All Chapters of The Unstoppable Jack Bolton: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
205 chapters
Chapter 121: Dead Men Rise
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 121The glow around Jack’s feet continued to grow and spread all around him. Some of Bethany’s men stood in awe of what their eyes were witnessing and fear gripped a majority of them. “What are you standing and looking at him for? Kill him! Kill him!” Bethany yelled in subtle fear and vivid astonishment. She could not believe what her eyes were seeing. She had heard of humans having mystical and magical powers but in all her years of reigning supreme over the crime world, she had never come in contact with one.She pushed one of her men who was watching as Jack’s body turned into a full glow and took his gun from him, yelling and shooting at him frantically. “Die. Die. Die. Die, you son of a bitch!”Jack’s eyes turned fully black. He felt an odd sensation rise from the sole of his feet to the crown of his head. He felt light, almost like he was floating mid air but a surge of power, great and electryfying power was corsing through every cell in his body, he could feel it in ev
Chapter 122: Beyond Redemption
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 122Alicia scoffed in Bethany’s face. A defiant and rebellious look etched deep in her eyes. “You think I’m scared to die? I would gladly welcome it with open arms. Do it. Kill me. Kill me, except you are fucking coward hiding behind a fake mask of bravery. Do itt, I dare you,” The tone of her voice was even more rebellious than the look in her eyesBethany frowned deeply. Alicia was her cash cow. She was the one person whose life Bethany probably valued more than hers. Even earlier when she threatens to kill her in front of Jack, it was a bluff to get Jack to back off.“I will kill you but for now, I just need you quiet,” Bethany said, about to smash Alicia’s head with the side of her gun to render her unconscious when a hand suddenly grabbed her and threw her three feet away from Alicia, sending her crashing into the wall behind her and making her lose the gun and the remote detonator she was holding.Eagle smirked. “I would have enjoyed killing you but for some reason, the
Chapter 123: His Messenger
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 123Through the pain, Bethany chuckled sinisterly. “You are going to have to do more than this to break me, Jack Bolton. I’ve endured worse,” She spat out in a venomous tone.Jack walked closer to her. With the way she was suspended and her toes barely grazing the floor, their heights were almost on par. Jack looked deeply into her eyes and came to the shocking realisation that they had such similar eyes and the nudging feeling that he knew her somewhere returned but he needed the information she had more than he cared about such sentiments.“You will tell me what I need to know or you will suffer, painfully and slowly,” Jack said in a low and menacingly frightening tone.“And I thought you were a man with morals, with principles, but look at you, gloating in my face about torturing a wo-”Her voice was cut short as she yelled in pain when Eagle pressed another button and electric current zapped through her unexpectedly. Jack scoffed as Bethany winced in pain but still lookin
CHAPTER 124: Endless Cycle
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 124A very big grin contorted Jack’s lips and his eyes lit up with mischievousness before they turned cold again. “I was hoping you would say something like that. Let’s begin. Shall we?”Eagle returned with Jack’s six clip revolver and handed it to him with the bullets in a pack.“Bring her down and strap her to a chair,” Jack ordered, as he began to unbox the bullet pack and took one out, placing it inside the gun and closing it.Eagle swiftly did as he was told and in a few seconds, Jack was sitting cross legged and leaning back into a chair watching Bethany’s electrocuted, bloodied and weakened frame in front of him and he felt no pity for her whatsoever. Maybe two or three days ago, Jack would have taken into consideration the fact that she was a woman but he was far from that mindset now. She would have killed him mercilessly that night and her minion, Alicia, was a woman. One that warmed her way into his heart only to cold heartedly betray him and leave him in pain, alt
Chapter 125: Her Red Scar
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 125 Alice had been wanting to visit her children for a while now but because of obvious reasons, Jack had been finding one excuse or the other to stop her from coming but that night when Jack hit another level of his power, Alice felt it and she knew it was important that she see him and be sure of what she suspected. Not telling anyone what she was up to, she took her private jet and flew straight to Coral city to meet her kids. It was when she landed at the airport that she called Mildred to pick her up with specific instructions not to tell Jack anything as she wanted to surprise him. “Where’s your brother? I can’t find him in his room and he’s not in his study either. I thought you said he was home,” Alice asked Mildred when they got home and one of the guards carelessly answered before Mildred could think of a way to stall and alert Jack of her presence in the house. “He’s in the special room.” “He has a special room, what makes it so special?” Alice asked with her ey
