All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 161
- Chapter 170
184 chapters
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEOn the surface, everything about today had been perfect. If Iasked my parents, they’d say the same. Freedom, however…I wasn’t entirely sure how she felt. She’d seemed a little off. Like her smiles had been a second too late, or she’d had to pull herself out of her head before she could answer a question.I wanted to ask her if she was okay, but if she took the question badly, it could’ve ruined the whole day. So I didn’t. Tomorrow, we’d have to talk about what we planned to do next, and if it still seemed like something was bothering her, then I’d ask.The fact that my parents and Freedom hadn’t hovered all day made me extremely optimistic about what the future could be. Maybe they’d just needed to work through their own fears and concerns themselves, and now things could go back to normal. Or whatever our new normal would be now that Freedom and I weren’t in school anymore.I had some ideas about how that might
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINAline and I had talked for nearly two hours on Thursday,then another hour yesterday, and it’d been surprisingly easy the whole time. Sure, there’d been a couple awkward silences at first, but after that, it’d been good. I honestly hadn’t been able to remember a time I’d talked so much, especially not to the same person. I was positive that I hadn’t talked to a woman I wasn’t related to for that long.I also hadn’t been this nervous in a long time. Not like this. When I’d picked up a woman to fuck for the first time since the ambush, I hadn’t exactly been calm, but those nerves had been about my ability to perform. This was different. In some ways, it was almost like my first date ever.Sure, I’d taken women out to eat, that sort of thing, but it’d always been leading up to getting them in bed. I mean, I’d gone from high school straight into the army. Being with a woman had always just been about sex. Yeah, I want
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI WAS FAR FROM THE ONLY WOMAN TO MAKE IT THROUGH COLLEGE ANDinto my early twenties before losing my virginity. It was less common that I’d barely been kissed before Eoin. A couple fumbling attempts by college boys the few times Freedom and I had spent time with some of her friends, but never anything more than that. That was also the extent of my dating experience too. Study groups, mostly, but always groups. Never a single date or even a double date.So, now I was on my first date with the man who’d given me my first real kiss…and who had been my first time having sex. It felt a little awkward, going from having had sex twice with him to then going on a date, but nothing else in my life had ever been traditional, which meant I was accustomed to forging my own way.And I was used to doing it without letting anyone else know how much or how little I knew or understood.Fortunately, once I stopped overthinking, th
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINGreat sex was like a really good workout. You slept well andwoke up sore. It didn’t matter how good of shape I was in or how small she was, holding her up against the door used my thigh muscles enough for me to feel it as I climbed out of bed as carefully as I could, not wanting to wake the sleeping woman next to me. I’d had a little practice with that even though I’d always tried not to fall asleep after sex, but for the first time, it was only out of concern for her.The room was dark enough that I couldn’t see much beyond a crack of light under a door. I put my hand on the side of the bed and tried to remember what was between me and the door. Somewhere in the room was a lamp, but I hadn’t paid enough attention to know I could turn it on without breaking something in the process. Plus, I didn’t want the light to wake Aline. I wanted to be able to slide back under the covers and go back to sleep with her in my arms.It
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI’d slept well and woke up slowly, my muscles feeling likethey were made of rubber. I sat up and grimaced at the twinges. Slightly sore rubber, then.I didn’t need to look over to see that I was alone in bed, and while that disappointed me, I couldn’t deny the bit of relief I felt at not having to explain Eoin’s presence to my parents. Things between us were still new enough that I wasn’t sure how I would’ve handled that exactly.Mom, Dad, this Eoin McCrae. He rescued me in Iran and then took my virginity before yelling at me for being stupid. But it’s okay because we had sex again, and then he went to Iraq to save more people. We went on our first date last night, and he slept over. What’s for breakfast?I rubbed my forehead. What had I been thinking? I didn’t regret the date, or really, the sex afterward. What I did have to question, however, was the wisdom of bringing him here for sex rather than asking him to take me back to his hot
