All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
199 chapters
The next day, Grandma Creston’s driver drove Bryan, Rose, and Grandma Creston away in Bryan’s car. as the rest of the family waved goodbye. He drove through the streets, the only sounds being the hum of the car and the occasional passing vehicle. Bryan chuckled and said, "Hey!, can you step on it?" She nodded and increased the speed, the wind blowing through their hair as they picked up pace.Betty gazed out at the city, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking view as the driver navigated through the streets. A smile spread across her face, despite her mind racing with countless thoughts. Grandma Creston, sitting beside her, noticed the mix of emotions and gently tapped her on the back, offering a comforting presence."The sight is beautiful, even though the world seems to work differently for everyone," Grandma Creston said, her voice filled with emotion. "We have people struggling, we have people who have chosen happiness all their lives, so let's be grateful for where we are." Her to
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"Grandma, what are you doing?" Bryan asked, his curiosity piqued.She chuckled, a warm smile spreading across her face. "I'm just so proud of you, shouldn't you be happy?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.Bryan scoffed, his expression skeptical. "Huh!" he exclaimed, clearly unimpressed."Is grandfather so sweet?" Betty demanded, her voice full of excitement.Grandma Creston nodded positively, her eyes shining with fondness. "He's such a great man, he always makes sure to take care of the ladies. He's very fond of girls, that's why he pampered Ellen more, and Maxwell has to bear his taunting," she explained, her voice full of warmth and nostalgia."Oh! I see why dad has to go through a lot, he must have really suffered," Bryan said, his tone filled with sarcasm, his voice dripping with skepticism."Who told you he suffered? I make sure to give him everything he needs," Grandma Creston said, her voice firm, but with a hint of defensiveness.Bryan chuckled, a low, mocking so
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Alicia's call
As they stepped off the plane, a sleek black Lamborghini awaited them, its engine purring smoothly. The maids scurried to load their luggage into the trunk, while the driver stood at attention, holding open the door for them to enter. With a regal grace, they slid into the luxurious interior, the door closing behind them with a soft thud. The driver took his seat, and the guards fell into formation, following closely behind in a separate vehicle. The convoy glided smoothly into motion, a testament to the wealth and power of its occupants.As the Lamborghini glided through the streets, Bryan couldn't help but remark, "England is such a great place, so calm and warm." Grandma Creston chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "England is a great city, that's why the family always loves to come here, mostly on vacation. And one of the reasons why we also have business interests here," she added, her voice dripping with sophistication. Bryan nodded in understanding, taking in the sigh
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Survival rate
"You know what, Grandma? You're right. I should have let her speak. I'll give her another chance to apologize and make amends. But if she's calling to play games or manipulate me, she'll be disappointed. I'm not the same man she knew, and I won't be taken advantage of again."Grandma Creston smiled, her eyes shining with pride. "That's my boy, Bryan. You're a grown man now, and it's time to put the past behind you. Let Alicia speak, and then you can decide whether to forgive her or not. But remember, forgiveness is for you, not for her. It's time to heal and move on.""I think we should rather focus on President Asher for now. I can talk when we get back," Bryan said, his mind already shifting gears to the pressing matter at hand."We're already at the hospital, sir," the driver announced, and they were surprised to realize they had driven so far, engrossed in their conversation."Oh, thanks!" Bryan exclaimed, as they prepared to exit the car. The guards rushed to open the door for th
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The doctor's pronouncement filled them with a renewed sense of optimism. "Thank you so much, Doctor," Bryan exclaimed, his voice overflowing with gratitude, as he extended his hand to shake the doctor's once more. "This is incredibly reassuring news."Grandma Creston's eyes brimmed with tears. "May we be permitted to see him, Dr. Williams? I am eager to lay eyes on my beloved son," she entreated, her voice trembling with emotion.The doctor nodded positively. "Indeed, I shall take you to him," he replied, rising from his chair with a warm smile. "Follow me, please.”They all stood up, and followed the doctor, their footsteps echoing through the hospital corridor. They walked in a procession, their shoes making soft squeaking sounds on the polished floor. The sound of their footsteps was rhythmic, a symphony of hope and anticipation. As they entered the room, their hopes were met with a stark reality. President Asher lay motionless, surrounded by a tangle of tubes and wires. The life-
