All Chapters of Getting a Huge Inheritance After BreakUp : Chapter 21
- Chapter 30
264 chapters
Chapter 21
Susan gasped as the cold drink ran down her back into his maroon coloured shirt and down her spine. She turned slowly to see who had the audacity to do such a despicable thing to her. Her brain tried to comprehend what her eyes were seeing. It could not be true. "Jasmine?!" She asked in shocked when the figure of the person before her still did not change. "Yes," she answered with a creepy smile on her face. "What the actual hell is this? Why would you do this?" "Well, Susan in case you don't know you are on the ground, begging a man who has absolutely nothing and you are asking me why I did what I did? If you must know, I did it to reset your brain. It is very obvious that you are confused and all so you need this to be able to think correctly and that's exactly what I did." "And that's why you poured cold juice all over my body?" She asked again. "Yes. It is to help you think properly. This is Alex. He is a nobody and you have the audacity to be on the floor begging him in fro
Chapter 22
The man kept mute for five minutes and when Alex noticed that the man was either out to waste his time or he wasn't interested in his offer at all, he said"Well sir, it seems this offer is not interesting to you and at this point, my hand is hurting. So I will just have to take this money and give it to charity. Do have a nice day." Alex said and got up to leave.."Wait!" The man called back. "How do I know that that check isn't stolen?" "Well if it's a stolen check, when you go to check in this cash, it is going to be declined because of the signature. But for me to actually write this out for you, it means I know too well that this is mine is I am more than ready to bet on it. But since you don't want it, I will take it away," Alex concluded and opened the door. "Wait!" The man called back again when he saw that Alex was actually serious. If he wasn't, he would not threaten to leave with such amount of money. But it didn't make sense to him. After all, the man was dressed like a
Chapter 23
The man kept mute for five minutes and when Alex noticed that the man was either out to waste his time or he wasn't interested in his offer at all, he said"Well sir, it seems this offer is not interesting to you and at this point, my hand is hurting. So I will just have to take this money and give it to charity. Do have a nice day." Alex said and got up to leave.."Wait!" The man called back. "How do I know that that check isn't stolen?" "Well if it's a stolen check, when you go to check in this cash, it is going to be declined because of the signature. But for me to actually write this out for you, it means I know too well that this is mine is I am more than ready to bet on it. But since you don't want it, I will take it away," Alex concluded and opened the door. "Wait!" The man called back again when he saw that Alex was actually serious. If he wasn't, he would not threaten to leave with such amount of money. But it didn't make sense to him. After all, the man was dressed like a
Chapter 24
Professor Stiles threw a mean look at Alex, as if he knew what the young man had done behind his back. As he stared at Alex, the one thing he noticed was that the young man did not flitch. He did not even try to look sad about his actions. He was busy beaming with joy and watching as he backed his bags and finally walked out of the room. "Alex," Dustin called out when the man had left. "Did you have something to do with this?" "How do you mean?" Alex responded. "I mean this. What just happened? Did you get professor Stiles fired?""Well the only thing I can say is that his stupid behaviour finally caught up with him and now he is suffering for his decisions and no one else's." "So is that a yes or a no?" Jayden asked. He also wanted to know. "That's for me to know and for you to find out, if you really want to know what happened. Now, if you don't mind. I will take my leave and be on my way." Alex said and walked out of the room. ***Professor Stiles marched into the president o
Chapter 25
"Boy, I won't lie to you. It sure feels good now that professor Stiles is gone. I mean, I can finally relax and know that I will be getting exactly what I worked for without anyone asking me to pay for my grade." Dustin said as they finished their final class. Their teacher was a beautiful, curvy woman in her late 30's. She looked dashing for a woman of her age. Nothing could be said about her marital status because she wore no ring but everyone assumed that she was either married or engaged or in a very serious and commited relationship because no one would see such a beautiful damsel and not want to be with her. Plus, she was very nice and respectful. "Yeah after a day like this, I would definitely go for a nice meal." Jayden added. "Where do you guys want to eat?" Alex asked them. "Well there is a nice place on...""Alex! Alexander!" Jayden did not finish his statement because a voice was heard ringing through the corridor. The three boys turned their backs to see who was call