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINMY FIRST OFFICIAL FULL WEEK ON THE JOB WAS A LOT SLOWER THANthe two weeks before it, but I wasn’t complaining. I didn’t even mind the paperwork we’d spent all day Monday plowing through.The rest of the week had been filled with preparation and organization. Getting up to speed on all the certifications I needed to allow me to use the skills I’d learned in the army legally in civilian life. An o cial background check for Cain’s files. Time on the gun range. Sparring with the guys.The last one might sound odd, but due to the type of work we did, whether it was a simple bodyguard assignment or a ransom drop, the bond between team members was more important than pretty much anything else.They were a good group of guys. I didn’t have the history with them that I’d had with Leo, or even with the other guys I’d served with, but I wouldn’t have that with anyone else. What I could have, though, was somethin
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINI’D HONESTLY BEEN PREPARED FOR ALINE TO TELL ME TO FUCK OFF. Ihadn’t handled anything with her well from the moment we’d met. I hadn’t hurt her physically, and I had saved her life, but I’d fucked up the rest of it. Badly. But Israel had been right. Sort of. I didn’t think I loved her, but now I was starting to think that I could. Someday. Maybe even someday soon.All I knew for sure was I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t try. Not only because I needed to honor Leo and the other men who died by living life, but because I could see a future now. A real one.A good one. With her.I’d make this work, starting with dinner. Which was harder than it sounded. I couldn’t just pick some random L.A. restaurant since I had no idea if the food would be shit, and the only one I knew of was where we’d had our first date. The place had been great, and we didn’t exactly have bad memories of the place, but I didn’t want to
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOINSO FAR, SO GOOD.It’d been a week and a half since Aline and I had gone to The Mar Vista and then made out in my car like a couple horny teenagers. We’d talked every day since then and had seen each other every other day, even if it’d just been fifteen or twenty minutes at lunch. We’d fooled around a bit but hadn’t had sex. In the past ten days, I’d taken more cold showers and jacked off more than I had since I was a teenager.The crazy thing was, I’d enjoyed all of it, even with pretty much non-stop blue balls. I still wanted her like crazy, but I didn’t feel like everything else was only emotional foreplay to get her into bed. I liked talking to her, spending time with her.On the surface, we seemed like complete opposites, but the more we talked, the more we saw that our differences complemented each other. Better, the things we had in common were the important ones. We both loved our families but appreciated being indepe
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALINEI HANDED THE DRIVER A BILL AND TOLD HER TO KEEP THE CHANGEwithout even looking to see how much that tip would be. The fact that she yelled a thank you meant I’d given her a good one, and I waved a hand at her in what I hoped was a polite manner. I doubted she’d be offended by my being preoccupied, especially as she’d been sympathetic when I’d told her I needed to go to the hospital because my boyfriend had been in a car accident.My pulse was racing, and I had the now-too-familiar taste of fear on the back of my tongue, but I forced myself to walk calmly into the ER. No good would come of me panicking. If anything, it would delay me getting to Eoin, and that was the goal, getting to him. I needed to see for myself that he was okay.I was halfway to the front desk when I spotted someone I recognized, and I veered off to speak to him instead. I wasn’t Eoin’s family, so I didn’t know if I’d be able to get information about him, but Bruce had been with Eoin at t
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
EOIN“THE LAST THING I REMEMBER IS TALKING TO YOU LAST NIGHT.” Ishook my head. “It’s weird. I didn’t even realize something was wrong with my memory right away. I mean, it was daylight, and I was sitting on a sidewalk, but my brain didn’t even register that my most recent memory had been at night and in my hotel room.”“What did the doctor say?”Aline’s voice sounded strange, but when I looked at her, she seemed fine. Maybe it was just the shock of first finding out I’d been in an accident and then learning that I’d lost some time. It wasn’t like this was a normal, everyday occurrence. Then again, considering how we’d met, normal didn’t really apply to us.“That’d be another reason she wanted a CT scan,” I admitted. “I have a concussion so–”“Yes, I imagine that would be inevitable when two hard objects collide at a high rate of speed,” Aline said dryly.I lifted a shoulder. “At least it was the window that broke.”“Well, clearly, your brain didn’t come out entirely unsc