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Betty stood transfixed, her gaze lost in the cityscape outside her window, her mind still reeling from the emotional toll of her father's condition. Her eyes, red and puffy from hours of crying, felt dry and exhausted, as if they had no tears left to shed. Bryan entered the room, his footsteps soft on the carpet, and approached her with a gentle smile. "Hey, beautiful," he said, his voice low and soothing, as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her close. "You've been crying for hours, Betty. It's time to rest." His warm breath caressed her ear, a comforting sensation that made her feel safe and loved.Betty turned around, her eyes welling up again, and her voice cracked with emotion. "He used to be so strong, so invincible. It's unbearable to see him like this, dependent on machines to survive. It's tearing me apart, Bryan. I feel like I'm losing my mind." She buried her face in her hands, her body shaking with sobs. Bryan's expression softened, and he pulled her clo
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Bryan's hands went around her waist as I ate into her sweet mouth . " Don't stop ... Bryan " She whispered lips and I lost it . " Ahhn " she cried out as Bryan sucked on the delicate flesh on her sensitive neck . He could hear her heartbeat crazily against her chest and her breath came out faster than the usual due to the intensity of our kiss . " Betty I ..." He trailed . " Shhhhhhhh just continue to kiss me " She whispered as she helped take off her wet pants and threw it at the other side of the room . And his hand went through her virgina,.his finger thrusting into her. " Fvck Bryan...." She cried out as placed love bites on her neck then kissed them to soothe the pain . She groaned as I pulled her legs apart with his other hand. His hand thrusts in and out. She moans out in deep pleasure. " Ahhn ....oh " her jaws dropped as beautiful soft sounds left her lips. He smirked as she squirmed in my arms ...I held her thighs In position as I sucked on them slowly hands
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Who's Eva?
The following day, Betty was already dressed and waiting in the living room, eager to visit her ailing father in the hospital. Bryan and Grandma Creston were still upstairs, yet to make their appearance. Betty's attention was drawn to Bryan's phone, which was buzzing with incoming messages. Initially, she tried to ignore it and called out to Bryan, but her curiosity got the better of her. She picked up the phone and scrutinized the messages, noticing that they were from an unknown number. Her curiosity piqued, she opened the message, and her eyes widened as she read the words:"Hello Bryan, it's Eva, your high school girlfriend. I'm so sorry for losing touch for all these years. I have a lot of explaining to do. After my parents discovered I was pregnant with your child, they sent me away to another country to separate us. They didn't approve of our relationship, citing your financial situation at the time. I know I broke the promises we made to each other, and for that, I'm truly s
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Long term secrets
Bryan's eyes widened as he took his phone from his pocket and checked the messages. His face went white as he read the text from Eva."Betty, I... I don't know what to say," he stuttered, his eyes fixed on the screen."What does it say?" Betty demanded, her voice firm. "What does she mean by 'the twins?"Bryan's eyes darted up to meet Betty's, a mix of guilt and fear in his gaze. "It seems... it seems I have two children with Eva," he admitted, his voice barely audible.Grandma Creston and Mr Gabriel couldn't believe this revelation. Grandma Creston just covers her mouth in disbelief. Betty's eyes narrowed. "You have children? And you never thought to mention this to me?"Bryan shook his head, his eyes pleading for understanding. "I didn't know, Betty. I swear, I had no idea Eva was pregnant when we broke up, she broke up with me right Infront of her mother, and told me she's travelling abroad for her complete her education. And I never knew she had twins. Neither do I know she's pre
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The call ended, and Bryan's phone buzzed with a message. He opened them, his eyes widening in shock as he realized it was Eva who had sent the address they are going to meet. He squeezed his phone tightly, as if he might crush it, and bit his lower lip."How can this be?" he muttered to himself. "A set of twins... outside? Without my knowledge?"He felt like he'd been punched in the gut. His mind raced with questions and emotions, his frustration boiling over. He dragged his fist across the table, struggling to contain his anger and disbelief."This is a nightmare," he thought. "How am I going to face Betty? How are we going to get through this?"But he knew he had to find a way. He couldn't just sit there, feeling helpless. He needed to take action, to find a way to navigate this unexpected turn of events.Bryan stumbled into his room, feeling utterly defeated, and collapsed onto his bed. He didn't even bother to pull back the covers or remove his shoes. He simply fell onto the matt
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