN’Treally blame them, not after the completely immature way I’d handled things last night and this morning. I still didn’t want to believe I’d been such an idiot. I could count on one hand the number of times I had actually been drunk in my life, and the other times had ended with me hugging a toilet, not showing up at a woman’s house and making a fool of myself.Despite the three-and-a-half-hour drive, I didn’t have much time to think about any of this since Eoin was sleeping in the back, and Brody was driving. When Brody drove, he liked to either talk…or sing. My brother had a lot of talents, but music wasn’t one of them. Not only was he completely tone deaf, but he had no rhythm, not when it came to music anyway. And he never knew the lyrics.None of that, however, stopped him from torturing people whenever the need struck him. Such as when he was in t
Ninety two
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMEN“I’LL CALL YOU WHEN I KNOW MORE,” I PROMISED MAI AS SHEpulled up to the hospital. “Thanks for the ride.”“Of course,” she said, her expression somber. “I hope she’s okay.”“Me too.”I hurried through the hallways, following the directions Josalyn had given me fifteen minutes ago. She hadn’t provided me with any details beyond saying that Soleil was in the hospital, and my presence when Josalyn saw her would be a big help, which meant when I stepped off the elevator, I was surprised to find myself at the psych ward.“Lumen, over here,” Josalyn called to me.I hurried to where she stood, her face pinched with worry. “What happened?” I had a feeling I knew, but I wasn’t going to believe it until someone said it for sure.“She tried to kill herself. One of the other kids found her and called 911.”“Dammit.” Everything in me sank. “Will she be okay?”“I haven’
Ninety three
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECIN THE PAST, KELI HAD SENT ME PICTURES OF EVANNE IN HERcostumes and a couple pictures of her while trick-or- treating. I’d never been a part of the process.It was quite entertaining, actually. Especially since Evanne hadn’t been able to decide on just one costume when I’d taken her shopping yesterday. Now that Keli was here, Evanne insisted on modeling each costume for both of us and having us decide which one she should wear.“Which one?” Evanne asked as she twirled, her shiny skirt billowing out around her. “Princess, cheetah, or ninja?” “That’s quite the range you have there, mo chride,” I saidwith a chuckle.“I have potential,” she said. She was practically beaming. “Everybody says so.”Keli and I burst out laughing, the sound easing the tension between us. She’d been perfectly polite from the moment she’d gotten here, but I still didn’t trust her. I doubted I’d ever
Ninety four
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENI DIDN’T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING, GOING TO ALEC’S HOUSE TOask for him to put me in contact with his brother. The last two times Alec and I had been together, we’d fought, and we hadn’t resolved any of the issues that had gotten us to that point in the first place. Why had I thought for even a moment that he’d put that aside to help me, or that he’d even care why I was asking, I didn’t know. I knew how the world worked, how people really were. The only emotion he’d displayed had been jealousy, and I was willing to bet that was more due to wounded pride than anything else.No matter how much I wished things were different.He’d told me things with Keli were over, but she’d been there, looking as if she belonged within those walls. Sure, maybe she was just there so they could take Evanne trick- or-treating together, but I didn’t have much in the way of trust at the moment, not when it came to him.Th
Ninety five
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENWHILE THE OTHER KIDS KEPT THEMSELVES BUSY WITH THEIR MATHworksheets, I called Evanne up to my desk so we could go over what she’d missed the previous week. As she skipped up to the desk I kept next to mine specifically for instances like this, I was relieved to see that she didn’t seem to have been negatively affected by what had happened.“You and I are going to talk about the lessons you missed last week,” I began. “Anything that you don’t understand, you need to ask about, because I won’t know how to help otherwise.”“I’m glad to be back,” Evanne said as she squirmed in her chair. “Mommy and I had fun, but I don’t like missing school.”“Well, we missed you too.” I wasn’t sure if that sounded sincere or lame, but it was all I had to go with at the moment. “How about we start with the spelling test you missed?”“I studied yesterday before I went trick-or-treating.” She pulled out a piece of
Ninety six
