All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
199 chapters
Former friends
Lisa persisted, her voice firm and resolute, "I demand that you discharge Sam immediately. I will not leave until you have signed the release papers."The doctor chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I apologize, ma'am, but I cannot acquiesce to your request. It would be a breach of my professional ethics to release a patient who has not yet fully recuperated."Lisa's face reddened with indignation, her eyes flashing with anger. "You will face the consequences of your actions," she threatened, her voice rising. "I will ensure that your actions have repercussions, and you will face disciplinary action if you're not careful."With a huff, she turned on her heel and strode out of the ward, leaving the doctor and the others to exchange concerned glances. The doctor's expression turned resolute, his jaw set in determination. "I will not be swayed," he murmured to himself, "I will prioritize my patient's well-being, regardless of the outcome.” Bryan approached the doctor, his eyes
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Lisa hissed and walked towards the exit. "Where are you headed to?" Grandma Creston asked, concern etched on her face.Lisa scoffed, her voice laced with anger. "What kind of mother do you think I am, that I would sit at home while my son is in the hospital?" She spat the words, her eyes blazing with determination.Bryan interjected, his voice calm but firm. "I'm going there soon, I don't think you should."Lisa's response was immediate, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You will not tell me what to do with my child, is that alright?" She snarled, her eyes flashing with defiance, as she continued towards the exit, leaving Bryan and Grandma Creston in a tense silence."I don't trust her a bit, what if she did something harmful to Sam, now that he has lost his memory?" Bryan thought to himself, his mind racing with worst-case scenarios. He couldn't shake off this feeling, so he decided to take action."Aunty Ellen, did you want to see Sam? We can go there together," he said, trying to s
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Who's this?
"Why don't you tell me?" she demanded, her voice rising in anger and hurt, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.Bryan remained silent, his lips pressed together, unable to meet her gaze."I said, why did you hide this from me?" she snarled, her voice shaky with emotion, her words laced with a hint of betrayal.Bryan's face contorted in a mixture of guilt and sorrow as he reached out to hold her. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice cracking with regret. "I found out when it was already too late. And he didn't want you to know about it. He wanted me to protect and be there for you."Tears streamed down her eyes like a river, her body trembling with anguish. "I understand now," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, her words laced with pain and accusation. "You don't love me, you're only showing me pity. Did you think that's what I deserve?”"No, Betty, I love you and haven't shown you pity. I swear, I truly love you and you mean everything to me," Bryan said, his voice fille
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Why are you doing this
"Hey Bryan, where's Betty?" Grandma Creston asked, her eyes sparkling with a hint of concern, her voice warm and gentle. Bryan's face went blank, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape from the question. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. He was speechless, unsure of how to break the news to his grandmother. "Betty!" he finally uttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Oh... we had an argument, and she left in a taxi." The words spilled out, followed by a heavy silence. Grandma Creston's face fell, her expression a mix of disappointment and worry. Her eyes, once sparkling with warmth, now seemed to hold a deep concern. "How can you let her go without even attempting to stop her, Bryan?" she asked, her voice laced with a gentle reprimand. "You know how fragile she is, and now she's out there alone, upset, and who knows where?" Bryan shifted uncomfortably, his eyes dropping in shame, as he struggled to find the right words. "I know, Grandma, I'm sor
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Is there anything else?
Bryan couldn't believe she had hung up on him again, so he called his grandma's number. "Please, Grandma, can you talk to Betty for me? She keeps hanging up on me," Bryan said, frustration evident in his voice.Grandma Creston replied, "I've already called her, dear. She said she'll come home, so we shouldn't worry. But the night is drawing nearer."Just then, Bryan heard Betty's mom's voice in the background. "I think I can tell you where you can find her."Bryan's ears perked up. "Granny, can you give her the phone?" he asked eagerly, hoping to finally get some answers."Bryan, I think you should go to the beach. The last time I spoke with Asher, he told me not to come closer because she resents me, and now she has many things in common with him. If that's true, then she should be there. Asher always goes to the beach to see the ocean late at night whenever he's not in a good mood.""Okay, ma, I'll check that out. I pray she's there," Bryan said, quickly hanging up the call. He jump
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Love? Huh!
