All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 31
- Chapter 40
184 chapters
Thirty one
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECTHERESA HAD GONE BACK HOME ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON AS PLANNED,and I hadn’t complained. I loved my daughter and wanted what was best for her. I just didn’t know if I could be that. So, I did what I did whenever I got worried…I scheduled the hell out of everything.I set aside blocks of time for taking Evanne to school and picking her up, then made sure that I had Tuesday on the pick-up list in case I got caught in a meeting and couldn’t make it myself. But I didn’t plan on that happening often because I was changing how and where I worked too. During school hours, I’d work in the o ce, and after school hours, I’d work from home.I put together a meal plan, budgeted for Tuesday to go on weekly grocery runs, and made calendar alerts for Evanne- related events, such as birthday parties or holidays or school trips. If any surprises happened, my assistant knew she had to be on call to help. I’d been a little worried that adding all of these personal errands would bother her, b
Thirty two
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENSINCE MY STUDENTS’ GYM CLASS TOOK PLACE ON WEDNESDAYafternoons, I knew I’d have time to enjoy having the room to myself as I did my lesson plans, but just as I’d gotten everything set up the way I liked, my least-favorite person at the school swept inside with his usual arrogant, leering grin. I’d managed to avoid being alone with him since our first meeting, but now I was cornered.He wore the same slate-gray suit he always seemed to wear, but with a slightly different-colored shirt that was never completely wrinkle-free. His ties were always a little crooked, his face never completely shaven-smooth. I hated the idea of being shallow enough that those things could make me think poorly of him.Then he opened his mouth, and I remembered that I wasn’t superficial after all…and that his inappropriate behavior wasn’t an isolated thing.“Happy hump day, Mizz Browne,” he said.“Good after
Thirty three
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECI’D WAFFLED ON WHETHER OR NOT TO HIRE A REGULAR BABYSITTER FOREvanne but hadn’t yet made up my mind when it was time for my meeting with the infamous Ms. Browne, so I decided to keep her with me for the meeting. It wasn’t like we’d be discussing anything Evanne couldn’t hear.After I picked her up from school, we went for a quick bite to eat at a sandwich shop around the corner, and Evanne told me about her day. She was ecstatic for me to meet Ms. Browne, convinced that this was going to be, in her words, “The best day ever.”I had to admit, I was a little nervous. While I was generally good with face-to-face meetings, schools had always made me a little…off-kilter.Not that Evanne had the same problem. The way she kept havering on about her day was evidence of that. She didn’t take after me when it came to talking either, that much was for certain. I’d always been the quiet one, taking my time to say anyth
Thirty four
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENTHE FIRST MAN I’D EVER SLEPT WITH WAS MY FAVORITE STUDENT’Sfather.That sounded like the beginning of a really bad porn flick.Or maybe a really good country song.It definitely wasn’t what I’d wanted for a strings-free, fun first time.Fuck my life.I was so thrown off by what’d happened that I forgot several of my books at the classroom in my rush to talk to Mai and get some clarity. It wasn’t until after we’d talked – and had some serious ice cream – that I’d gone to put away my things and realized that the books I needed were sitting in my desk. Eventually, I was sure I’d know the curriculum enough that the plans would practically write themselves. I was too new to this right now though.During the bus ride to the school the next day, I had plenty of time to think about everything that’d happened between Alec and me, as well as time to consider the things Mai had said. Her
Thirty five
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECSEVEN WAS LATE FOR US TO BE EATING DINNER, BUT I’D WANTED Alittle extra time to wrap my head around what had happened this afternoon. Namely, the fact that the woman I hadn’t been able to get out of my mind would soon be sitting in my dining room.And that it was my daughter who’d invited her here.The enthusiasm with which Evanne was looking forward to ‘Ms. Browne’ coming for dinner should have worried me, but I was simply thankful for how well Evanne was adjusting. Keli had always told me that Evanne was doing well in school, since the extent of my involvement in that particular part of her education had been going to her extra-curricular activities and paying the tuition.I hadn’t even blinked when Keli had told me she wanted to move Evanne from the school she’d been attending before. Maybe if I’d paid attention, I would’ve wondered why Keli had chosen a new school so close to my place.