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECMY MEETING WITH PERCIVAL THIS MORNING HAD GONE WELL. I LIKEDthe way he worked. He’d done as he’d promised and put together several different custody agreements. When we’d gone over them, he’d offered his opinion on each one but hadn’t tried to persuade me one way or the other.Each of the options had merit.One granted me sole custody with Keli only having DCFS supervised visits.The second granted me sole custody and gave me full control over when Keli’s visits were and how long they lasted.The third was an agreement where I had primary custody, and Keli had a set schedule of every other weekend and every other holiday for visitation.The final one was a more traditional joint custody agreement with Evanne going back and forth every other week or monthI hadn’t made a definite decision yet. I wanted to watch Keli a little while longer, see how she handled things now that she and Evann
Ninety seven
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENSCHOOL TODAY HAD BEEN NICE AND BORING. I FOLLOWED MY LESSONplan exactly, and we’d had no drills or surprises. Just our normal schedule and basic lessons. The kids hadn’t been exceptionally good or exceptionally bad, just normal kids. A little talking, a little noise, but otherwise, good behavior.After everything that had happened recently, it had been nice to focus solely on teaching. This was what I’d gone to school for, what I’d always wanted to do. It was nice to finally feel like I was finally getting the opportunity to prove myself.It wasn’t until the final bell had rung, and my last student had gone that I got a text from Josalyn. Soleil was being released today, and Josalyn wanted me to be there. Brie wouldn’t be off work until later this evening, and Josalyn thought it would be better if she and I picked Soleil up and took her home as soon as she was allowed to leave rather than making her wait.
Last Updated : 2024-02-14Read more
Ninety Eight
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECTHE MOMENT I SAW LUMEN, I SCRAMBLED TO MY FEET. I’D BEENsitting in the hallway long enough that my ass was numb, but that didn’t matter even a fraction as much as setting things right.“What are you doing here?”Under any other circumstances, that question would’ve been rude, but she sounded so tired that it only made me feel worse about how I’d behaved. I would do things differently this time…if she let me. The fear that she might just tell me to leave was very real.“I was a right bastard to you, and I am sorrier for that than I can ever say.” The words came out without thought, and I realized that it was probably a good thing. When I thought too much, I fucked things up.She sighed, such a weary sound that I automatically took a step forward before realizing that my touch might be unwanted.“May I take your bag?” I held out my hand.She handed it over and then dug into her pu
Ninety nine
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENALEC WAS IN LOVE WITH ME.More than that, he’d actually said I love you. Some people might not make a distinction between the two, but I got the feeling that Alec wasn’t one of them. It hadn’t been some emotional outburst. For someone who was as particular as he was, I imagined he’d spent his time sitting in my hallway, carefully planning exactly what he wanted to say.Which meant he’d not only said those three little words, but he’d wanted to say them. He’d thought them through.That wasn’t the only thing he’d said that I was still processing. He was taking responsibility, acknowledging the root issues, and had a real plan in place to work on it. Therapy. Alec wouldn’t lie about something like that. The fact that he was going to talk to a professional was huge. Guys like him, they didn’t usually go for things like that.I believed him about all of it. But that was only the first step. The next one was all on me. I
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECLUMEN AND EVANNE HAD THEIR HEADS BENT OVER A PAPER, BOTH OFthem smiling and laughing about whatever it was they were reading. I’d just finished cleaning up our dinner mess and now stood in the doorway, watching the two of them.I could get used to this.The thought surprised me, but not as much as it would have a week ago. Since Lumen and I had worked things out a few days ago, we’d made purposeful steps toward building a healthy relationship. The first had been telling the people in our lives that we were together in order to prevent any unpleasant surprises.Evanne had been thrilled since she’d been worrying about Lumen not having been around recently. Keli had been disappointed, but she’d handled it better than I’d anticipated. In fact, she’d been amenable to most things this past week, including looking on her own for an apartment.I fully intended to continue paying child support, even though I no