All Chapters of The Billionaire's Retribution: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
133 chapters
Chapter 21: How Dare You?
Davina stared at Nick in disbelief, unable to comprehend what she had just heard. "We barely know each other. How dare you say such things to me?" Before Nick could respond, Davina spoke again, her voice filled with frustration. "Aren't you supposed to be Damian's closest confidant? Shouldn't you be by his side? How can you say something like this?" "I am saying this because I am the closest person to Damian," Nick replied calmly. "That doesn't make any sense. What kind of people has Damian been surrounding himself with? I always knew you weren't friendly, but now I realize you're ridiculous," Davina retorted. Their argument grew more heated, and Davina could feel anger coursing through her body. Nick had managed to provoke her early in the morning, and she was no longer feeling frail. "And what does that have to do with you? Our marriage doesn't concern you. Damian and I used each other, so there's nothing for anyone to lose in this situation." Davina couldn't understand Nick's w
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Chapter 22 : He Won't Kill Me
"Is Marcel trying to kill you?" "Don't worry. Marcel may dare to hurt me, but he won't kill me." Damian's tone unconsciously rose as he asked, "How can you be so confident?" He found Davina's trust in Marcel to be the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard, especially after what had happened to her. "Do you trust me?" Davina turned to Damian, their eyes locked in stunned silence. "I'm trying to trust you," Damian replied cautiously, causing Davina to avert her gaze. She knew that Damian's answer implied he didn't fully trust her. It was understandable, considering their history and that they had only known each other since she became involved in Damian and Camille's divorce. "What about you, do you trust me?" Damian asked, noticing Davina's disappointment. "I've been trying to trust you since I agreed to this revenge marriage," Davina confessed before quickly adding, "You need to go to sleep if you want to accompany me for the medical check-up." Damian sighed, feeling the des
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Chapter 23: Your Acting is Terrible
"What do you mean, did Camille do something bad to you?" Nick asked, his voice filled with concern.Davina nonchalantly unsealed the envelope that Camille had given her. "There's nothing special between me and Camille. We've known each other since childhood. You can't act like you don't know Camille either. Your acting is terrible.""I don't know Camille. Even when Damian got married, I didn't go to the wedding," Nick confessed, his expression sincere."You don't know Camille, but the look on your face was as if you wanted to pounce on her. It was obvious you didn't like Camille," Davina mocked, using playful gestures to imitate a predator.Nick fought back laughter at Davina's ridiculous behavior. "I'm not like that," he evaded, unable to hide a smile.Davina laughed at the embarrassed look on Nick's face. She then removed the contents of the envelope given by Camille. However, her laughter ceased when she saw what Camille had given her.Inside were a dozen photos of Davina with Dami
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Chapter 24: Where Have You Hidden My Fiancée?
"We never mentioned personal boundaries in the contract. We must be open and keep each other informed," Davina sighed, her choice of the words 'cross personal boundaries' not referring to Damian's previous statement. Their relationship, after all, was strictly professional, prompting Davina to ponder beyond just personal boundaries for physical contact."Never mind, forget it. I'm going to bed. Good night," she concluded abruptly.The following day, Davina was finally discharged from the hospital, although she still needed to continue taking her medication until it ran out. Damian and Davina set off for work directly from the hospital, with Damian's other assistant delivering clothes and other daily necessities.In the same room, Davina and Damian stood reflecting on their respective outfits. Davina now wore a long blouse, her bruised face discreetly concealed by makeup, while Damian continued with his usual attire - a suit with a white shirt."Use this cell phone. I don't want any tr
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Chapter 25: You Will Regret It Soon
"Remember, there is a CCTV recording your every action. Remember your position in this company. I hold more power than you," Damian asserted, pointing to the corner of the room where the CCTV captured every angle of the space around the clock.Marcel loosened his grip and took a few steps back. Damian grinned, relishing Marcel's growing annoyance and helplessness in the face of his control."If we're going to talk about this, I might as well bring up your involvement with my ex-wife," Damian said casually, picking up a pen and directing his attention to his work.Marcel was surprised. "For the fucking whole this time, you knew that?”Damian paused from writing and gazed at Marcel. "It would be even more absurd if I didn't."Marcel gathered his courage. "Then give Davina back to me, and you can have Camille in return.""Why? Aren't you satisfied with Camille?" Damian enjoyed this confrontation with Marcel."Although Davina may not be as exciting as Camille, we both know Davina is so mu
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Chapter 26: We Slept Together?
