All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
199 chapters
Bryan wondered why she cared and scoffed. He observed a hint of earnestness in her eyes as she spoke.“I know you might not want to accept it, but I want to use this as the beginning of a new friendship,” she stated, her voice laced with determination. Bryan's reaction was a sarcastic chuckle.“I said I was going to give you a chance to prove you are worthy of my trust. I never said we are friends. Don't force it; we'd rather take it a step at a time,” he advised, his tone firm. With that, he turned to walk away, leaving her to ponder his words.Hannah's voice was resolute as she spoke, hoping to convey her sincerity. "Trust me, I am not giving up. This should mark the beginning of our friendship," she uttered, her gaze holding a glimmer of hope. However, Bryan's reaction was not what she expected."Are you sure you didn't poison this? Or why are you trying to force it on me?" His words rang with suspicion, causing a sudden tension to fill the air. Hannah's heart fluttered with anxiet
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Smooth plan
Bryan strode purposefully through the dimly lit hallway towards Lisa's room, his heart pounding with anticipation. A message had just come through from Jessica that the deal was finally being sealed, but as he reached for his pocket to check it again, a sudden drowsiness overcame him. Confused by the unexpected fatigue, Bryan paused in his steps, taking a sip from the water bottle he had been carrying. Little did he know, the liquid had been tampered with according to someone's cunning plan.Meanwhile, hidden in the shadows nearby, a figure clutched her chest in anxiety. "Thanks to her, God always answers my prayers," she whispered to herself. The narrow escape had left her shaken to the core. Thoughts raced through her mind about the consequences of getting caught. How would she explain herself if her true intentions were revealed? The weight of the situation bore heavily on her conscience, uncertainty clouding her features.As Bryan's steps faded into the distance, the figure debate
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Bryan stood at the bedside, a mix of concern and caution in his eyes as he gently assisted her onto the bed. As he turned to leave her room, a sudden wave of emotion halted his movements. Her words pierced the air with a blend of desperation and longing.“Kingsley, I love you. How could you let that witch take you away from me? I am the best person for you,” she rasped, the words tinged with an unmistakable yearning that tugged at Bryan's heart. Despite the passage of time, it was clear that she had not let go of her feelings for Kingsley, leaving Bryan astounded by the depth of her emotions.Bryan took a moment to process her words, his mind racing with questions. How could she not recognize him? The thought lingered in his mind, a bothersome reminder of the complexities that defined their relationship. With a heavy sigh, he realized the fragile nature of their connection, a delicate dance between truth and illusion that threatened to unravel with each passing moment.As Bryan made h
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Bryan knew he had to comfort her, watching the tears glisten in her eyes, reflecting the pain she must be feeling deep inside. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, feeling the warmth of her touch. "I am sorry for always being like that," he murmured softly, his tone filled with sincerity and regret. "Maybe it's really difficult for me. I don't know if I am going to be the best man for you. I feel like I am going to fail in this aspect," he confessed, his voice tinged with self-doubt and vulnerability.He looked into her eyes, trying to convey his genuine emotions, searching for a way to console her and offer solace in a moment of uncertainty. Bryan realized the importance of expressing his feelings and showing his support for her, wanting her to know that he was there for her, despite his own internal struggles."You should at least try to do this with me. I know it's really difficult, why not give it a try, maybe it can work out?" she pleaded, the words hanging in the air
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Lisa stood outside the door, her heart pounding in her chest, apprehension gnawing at her insides. With a sudden burst of courage, she swung the door open, the hinges creaking in protest. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow over the figures of Sam and Jessica, peacefully slumbering in their beds. Relief washed over her, mingled with a twist of embarrassment. How could she have let a mere threat from Bryan affect her so profoundly?As she stood in the doorway, the weight of her fear lifting, Lisa felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Anger at herself for being so easily manipulated, confusion at her own vulnerability, and a touch of shame for allowing Bryan's words to infiltrate her sense of security. She shook her head, trying to dispel the remnants of fear that lingered within her.Taking a deep breath, Lisa closed her eyes briefly, willing herself to regain composure. She realized the power she had given to Bryan's threat was unwarranted, and a resolve began to build within
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What's happening