Thirty six
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENTHIS WAS A BAD IDEA. A VERY BAD IDEA.But it felt so good… Dammit.I melted into Alec’s kiss, for once giving in to what I truly wanted and to hell with the consequences.And there would be consequences. Of that, I had no doubt. Right now, I couldn’t care about that though. All I could see and feel and taste and smell was him. But it wasn’t just thosebeautifuleyes,sobrightthattheyalmostlooked unreal, or that sexy lean build. And it certainly wasn’t the fact that I now knew how much money he had. Rather, it was the little smiles he made whenever his daughter spoke, the care he’d put into a meal without expectation. It was his humor,hislaughter,andthewayhisaccentthickenedwhenever he was caught off-guard.Then there was the heat generating between us with each touch. A chemistry that was beyond physical or emotional. I felt it every time I looked at him, and when he touched me
Thirty seven
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECWHEN I WOKE UP IN THE MORNING, LUMEN WAS GONE, BUT THATwasn’t the first thing I registered. No, the first thought that popped into my head was a question. Namely, why was I naked?I never slept in the nude, not even before Evanne was born, but since then, I’d started wearing shorts or lounge pants instead of just underwear. Last night, however, I’d completely skipped the step of putting on my pajamas.And then I remembered why.I’d slept with Evanne’s teacher. Again.Before, I’d had the excuse that I hadn’t known who she was. This time, I’d done it with full knowledge and my daughter in the house. I hadn’t planned on it, which was the only reason I didn’t feel like a complete scumbag.I rolled onto my back and sighed. I didn’t have long before Evanne would be up, if she wasn’t already, and I needed to take a shower. I smelled like Lumen and sex. Not the sort of way I wanted to greet my
Thirty eight
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENI TURNED MY PHONE ON AS SOON AS CLASSES ENDED ON MONDAY,hoping to see a missed call or a waiting text, but there wasn’t anything. Not from Soleil, and not from Alec. The first wasn’t really a surprise, but I’d really wanted the second. I slumped into my desk chair and closed my eyes.Maybe it had been wrong of me to leave without saying anything. Evanne, thankfully, didn’t seem to have any idea I’d stayed the night on Saturday. I was just grateful she hadn’t told anyone that I’d gone to her place for dinner. Having rumors spread about me spending time with a student and her very wealthy, very single father could be awkward. And it was never going to happen again.As for Alec, there was no reason for me to have any expectations beyond what had happened. We’d had a good time. No one else had to know about it. And it was silly of me to have spent all day wondering if he planned to contact me again. What was do
Thirty nine
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALEC“WHAT’S WRONG, LASS?” I ASKED, FIGHTING THE URGE TO TAKE HERin my arms, to protect her from whatever had upset her. I couldn’t, for any number of reasons, and I hated every single one of them. “Did something happen?”“No,” she said, watching Evanne skip down the hall to the classroom. “I’m fine.”I wouldn’t have believed her even if she hadn’t been actively avoiding looking at me. Still, I had no right to pressure her to tell me anything. She didn’t owe me an explanation, and I wasn’t her boyfriend, father, brother, husband. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I could consider us friends.Evanne bounced out of the room, swinging her lunchbox. “Got it!” she announced happily.Now, I was torn. I didn’t want to leave Lumen in this state, but I didn’t have the right to prod her about what was wrong. What I could do, however, was offer her a ride.“Since we’re here,” I said, stu ng my hands into my pockets so I
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENONE MINUTE I WAS SHOWING ALEC A VIDEO WHERE CATS WERE RINGINGa bell to get a treat, the two of us shaking with the strain of keeping our laughter from waking Evanne, and the next minute, his mouth was on mine, and I didn’t even know which of us had moved first.It had been less than forty-eight hours since we’d been together last, but it felt like longer. The moment our lips touched, I forgot why this wasn’t a good idea. I forgot that I’d come over here to avoid going home and thinking about work. Forgot that if anyone found out about this, it could destroy my career.When I’d agreed to come over, I’d told myself that it wasn’t a date, and I’d learned from the last time. Alec hadn’t indicated that he wanted to sleep with me again, and I’d assumed that if he hadn’t wanted me to come, he would’ve told Evanne no. He was the parent, after all.He buried his hands in my hair, knocking loose the pins I’d used to keep it up during the day. The low growl that vibrated through him brough