Chapter 126: Her Child
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 126“Your scar, how did you get it?” Alice asked Bethany, sipping from her cup and pointing it towards the mark. She was curious to know more. If there was even a slight chance that this woman was Jack’s birth mother, she wanted to find out. She wondered how such a revelation would affect the dynamic of the whole situation, both from Jack and Bethany’s end.“I would have an answer for you if it was a damn scar,” Bethany replied harshly, her eyes fixed on the musical video playing on the TV as she slowly bobbed her heard to the rythm of the tune. Bethany couldn’t care less about what Alicia was asking her such a question for. In her head, she just wanted the damn woman to be as far away from her as posible. The only reason she had in fact not attacked her was because she knew she was being watched and a slight misstep may lead to her ultimately losing her life again.The dark abyss she was sucked into after Jack blew her brains out was more torment and torture than she could ev
Chapter 127: The Fifteen Year Old Girl
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 127Bethany stood up immediately and her gaze turned cold and deadly. There was a ferocious fury in her eyes, one that suggested the question had ticked her off and she was not pleased about it.She lunged at Alice like a mad woman, jumping on her and clutching her throat. “Look here woman, just because we shared a couple stories doesn’t mean I want your nosy ass up in my business. When I finally get free, I will kill your son and then I will kill every member of his family, starting with you,” She spat out with icy venom in her tone.Alice slapped fruitlessly at Bethany’s arms, trying to free herself as Bethany’s chokehold was quickly sucking the breath out of her lungs and immediately two guards burst inside, one quickly using a taser on Bethany, sending her to the floor.Alice gasped for breath repeatedly, looking at the unconscious woman laying on the floor. But it wasn’t the ruthless, cold hearted woman that laid on the floor that she was seeing, it was the fifteen year ol
Chapter 128: Seven Ships
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 128“Cheers. To the beginning of greater things to come. If anyone told the Greyjoys what we just found out, they would lose their shit,” Micheal Carter said, clinking his glass against his sister’s own.Their archaeologist was right. They found a single crate of gold and valuable gemstones and antiques scattered along a trail they had been following. The items they found when estimated already amounted to over two billion dollars.Micheal and his team were elated. He was most especially pleased that he could exploit the law to gain thi ssort of thimng while humilating a boy who dared to stand up to him in the process.“I told you sir….I have spent all my life studying the caves on Atlas Islands. I worked with the greyjoy for twenty years on this but they gave up too early before my life work could yield results for me and them. I am so glad I came to you,” The archeologist, Ethan Costner said, sipping his glass of champagne.Michelle frowned. It was obvious that she wasn’t as
Chapter 129: His Nemesis
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 129“My ne- who the hell are-”Beep! Beep! Beep!The call ended before Micheal could finish his question. He stared at his phone, wondering who would be so bold to name theirselves his nemesis. Do they not know who he is?“What is it?” Michelle asked noticing the shift in his demeanour from anger to apprehension. “What did the commissioner say?“He needs more money,” Micheal replied.“Well then send it to him. Is that what has you so flustered. Money makes the world go round. You know he was always going to ask for money.”“Yeah…” Micheal replied, feeling disturbed by the lady who had spoken to him after the nvcommisioner. He couldn’t hold himself back and he opened his email and what he saw made his eyes grow so big and his heart pounded heavily in his chest. He suddenly felt sweaty and his feet buckled and he had to sink into the couch behind him, still satring with bewilderment.“What is it?” Michelle asked again with genuine concern, lacing her tone.“Nothing! I said nothin
Chapter 130: Nobody Wins
The Unstoppable Jack Bolton/AUTHOR C
CHAPTER 130“That woman means nothing to me. There is nothing you can do or say, mom. She remains nothing but my enemy and I will hurt her severely for daring to lay hands on you,” Jack said to his mother, Alice.Alice had told him the same thing that she told Bethany that forced Bethany to spare her life. The likely possibility that Jack was her offspring. ***FLASHBACK***“Wait! Don’t shoot. Jack has your mark on his back. He may be your family. He may be your son!” Alice yelled as she heard the sound of the gun cocking and the dangerous and vengeful gaze of Bethany was fixed on her with a deadly intention.“What did you just say?” Bethany asked in an even angry tone, feeling Alice was making a mockery off and messing with her. She knew Jack was adopted, Alice had told her that herself but there was no way Jack could be her child. “Your pregnancy, you gave birth to a son right?” Alice turned and enquired from Bethany with a soft penetrating gaze. “That has nothing to do with anyth