She hesitated for a moment, her heart heavy with the knowledge that waking Alora was futile. Despite her longing to try once more, she knew deep down that it was an impossible task. With a sigh, she took a deep breath and made her way out of the room, the weight of resignation settling upon her shoulders.As she navigated the familiar corridors of the house, she found herself drawn towards the kitchen section. The clinking of dishes and the comforting smells of home cooking beckoned her, offering a brief respite from the sadness that lingered in her heart. Bryan, the observant butler, caught sight of her as she made her way to the kitchen, a knowing smile playing on his lips.Upon entering the bustling kitchen, she made a swift decision. Summoning all the devoted butlers and diligent maids to her side, she knew that a plan needed to be set in motion. The somber atmosphere of the household had lingered for too long, and she was determined to bring a spark of life back into the grand es
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"Why don't we check the CCTV camera, we shouldn't argue about this?" he suggested. Jessica was taken aback by his audacity. How could he propose such a ludicrous idea when they were the ones responsible for the situation in the first place? It seemed nonsensical that he would propose investigating the CCTV system when it would only incriminate them further. His suggestion added a layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere, leaving Jessica wondering if he truly believed his own words or if he was simply trying to divert attention away from their misdeeds."I think that's a better Idea," Grandma Creston said, her voice filled with certainty. Lisa nodded in agreement, and the two women made their way to the CCTV room. Jessica couldn't shake the feeling of unease settling in her stomach. Was this Bryan's way of finally getting rid of her? She tried to catch Bryan's eye for reassurance, but he only smirked, sending a shiver down her spine. The tension in the room was palpable as th
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How did you
One of the maids, a young woman with a timid demeanor, nervously shuffled out from the group. The elderly matriarch of the household, Grandma Creston, fixed her with a piercing gaze that seemed to demand an explanation. "What did you say?" the grandmother inquired, her voice heavy with concern.The maid hesitated, her hands twisting nervously in front of her. "I am sorry, Grandma," she finally whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "I did that out of anger. I have been casually mistreated by Ms. Lisa several times, and I thought that was the best way of getting back at her." Tears welled up in her eyes, glistening as they spilled down her cheeks, a silent testimony to the turmoil within her.As her confession hung in the air, a heavy silence descended upon the room, punctuated only by the occasional sniffle from the maid. Grandma Creston's expression softened, her features reflecting a mixture of empathy and understanding. She slowly rose from her chair, a gesture of compassion,
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As he reflected on the events of a few days prior, a sense of urgency washed over him. It was a typical day as he made his way down the hallway, the sounds of something smashing against the wall jolting him to attention. Curiosity and concern intertwined in his mind as he quickened his pace, the echoes of the impact resonating in the otherwise quiet space.In that unassuming moment, he discovered her, a figure of vulnerability amidst the chaos. The sight of her, blood visibly staining her clothes and a pained expression etched on her face, spurred him into action without a second thought. Without hesitation, he stepped forward, reaching out to offer his help in a gesture of compassion unbeknownst to many.Despite the urgency of the situation, his sense of responsibility compelled him to act decisively. Without sparing a moment, he swiftly transported her to the nearest hospital, his heart heavy with concern for her well-being. As the medical professionals tended to her injuries, he st
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Let her suffer for her crimes
As the inspector spoke with a firm tone, the seriousness of the situation hung in the air like a heavy cloud. His voice echoed in the dimly lit room as he explained the reason for their presence. The report about hard drugs had put everyone on edge, and now, with the suspects in custody, justice needed to be served.Bryan's gaze shifted towards Elena, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and fear. The gravity of the inspector's words sank in, knowing the potential consequences that awaited those involved in such illegal activities. The tension in the room was palpable as the inspector and his crew prepared to take the necessary actions to ensure that justice was upheld.The harsh reality of the situation weighed heavily on everyone present. The inspector's words resonated with authority and determination, signaling a swift and decisive response to the unlawful activities that had been uncovered. It was clear that there would be no leniency for those involved, as the wheels of justice
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