"Okay, tomorrow is the weekend. I will go with you," Damian declared.Davina, feeling famished, finished her meal faster than Damian. As soon as she had eaten, she stood up."Before retiring, I shall take a shower. Please guide me to my room and provide me with my clothing?"Damian entrusted the task to Lulu, who took Davina out of the dining room. Despite the lateness of the hour, Damian proceeded to dial Nick's number.Receiving no response from Nick, Damian left a voicemail. "Nick, would you be able to take my place tomorrow when I go to meet a client? An unexpected matter has arisen that requires my attention."After powering off his phone, Damian settled in front of his laptop to complete the unfinished work before eventually making his way to Davina's room.The warm water refreshed Davina's body in the bathroom as she showered. As she dried her hair with a blow dryer, she caught her reflection in the mirror. The baby pink pajamas she wore tonight looked adorable, adorned with a
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Chapter 27: Did You Just Kiss My Cheek?
Seeing Damian stir, Davina immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be still asleep. The atmosphere would become even more awkward if Damian discovered she had been awake before him.Slowly blinking his eyes, Damian regained consciousness. Sensing a weight on his chest, he realized that Davina's arms were wrapped around him.From this close proximity, Damian could see Davina's bare face clearly. Thick eyebrows, long straight eyelashes, a nose that was neither too aquiline nor flattened, pale smooth white skin, and pale soft lips without any coloring.Without makeup, Davina's face appeared pale. Although Damian had become accustomed to seeing her without makeup, Davina's entirely made-up face was still new to him.The realization that this was the first time Damian had slept with a woman other than Camille felt strange yet exciting. Unconsciously, he smiled, realizing that fate could never be predicted.Damian's fingers slowly moved to brush away the hair covering Davina's face. Mean
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Chapter 28: Something Feels Off
However, she had forgotten that Damian was still in the car, causing him to hit the steering wheel from the force of the push."Oh, I'm sorry, Damian! I didn't mean to," Davina panicked upon hearing Damian's cry of pain."It's alright," Damian reassured her, rubbing his sore shoulder as he got out of the car.Davina followed him out, her hand reflexively reaching to rub his shoulder, guilt clear on her face."Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I didn't expect to push you that hard," she apologized."It's fine. I'm alright," Damian gently removed Davina's hand from his shoulder, signaling that she didn't need to feel guilty anymore."I'm really sorry," she insisted."It's okay. Let's go back upstairs. Breakfast is already prepared.”They enjoyed their breakfast in the dining room, savoring sandwiches. Over time, Davina began to adjust to life in the mansion, as she was a quick adapter. Damian and the rest of the staff treated her well, alleviating any pressure she felt about being in such a l
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Chapter 29: You Resemble a Queen
"I was just on the verge of telling you that your long hair looks as pretty as a princess," Damian said."How about now?" Davina descended the stairs, slowly approaching Damian, who was mesmerized by her appearance.Damian remained silent, carefully examining Davina's appearance. "Gorgeous. You look absolutely stunning.""No longer a princess, huh?""No, you don't. You resemble a queen, ready to overcome whatever has been troubling you all this time." Damian's words possessed a more profound significance, conveying his belief in Davina's ability to defeat Marcel and Camille, who had wreaked havoc in their lives.Davina smiled with contentment upon hearing Damian's response. "You look like a knight in shining armor."The designer practically squealed with delight at the compatibility between his particular customer and the groom. "You two are a match made in heaven. We can add a sprig of flowers to the groom's white suit and a wedding veil for the bride.""A wedding veil? I love it. Pl
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Chapter 30: We Won't Report It
Realizing that the car she was currently driving was not her own, Davina swiftly exited the vehicle, even though her head was spinning. She breathed a sigh of relief upon discovering that Damian's car remained unscathed despite being targeted by a deranged individual named Marcel. Two security guards approached Davina, and concern etched across their faces."Miss, are you alright?" inquired one of the security guards."Yep, I'm fine. Are you okay? I hope I didn't bump into you or cause any damage here," Davina reassured, flashing a warm smile. She wanted to assure them that she wouldn't be held accountable for any harm that may have occurred due to her actions. Additionally, she didn't want to burden Damian with any unnecessary tasks as a result of this minor incident."We're alright. Don't worry, you didn't damage anything here. Oh my, Miss, your forehead is bleeding!" exclaimed the security guard.Davina instinctively touched her forehead, wincing at the pain caused by the impact of
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