All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
133 chapters
Chapter 100: Final Piece of Evidence
A look of bewilderment crossed Damian's face as he struggled to comprehend the accusation being hurled at him. "I lied to you? What are you talking about?" he questioned, his tone laced with confusion.Yet, beneath his façade of innocence, an undercurrent of unease began to ripple through him. He was ill-prepared for the bombshell Davina had just dropped, unaware of the tangled web of deceit woven into their relationship.Davina's question hung in the air, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and desperation. She had carried the weight of uncertainty for far too long, unable to bear the burden of Damian's lies any further."Why did you lie to me, Damian? What exactly is your relationship with Maggie?" The words spilled forth, unfiltered and raw, peeling back the layers of deceit that had obscured her perception of their once-tight bond.The mention of Maggie's name elicited a jolt of panic within Damian, his skin prickling with goosebumps. He had not anticipated this revelat
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Chapter 101: Ruin My Life
Davina stood at a distance, her gaze fixed on the intriguing scenario unfolding before her. From her vantage point, she observed Maggie, Damian's enigmatic companion, seamlessly maneuvering in and out of the sleek vehicle parked elegantly on the side of the road. It all started innocently as Davina visited a quaint cafe owned by one of her esteemed clients.In a twist of fate, just as Davina was making her way towards the cozy establishment, her attention was inexplicably drawn to the sight of Damian's driver, stationed vigilantly in front of the luxurious car. A sense of curiosity crept over her, guiding her to the edge of the expansive window that separated her from Damian.With her heart pounding in anticipation, Davina observed Maggie, clad in an aura of mystery, effortlessly enter and emerge from the vehicle, each time clutching a brown envelope. The contents of that envelope remained an enigma to Davina, fueling her intrigue and prompting her to intensify her surveillance. As sh
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Chapter 102: Cyberspace on Fire
"Marcel? What in the world do you think you're doing?" Davina's voice quivered with surprise, her heart thudding against her chest in uncertainty."You want to ruin my life, right? You're the one who reported my father that he had taken bribes as a prosecutor?"The accusatory tone in Marcel's voice sent shockwaves reverberating through her being. Seething with anger and frustration, he directed his pent-up emotions toward Davina, blaming her for all the misfortunes that had befallen him. She had become the easy target for his wrath, the one woman Marcel could point his finger at for every undesirable turn of events."Are you out of your mind? I did not know of your father's involvement in bribery scandals, let alone report it!" Davina's voice rang out with a mixture of exasperation and indignation. "Your father's wrongful actions were entirely his own doing. Why on earth would you place the blame on me? Have you conveniently forgotten that our relationship, if you can even call it th
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Chapter 103: Be My Lawyer
During a lunch outing with his father, Nick glanced at his mobile screen, acknowledging the importance of the incoming call. The situation's urgency compelled Damian to make his first call to Nick. Unsurprisingly, Nick wasted no time answering the phone, sensing the gravity of the situation from the tone of Damian's voice."Nick, are you with Davina?" Damian inquired, his inquiry laced with a sense of urgency.He gestured to his father, indicating that he needed to attend to the call immediately. Nick swiftly maneuvered to the restaurant's balcony, seeking a quiet corner where he could converse with Damian without causing a disturbance.Surprise and concern mingled in Nick's voice as he responded, "No, young master. Why? What's happened with Davina?" The unexpected anger in Damian's voice stirred a sense of unease within Nick."Is she out of her mind? Why on earth would Davina become the lawyer defending the chief attorney general in court? What is going through her head?" Damian unle
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Chapter 104: Crime Family
"I'm fine. I came straight here from the airport. Now, please answer my question. Do you keep up with the news?" Nick inquired, his tone holding a hint of urgency.Davina nodded, a mild surprise crossing her features. "You mean the case of Marcel's father being arrested? I don't usually watch the news, but I found out about it when I read an article," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.Realizing the situation's implications, Davina suddenly recalled her canceled appointment with a client. Panic washed over her as she realized she needed to reach out and apologize. Knowing her predicament, Nick kindly held her coffee and bread, allowing her the freedom to make the necessary call. It was a gesture that spoke volumes about his unwavering support for her.Finally finishing her call, Davina turned her attention back to Nick, only to be interrupted by the abrupt arrival of a luxurious car pulling up to the curb. Out of nowhere, Damian's voice boomed, calling out her name without