Chapter 26
Before Alex cound turn around to see who was behind him, he felt a clothe cover his nose. That was the last thing he remembered before he drifted off into a state of unconciousness. He awoke a few minutes later in a room painted white, almost blinding him. His eyes were opened enough to see that the curtains in the room were closed. After a while, his entire eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room and his memories came back. He startled out of the bed and looked around him. He was in what had appeared to be a bedroom with only a few things. The bed stand, a coffee brown sofa and a glass table with two chairs next to it. In all, it did not look like a room that a kidnapper would keep his victim but he could not be too sure. After all, he was dragged there against his wish, so of course the person that brought him there had to be a kidnapper of some such and she wasn't going to allow herself to be played into such tricks of believing that he was safe simply because he was kept in
Chapter 27
"What?" Alex asked. "Yes," Damien answered, walking closer to him. "Why don't you just come with me to the kitchen? I will make a nice cup of coffee for you and then we can actually have this conversation when you are okay. Right now, you look a bit scattered." "Okay I will take you up on that coffee, but after that I want to hear everything and by that, I mean everything." "Okay," Damien agreed with him and directed him to the kitchen. "Whose house is this?" He asked. "It's mine," he said proudly and Alex couldn't blame him. If he had a place like that, he too would be very proud of himself. The whole house looked like a mansion of some sort and it was well furnished with a stylish design. "Wow. Congratulations. It's very beautiful.' "Thank you. My family are away on vacation. I couldn't join them because I had to ensure that you are well settled into the company," Damien said as he begun brewing the coffee. "I didn't know you had a family." "What? You think I would live in
Chapter 28
"You know, that's the same question I would love an answer to. Who was that man?" Alex asked and turned to Damien for an answer."Right now I don't know who the man is but I can assure you that I will search for him and find him. He can't be hiding for long but I will need your help with this Natalie ""Okay, how can I help?" She asked. "Did you see anything that can help us track him down? Like can you remember his face well, the car he drove, did it have a number that you can remember?" "Umm, I'm sorry but no. I can't remember seeing any car number but I did get a pretty good look at his face and I do know what he looks like." "Okay, that great. I will get a sketch artist and we can find out who this man is." "Alright then." Damien said and walked away, leaving both of them to discuss. "You look mad? Is everything okay?" Alex asked. "It's just confusing. Why would you have all these and still decide to allow Nathan and his gang to maltreat you the way they did?" "Who said any
Chapter 29
"Is that all?" Alex asked when the man placed his materials away."Yes sir. That is all. I have all the information I need and I will be done with the sketch in few minutes. I just need to ask you a few questions." "Okay, what sort of questions do you want to ask me?" "I wanted to ask, did you at any point see the man's face or anything that may help us recongize him?" "No, I didn't," Alex answered with his legs crossed. "He came up behind me and then before I knew anything, he placed that towel over my face and I was struggling to breath. I did not see him neither did he speak for me to hear his voice." "Alright. Thank you for your input. Just give me a few minutes and I will be done with my sketch." The man said politely. "Please carry on." Damien told him. Everyone sat still and watched as the man drew. He had a focused gaze on his paper and he looked happier than ever. It was obvious that this was something he loved doing very much. No one could deny that but Alex wanted so b
Chapter 30
"I want you to go on a date with me and don't worry about the bills, I will take care of that. So what do you say?" Alex was honoured no doubt but knowing the kind of person Natalie was, he won't be surprised if she had other motives. Properly she wanted to ask him a lot of questions to find out the truth about who he truly was. He couldn't have that happening. "Umm, I am not sure that is a very good idea because you see I actually have a lot on my plate right now and I don't think I have the luxury of going out for dinner." "Oh come on now. You don't have so much to do. Plus, I said I was going to sponsor everything. Look, if you want me to forgive you for lying to me then you absolutely have to do this." "Alright then. I guess I have to do this then to earn your forgiveness." "Yes you do. So let's go!" Natalie said excitedly.."What now?" Alex asked. "Yes, what other time did you think would be better. We are together right now, plus i know that you haven't had something to eat