All Chapters of The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law: Chapter 51
- Chapter 60
184 chapters
fifty one
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENI must’ve been more tired than I’d thought because I didn’twake up Tuesday morning until my phone rang, jarring me out of a deep sleep. I fumbled for it, my foggy brain trying to figure out why I was still in bed rather than at work.“Hello?” Damn, my voice sounded rough. “Lumen?”For a moment, I didn’t recognize the male voice on the other end, but then he continued, and I wished I hadn’t picked up my phone at all.“It’s Vice Principal Harvey here.”I silently cursed my foul luck. “Mr. Harvey, good morning. Is something wrong?”“Nothing new, no. Did I catch you at a bad time? Still in bed?”If he asked what I was wearing, no power on earth would keep me from telling him exactly what I thought of him. “No, not a bad time. How can I help you?”“Principal McKenna tasked me with personally contacting all faculty members regarding yesterday’s incident.”I could almost see the pompous windbag pu ng himself up like this was some sacred duty he’d been entrusted instead of h
fifty two
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENPart of being in the foster system was dealing withcaseworkers, and while I wasn’t technically working in or for the system, I still sometimes met the social workers when I was around the group home. Josalyn Brodie hadn’t been one of those, so when I stepped into the lobby of the Department of Child and Family Services, I wasn’t sure who I was looking for or where I was going. Fortunately, one caseworker I did know spotted me right away.“Lumen Browne.” Donna Bedford beamed as she came toward me. Her hug was both familiar and welcome, and a single inhalation of apple-scented body wash took me right back to being thirteen when my first caseworker had retired, and I’d been passed off to Donna. Henry had been okay. Donna was better.“Hey, Donna.”“I’ve heard you’ve been working with some of the kids at Brie Richards’ place.”I nodded. “I have. Actually, that’s why I’m here. One of her girls, Solei
fifty three
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECWhen Keli and I had set up our custody arrangement, I’d beencertain that the best thing for our daughter would be to have Keli be the primary caregiver and me to be the financial support. I had loved my daughter from the moment I’d learned about her – after I’d gotten over the shock – and I’d honestly believed that was in her best interest to keep her time with me to short periods that I couldn’t fuck up. Since she’d turned out to be such an amazing person, I thought that meant I’d made the right choice, no matter how much I wished I could’ve made a family for her.What I’d never thought of was how much of her life I’d missed.Not the things like her first steps or her first word. Even if Keli and I had been married, I probably would have missed them due to work and seen them on video just as I had, anyway.No, it was the small things I hadn’t even known to miss. Like sitting on the couch while she showed me e
fifty four
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENJosalyn had given me plenty to think about, and I knew Iwasn’t going to figure it all out at once, so when I got back home, I declined Mai’s offer to watch a movie with her and her boyfriend, saying I’d head to my room after dinner to get ahead on some work. I liked Hob well enough, and Mai was the closest thing to family that I’d ever had, but I wasn’t in the mood for company tonight. I had too much going on in my head.Besides, with Hob’s crazy work schedule, he and Mai didn’t get as much alone time as I knew they both would’ve liked. He was a third-year resident working toward becoming a pediatrician, and just a generally good man. The two of them had been together for a while now, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a ring was in the near future.I wished all the best for them. And I wasn’t jealous at all.I allowed myself a small smile as I bid them goodnight and settled in my room. It wasn’t very big,
fifty five
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECFor me, sex had always been an enjoyable way to blow offsteam, a place to be in control, but never an impulse I felt I needed a certain number of times in a specific timeframe. As such, I’d only indulged when the urge struck, and my schedule allowed for it.Then I’d met Lumen.Of all the sexual things I’d done in my life, I’d never had phone sex until last night. In the past, if I’d wanted physical release but hadn’t wanted to bother finding a partner, I would take care of it myself, no one else needed. Last night, however, I’d wanted to talk to Lumen, and it had turned into something sexual.“Get yer head outta yer arse, McCrae,” I muttered to myself as I shook my head.It was the middle of the week, and things had been piling up at work since I’d taken that abrupt leave Monday afternoon. I hadn’t done more than check in yesterday, which meant I’d spent all of this morning simply catching up