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Chapter 105: I am Not a Prisoner
"I should have known better than to believe your empty promises of love after all these years," Damian's voice wavered, no longer as forceful as before.The realization that Damian had begun to doubt their love, the foundation of their relationship, caught Davina off guard. Despite her mistreatment, she had always clung to her pride, finding solace in Damian's perceived unwavering affection. Yet now, in a fleeting moment, Damian had shattered that pride, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable."Damian, what in the world are you talking about? This is beyond ridiculous!" Davina snapped, her voice laden with disbelief and resentment. She refused to accept blame for something she had no part in.Much to her surprise, Damian seized her cell phone and laptop. Confusion mixed with anger as Davina watched his actions unfold before her eyes."Damian, why are you taking my communication devices? I have work to do and responsibilities to fulfill. What the hell are you thinking about?" she d
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Chapter 106: Wreak Havoc
Davina sat resignedly in the dimly lit room, her heart heavy with a sense of entrapment. The only escape route, the door, had been mercilessly locked by Damian. A wave of frustration washed over her as she surveyed her surroundings. The room, devoid of any direct connection to the balcony, presented only a single barrier separating her from the outside world – a colossal glass window, its pane reinforced with a layer of impenetrable thickness.A fleeting thought crossed Davina's mind – an impulsive escape through the window, shattering the constraints that bound her within these walls. However, the potential consequences flashed before her eyes, overwhelming her with caution. The prospect of meeting a senseless demise by plummeting to the ground below prevented her from daring such an audacious act."Damian, damn it," Davina muttered under her breath, her voice laced with annoyance. The realization that he had orchestrated her imprisonment struck a nerve, leaving her feeling betrayed
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Chapter 107: Abundance of Disarray
A few days before the events unfolded, Marcel was shocked by the sudden news that his father had been reported to the authorities. The shock reverberated through his entire being, sending tremors of anxiety cascading down his spine. Reacting swiftly, Marcel instinctively reached for the suitcase stationed nearby, its contents brimming with vital documents and articles of clothing."Dad, you must keep calm. Trust in Davina's capabilities. She will faithfully advocate for your innocence," Marcel uttered, his voice laced with worry and desperation. Davina, a renowned and prodigious young lawyer, possessed an unwavering drive that set her apart from her contemporaries. Marcel's faith in her prowess burned unquestionably."Ensure that my daughter-in-law procures my liberation from this mess," Marcel's father implored, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes amidst the dire circumstances.With haste, Marcel glanced at his wristwatch, accurately calculating the remaining time. A small windo
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Chapter 108: Found Her
The buoyant mood enveloped Atlantis was abruptly shattered, morphing into a dark and brooding temperament in the blink of an eye. Sensing the need for swift action, Atlantis promptly departed from the idyllic beach area, trailed closely by Caroline and an entourage of diligent personal assistants. With an air of barely contained frustration, Atlantis snatched his cell phone and dialed Davina's number; his forehead puckered in annoyance as his daughter-in-law failed to answer the call."Caroline, can you believe it? Even in the face of a critical situation, Davina continues to vex us," Atlantis grumbled, underscoring his exasperation.Upon reaching the villa's opulent confines, the situation's urgency compelled Atlantis to reach out to Damian since Davina remained unresponsive. The brief waiting period ended as Damian's voice resonated through the receiver, catching him off guard by Atlantis' sharp tone. Oddly enough, Atlantis omitted the customary exchange of pleasantries, diving stra
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Chapter 109: They Had Failed
Nick rushed out of the building, closely following the swarm of police personnel. They had finally found Anna. As they made their way out, a private doctor who had been responsible for Anna's well-being during her captivity managed to slip away. Now, a part of the team was hot on the trail of the fleeing imposter.Meanwhile, the rest of the team wasted no time in rescuing Anna. They swiftly moved her to the closest official hospital from their current position. Anna was discovered in an unconscious state, her weak heartbeat a clear indicator that she had been subjected to an excessive amount of medication that was never intended for her consumption.The ambulance arrived swiftly, and the officers carefully transferred Anna from the cramped and damp apartment onto the gurney and then into the ambulance. As Anna's gurney passed by, Nick was overcome with shock. She appeared so frail, as if she were nothing more than skin and bones. Nick couldn't fathom how Davina would react if she witn
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