All Chapters of The Rise of Mackin Jones : Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 chapters
Chapter 11
The guy in the car pooped his head in, adjusted his glasses, rolled up the car glass and zoomed off.Jones was mad at the unknown guy in the car. Each strand of hair on his body rose up. He looked back at Lana who had insulted; she was no more at sight.The anger in him was aggravated by that stranger who came shouting at him. Did he really know who he was talking to? And who is he to threaten him? Or who sent him that gave him the confidence?Those questions rushed to his mind. He thought, as he was walking down the road, people wanted to know his might…He would show his might to those who call for it. He finalized.He had messaged two of his bouncers to come and pick him immediately and the guy zoomed off.A glittering gold SUV car rushed down towards him from the back. One of the onlookers who had witnessed what happened earlier thought the car wanted to knock him down and quickly shouted, “They are behind you watch out, poor man!”Jones turned back. Instead of knocking him, the c
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Chapter 12
Why did Sam choose Zengent Hotel for the meeting with Drake?Zengent Hotel was one of the most popular, luxurious and expensive hotels in Cranfield. Booking a room or talk of anything in Zengent Hotel, shows the person’s capability, influence and affluence.He deliberately took Drake there so that he wouldn't be taken as a ridiculous person he thought Jones took him to be. To oppress Drake and keep him within reach, that was also part of Sam’s plan.Drake and Sam met some hours after Sam saw Jones and Lana. Drake was really impressed by how he was treated. Different assorted food, expensive drinks and glamorous halls were available for them.Zengent Hotel was not for the weak to be sincere.There were about three levels of bookings in the hotel. Great land for the rich people, Grand Earth for the wealthy and billionaire fellows and Grandeur Universe for the trillionaires.Sam booked Grand Earth despite him being sacked to intimidate Drake. Though he was not a billionaire, he had a se
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Chapter 13
The Zengent Hotel's polished marble floors gleamed under the delicate ambient lighting. Sam walked slowly down the expansive corridor leading to the Grand Earth lounge, his thoughts buzzing.It had been only hours since his last meeting with Jones, and the echoes of that encounter still rang in his mind. But now he was here, not as a man seeking redemption, but as one trying to regain control of a rapidly spiraling situation.Sam’s heart raced as he approached the opulent lounge. He needed to keep up appearances, even if that meant fabricating the very power he had begun to lose.The Zengent was more than just a hotel. It was a symbol of influence and affluence—places like this existed to remind men of their place in the grand hierarchy of society. Sam might not have been at the top, but booking a room here, in the Grand Earth section reserved for the world’s elite, made him feel as if he was. Even if, deep down, he knew that his wealth was starting to slip through his fingers like sa
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Chapter 14
The heavy gates of the Mackin estate loomed ahead like ancient sentinels guarding a kingdom Mackin Jones had once been cast out of.His fingers tapped rhythmically against the armrest of the sleek, black limousine that carried him back to the place where his betrayal had begun. The estate had always been imposing—a monument to wealth, power, and the dominance of the Mackin family. But now, it felt like something else: a battleground.The gates creaked open slowly, their movement labored from disuse. Mackin leaned back, his expression impassive, but his heart hammered in his chest. This wasn’t just a return. It was a reclamation.He had been thrown out like trash, left to fend for himself, humiliated by the very people who were supposed to have his back. But now, he had returned. Not as the downtrodden man they had cast aside, but as a trillionaire, a man who had built an empire from nothing.His driver, a young man who had learned early that silence was golden, brought the car to a ha
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Chapter 15
Drake’s fists clenched at his sides as he stormed down the hallway, his mind racing with anger and frustration. Mackin’s return had thrown everything into chaos.For years, Drake had been the heir apparent, the one who would take over the family’s empire once Bruno stepped down. But now, Mackin had waltzed back into the picture, and everything was in jeopardy.He had worked too hard, sacrificed too much, to let Mackin take it all away from him.Drake reached his private study, slamming the door shut behind him. His heart pounded in his chest, and he struggled to control the fury boiling inside him. Mackin had always been a thorn in his side, but he hadn’t expected him to return with this much power.Mackin was no longer the weak, broken man they had cast out. He had built an empire, amassed unimaginable wealth, and now, he was threatening to take everything Drake had worked for.Drake paced the room, his mind racing with plans and schemes. He needed to act quickly. If Mackin solidifie
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Chapter 16
Mackin sat in his office in the city, staring at the skyline as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the glittering buildings. His thoughts were elsewhere, consumed by the battle he knew was brewing within the family.He could sense the resistance—feel the undercurrent of fear and resentment from the old guard. But he wasn’t going to back down. Not after everything he had been through.The door to his office creaked open, and Mackin turned to see Lana standing in the doorway. His breath caught in his throat. She hadn’t changed much in the years since their separation, but her face seemed softer now, worn by guilt and regret. Her once fiery eyes now held a sadness that tugged at Mackin’s heart."Mackin," she said softly, stepping into the room. "Can we talk?"Mackin’s jaw tightened, memories of her betrayal flashing through his mind like a series of painful snapshots. He had once loved her more than anything, trusted her with his heart and his future. But she had
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Chapter 17
The corridors of the Mackin estate were quiet—the kind of quiet that held secrets. Bruno Mackin lay in his bed, his body a mere shadow of its former self.The once powerful patriarch of the Mackin family now struggled with every breath, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of a man long past his prime. But Bruno’s mind was still sharp, sharper than anyone realized.The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows over the sparse furniture. Mackin stood at the foot of his uncle’s bed, his hands in his pockets, his face an unreadable mask."You’ve come to see me," Bruno croaked, his voice weak but laced with bitterness.Mackin didn’t respond immediately. He stood there, watching the man who had once ruled the family with an iron fist, now reduced to a fragile shell. "I came for answers."Bruno’s eyes flickered with something—fear, perhaps—but he quickly masked it with a sneer. "What makes you think I owe you anything?"Mackin’s gaze never wavered. "Because I know what you did. You w
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Chapter 18
Drake stormed into his office, slamming the door behind him with such force that the walls rattled. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he fought to regain control.He had never seen Mackin like that before—so cold, so ruthless. It was as if the years had hardened him into someone unrecognizable.Drake’s fingers itched as he reached for his phone, dialling a number he hadn’t used in years. The person on the other end picked up after a single ring.“It’s Drake,” he snapped into the receiver. “I need you to move up the timeline.”There was a pause, followed by a low, gravelly voice. “You sure about this, boss? It’s going to get messy.”Drake’s jaw clenched. “Do it.”He hung up without waiting for a response, his mind racing with plans of sabotage, of destruction. If Mackin thought he could come in and take over, he was sorely mistaken. This was still Drake’s family, his empire, and he would burn it to the ground before he let Mackin have it.The late
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