All Chapters of The Traveler: Martial Druid: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
41 chapters
Chapter 31
Four figures were sitting in a roundtable with their bodyguards standing behind them."If everyone is ready, I will be starting this meeting as the appointed arbiter," said the pudgy fat man. He had a twirly moustache and a balding head. It was annoying how he kept wiping off his sweat with his handkerchief after every sentence."No objections," said the one that was sitting right of the fat man. He had big round glasses and a sharp chin, everything about him screamed that he was a bad guy and the fact that he was smiling in a smug manner didn't help his case either."You may start," said the elven maiden sitting across the fat man. She was wearing a veil that was hiding her face which gave her an ethereal and mysterious air."Well, there is no use postponing anymore I suppose," said the last participant. He was lying back on his chair in a laidback manner, confident that this meeting would go his way. However, only Katsuo knew how nervous he was.With this, the peace meeting between
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Chapter 32
Borders of Harham WastelandsCapital of Greywulf DuchyBiledzir Castle****Slash*Einrich looked at the soldier, no, the corpse that was stuck at the tip of his sword.With a swing of his sword, the corpse was cleaved in half, blood gushing out and covering his armour. The warm blood trickling down his face made him feel disgusted but before he could even wipe it off another Denstrian attacked him.This was not a duel for glory.This was not a hunt for pleasure.This was a war for survival."*Gasp* There is no end to them" Kuchler shouted in despair.Einrich gathered what was left of his mana and slashed one more soldier. He had already been fighting for more than three hours, cutting enemies one by one but it looked like there was no end in sight. It's like when you cut one of them two more would take their place.They were weak.Denstrian were so weak that even a trained farmer might be able to kill them but they were endless."Soon... He will join soon" said Einrich as he tried
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Chapter 33
Katsuo nervously walked behind the elven strider. He tried to read his status window but as usual, the damn thing didn't work when he needed it to work. As they walked forward Katsuo remembered what he had learnt about striders. They were a subclass of warrior profession but they had extremely harsh requirements so usually only elves could become one, which made sense considering elves were the ones who created the profession.The speciality of striders was their endless regeneration. He wasn't sure about its authenticity but he had heard once heard from Aranel that even if you decapitate them master rank striders could grab their heads and reattach them and keep fighting like nothing happened.Of course, their fighting style also was one that favoured mutual destruction.They didn't care if their arms were chopped as long as they could leave one wound in their enemy. In this way, they sounded like berserkers but unlike those glass cannons, these guys were anti-aircraft cannons.
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Chapter 34
Katsuo unwillingly hugged his sister Tharnel. Truth be told he didn't know how to treat this sister of his. If he said they were close that would be a lie, but if he said they didn't get along that would be one as well. Their relationship was complicated. "Woah, I missed you, little brother! You have grown bigger since I last saw you. But you seem a little thin. Are you eating okay? Don't tell me you get so wrapped in your training and forget to feed yourself. Didn't I tell you to take better care of yourself?" Tharnel started nagging Katsuo as she gave him a firm hug. Well, the distance between them was only awkward for Katsuo. For Tharnel, he was her one and only little brother. "Ugh, no. It's just that my muscles have become more compact so I look thinner... you also know that Sensei would never let me skip a meal right?" Katsuo mumbled as he pulled away from her hug. "You still call mom Sensei?" "It's... just... I don't know it's complicated okay?" "Why though? She only sa
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Chapter 35
Kalrune was pacing around in his room thinking about how to stop this impending war. This time Denstria was coming at them for real without any intention of stopping with measly threats. Otherwise, they wouldn't have pulled out the trump card they had been hiding for centuries. The question was why now? There were times in Oedl's history when they were way weaker than they were now. In other words, this plan was something in the making for a long time.At first, Kalrune had thought this was going to be another small skirmish to cull the forces of Greywulf Duchy as after Archmage Karrion's death his father became the undisputed strongest man in the world so of course this reputation had its pros but that was about it.Now Denstria was aiming for swelling Greywulf whole... but why?Even as a person who was born and raised in Greywulf estate Kalrune couldn't see any point to this.Sure it was acting as a shield against Denstria but even if they took down the Greywulf estate they would ju