Bryan knew she might refuse to go home if she found out her mom was there, and it was already late at night. He knew he had to face the consequences of lying again, but he made up his mind to bear them. "Are you sure you're not lying to me?" she asked, her voice hinting at suspicion. "Why did you sound like there's one more thing you want to tell me?" Bryan chuckled softly, trying to downplay the situation."Let's just go home, Betty," he said, holding out his hand to hers. She hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and together they left, hand in hand, into the night.As they walked to Bryan's car, the silence between them was palpable. Bryan knew he had to tell her the truth eventually, but he was scared of losing her. He had already lied to her once, and he didn't want to hurt her again.When they got into the car, Betty turned to him and said, "I know you're hiding something from me, Bryan. I can see it in your eyes."Bryan took a deep breath and decided to come clean. "I was going
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Betty's mom knew she couldn't find the right words to make her daughter forgive and forget. She took a deep breath and spoke from her heart. "Betty, sweetheart, I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. I'm so sorry for leaving you behind, and I regret it every day. The only feeling I have for you is pure, unconditional love. Please know that I'm committed to making it right, and I'll do everything in my power to regain your trust."Betty's expression remained stubborn, but a hint of vulnerability flickered in her eyes. "I don't want to be with you! I don't want you to make it right! Go back to the love of your life, the man you left us for!" Betty screamed, her face contorted in anguish and betrayal.Her mom's face fell, disappointment and sadness etched on her features. Bryan, unable to bear the emotional intensity, stepped forward. "Betty, please, I think you should calm down," he said gently, his voice a soothing balm to the raw emotions.Betty's eyes fl
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Happy and healthy
Bryan approached Betty's room, concerned about her well-being. As he entered, he found her gazing at her father's framed picture, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes pleaded with the image, "Please, Dad, be okay for me. I want to be with you. I can't bear a life without you." Her voice cracked as she sobbed, "If only you were here, that woman wouldn't have stepped her legs here."Bryan's heart ached seeing Betty's distress. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, and slowly walked closer to her. He wanted to offer comfort and support in this difficult moment."I know this is really tough, Betty, but we have to face the truth. Life isn't always fair or kind. Everyone goes through hard times, and this is yours. It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but we'll get through it together," Bryan said, his voice gentle and empathetic. He placed a supportive hand on her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort and strength in the midst of her sorrow."What did you know about me, Bryan? He'
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Personal responsibility
He guided her to her room, holding her diary in his other hand. Once inside, he gently made her sit on the sofa and went to fetch the pasta he had prepared. "You have to eat it now, or else it will get cold," he said, placing the food in front of her.But she wasn't eating well, her appetite seemingly gone. "Come on, Betty," he persuaded, his voice soft and encouraging. "Maybe I should feed you," he said, collecting the food from her hands.As he began to feed her, his eyes locked onto hers, filled with concern and care. The pasta was steaming hot, and he carefully placed each bite into her mouth, his movements gentle and precise. The room was quiet, the only sound was the soft clinking of the fork against the plate.After he finished feeding her, Bryan stood up, but his stomach growled, a clear sign of hunger. Betty looked at his face, her eyes filled with concern. "You care so much that you forget to eat something. How can you look after someone without taking care of yourself?" she
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Biological son
"I am sorry, Mr. Creston, I will make sure to look after him properly. And if I notice any false movement, I will let you know and also inform the police," the doctor reassured, his voice calm and professional."I guess you had better start keeping an eye on him. I might not take it easy if things go wrong with him," Bryan said, his tone firm and menacing, as he clicked the end button, ending the call..As he tucked the device into his pocket, the doorbell rang, and he suggested, "Ah, that must be my order." He walked towards the door, his footsteps echoing in the silence, his mind still lingering on the conversation with the doctor.The door creaked open, revealing a delivery person holding a package, and Bryan's expression turned neutral, his thoughts momentarily diverted from the earlier conversation. "Thanks," he said, taking the package, his eyes scanning the contents before closing the door, his mind already wandering back to the situation at hand.He decided not to let that get
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