fifty six
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECI’d never disliked spending time with my family, but I hadalways felt as if my time and attention would be better used elsewhere. Namely, at work.I’d always known that I would take over MIRI one day, and quite without me realizing it, that had become my identity, even with my family. Instead of shifting that when Evanne was born, I’d worked even harder, seeing the family’s legacy as passing down to her instead of seeing that I could have a different part in that legacy.Becoming a full-time father without warning had shown me things about my life and myself that I wanted to change, namely how I wanted to be involved in Evanne’s life. I hadn’t realized until this week, however, just how much that change would affect my relationships with my family.I hadn’t completely ignored work this week, but I also hadn’t let it consume me either. I’d spent time with Evanne, but also with everyone else too. While I’d enjoyed myself, I’d also finally realized how little I actually knew
fifty seven
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENThe week had gone faster than I’d anticipated, probablybecause I’d kept myself busy. Now, it was Sunday afternoon, and I felt like I’d accomplished a lot. I’d done some tutoring at the group home, thoroughly cleaned every inch of the apartment, answered phones at Real Life Bodywork for a few hours on Thursday, and gotten so far ahead in my lesson plans that I’d probably regret it if I had to redo more than a couple hours a week.The sense of accomplishment I felt, however, did nothing to alleviate the way my stomach had grown steadily more twisted as time passed without me hearing from Alec. I told myself he was busy, and my head knew that was the most likely explanation for his silence, but the part of me that had never completely healed from my parents’ abandonment could be obnoxiously loud at times.I wouldn’t have to wait much longer for answers. I’d be back in the classroom tomorrow, and Evanne would most li
fifty eight
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENGoing back to school was easier than I’d thought it would be,and I knew part of that was because I no longer had all those worries and questions about Alec clouding my mind. He hadn’t explained, exactly, why he hadn’t gotten back to me, but we hadn’t exactly spent much time talking either. In fact, in the three hours we’d spent together yesterday afternoon, we’d had enough sex to leave my entire body sore today.I smiled as I made my way back to my classroom after our short teachers’ meeting. It hadn’t taken long for us to confirm that we were okay and Principal McKenna to tell us that we should determine what and how much our students needed to know. After that, it was business as usual.I was still straightening out my rows when I heard someone at the door. My smile faded as I saw a familiar but unwelcome face.“Vice Principal Harvey.”“Lumen.” He smiled that smarmy smile that made my skin crawl. “I t
fifty nine
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
ALECI’d never anticipated the end of the week as much as I hadthese past few days. Work hadn’t suffered as much as I’d feared it would, and if I had allowed others to take over more, I would have had even less to do. Delegating more wasn’t something I would have ever considered before, but having Evanne living with me had changed things already. Lumen becoming a part of my life had begun to alter my world view even more so.The moment Evanne had begged me to let her spend a few hours with Keli the Sunday afternoon after we returned from San Ramon, I’d immediately known what I wanted to do with those newly freed hours. After the week I’d had, I was glad I’d taken the opportunity. Between work and Keli’s unexpected presence, I’d barely had time for a few short phone calls to Lumen, and none of them had done a thing to give me even the slightest relief.Also nagging at the back of my mind all week was the fact that Ke
The Billionaire Impotent son-in-law/Bee Baby
LUMENSomething had been off with Alec since we’d gotten to therestaurant. He wasn’t being rude or anything, but he seemed annoyed for some reason. Not so much that Mai or Hob noticed, but either he was getting worse at hiding what he felt, or I was getting better at reading him. Maybe a little of both.The food and service were excellent. I only had a single glass of wine, but that had more to do with my lack of fondness for wine than it did about the quality. At least, I assumed it did. The others didn’t complain about it, anyway.Mai was brilliant, and once I admitted that to her, I was going to owe her big time. She asked questions, told stories, basically filled the silence when it threatened to become awkward. Instead of focusing on things she wanted to know about Alec, she talked about her own life, posed questions to Hob and me, tried to keep the conversation all inclusive. It seemed to be working too.
Last Updated : 2024-01-10Read more