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Chapter 36
"My supervisor accepted selling Greywulf estate to you," said Kalrune as everyone in the meeting looked at him in shock."Come again?" asked the fat mayor of Dawn while wiping his forehead with a handkerchief. "You heard me right. Kingdom of Oedl decided to 'sell' Greywulf estate to Denstria" Kalrune repeated himself."Of course, since you have a legitimate casus belli this land belongs to Denstria so we will withdraw but as we were the ones that were taking care of it for so long you guys need to pay us for our services. After all, if it were not for the 'current' Greywulf house the land would already have been ravaged by the monsters long ago. So it is only right that you guys pay us."The glasses guy from Denstria frowned while pondering. This was out of his considerations for how the meeting would go. He didn't know who came up with this ingenious idea but they surely got him. He even suspected that there might be a spy amidst their ranks otherwise it would be impossible to come
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Chapter 37
"Uhm, are you sure about this?" Katsuo couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked after leaving the meeting. "About what? Saving hundreds of thousands of lives?" "But just like that fatty said isn't the Greywulf estate your ancestral home?" This was the part that eluded Katsuo. He was from a lineage of martial artists and their family held onto their traditions for centuries. So selling their ancestral home was something he couldn't imagine. That was why he wanted to ask Kalrune how he did it. "Home is where you make it. Also, I wasn't joking when I said Greywulf estate is its people and not the land. My father would also agree with me. After all, he was the one who taught me this. Being a noble means 'being responsible for your subjects'." As Kalrune spoke about his father his face brightened up. Katsuo could see that Kalrune treasured him greatly so this made him curious about the strongest man on the continent Brevok Greywulf. Just what kind of person was he? A cold Duke of the
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Chapter 38
As expected, Denstria accepted the terms of the deal and Kalrune left for Oedl soon after, leaving Katsuo and Sven to embark on their long-awaited adventurer life finally. "How could you forget about me *Sob*," said Gail while grabbing Katsuo's fur coat and sobbing. "No no, how could we forget about you? If we did such a thing what kind of a person would we be? We just had something important going on so we couldn't come to pick you up. Right, Sven?" Katsuo lied as naturally as he breathed. Aria peeked under Katsuo's shirt and wrinkled her nose. "Ugh, stinky. Playmate who is this? She smells awful" Aria said as she covered her nose with her tiny little paws. Hearing that Gail got self-conscious and smelled her armpits but she couldn't smell anything. She as a budding young lady was very disturbed by such accusations. "I don't smell" Gail grumbled and pulled down her hood even further to mask her face. You know, just in case. "Of course, you don't, that was just Aria being...
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Chapter 39
After his party members returned Katsuo started to talk with the boy to learn about his situation."So you said your sister was kidnapped?" He asked the boy cautiously. From his get up he looked like a beggar but his face was well defined despite the bruises so there was a high chance that his sister was a beauty as well. That would explain why his sister was kidnapped but Katsuo had no intention of getting ahead of himself. It was better to hear the situation first-hand from the concerned party."Yes, today she was kidnapped by a bunch of ruffians. I don't even know who they are and why they targeted us. Please help! I am begging you. If the money is not enough I can find more."The boy started to speak in haste. He was really panicked but what he said was of no help at all."I wanted to ask about that. This money is too much for a beggar like you. Where did you get it?" Gail asked as she grabbed the pouch and checked its contents. "No, that is money left from my grandfather's inher
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Chapter 40
Katsuo gave it a thought and agreed to help Roy with finding his kidnapped sister. According to him aside from the mayor, there was no one else they had any enmity with so that was Katsuo's first clue, Gail said she could ask around about her to her old contacts and Sven decided to do his own thing. When asked what he meant by that Sven said just leave it to him and brushed him off. He had never questioned before maybe Sven also had some connections with gangs here but that was impossible as he was from Horwaard. However, when Katsuo thought about where to ask about the mayor he noticed a crucial problem in his plans. He didn't know anyone in Dawn. His sister and Kalrune had already returned to their countries. He wasn't some gruff noir detective who could understand how everything went down by piecing together some rumour either. So Katsuo thought about his own advantages. For one, he was a transmigrator with a lot of popular culture knowledge when it came to isekai genre. So he as
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