All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
199 chapters
Taking responsibility
Bryan headed for the door, his car keys jingling in his hand. As he walked through the hallway, his sneakers made a soft creaking sound. He entered the living room, where he spotted Betty engrossed in a movie. He considered approaching her but thought better of it. He knows it's better not to complicate issues more. Just as he was about to exit, a voice stopped him in his tracks."Am I so invisible that you didn't realize I'm here?" Grandma Creston asked, her voice coming from the corner of the room.Bryan turned to face her, an apologetic smile spreading across his face. "I'm so sorry, Grandma. I didn't realize you were there.":Grandma Creston's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "No worries, dear. But tell me, where are you off to in such a hurry?"Bryan's grin returned. "I'm headed to see Eva. She sent me the address, and we're supposed to meet in 20 minutes."Grandma Creston's eyebrows arched. "Are you going alone?" She asked, her tone hinting at amusement.Bryan nodded,"Yes, Granny
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Eva's voice was laced with desperation as she pleaded with Bryan, "Bryan, please, can you rethink this? I'm still deeply in love with you."Bryan's anger was palpable, his words laced with venom. "I'm not interested in you anymore, Eva. I understand you had my kids, and you've stayed away for some reason. But it's already too late. I've moved on and found another love."Eva's eyes welled up with tears as she grasped for his arm, her voice cracking. "But Bryan, we have a family. Our children need us together."Bryan shook her off, his face cold. "Our children are the only reason I'm still standing here talking to you. Otherwise, I'd have walked away long ago"Eva's face contorted in anguish. "You're really going to abandon us like this? After everything we've been through?"Bryan's expression remained unyielding. "I'm not abandoning our children, Eva. It is just that I moved on a long time ago. And you should do the same.”"How am I supposed to move on?" Eva asked, tears streaming down
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As Bryan approached the car, the guard had already opened the door, and he got in, his anger palpable. The driver instinctively knew to start driving immediately, and the car pulled away from the curb. Bryan's fists were clenched, his jaw set in a firm line, as he realized he still clutched the picture. He hadn't meant to bring it with him, but now it seemed to be the only thing that could calm his turbulent emotions.He gazed at the image, his eyes drawn to the children's faces. They were like miniature versions of himself, their features eerily familiar. The resemblance was uncanny, and Bryan's heart swelled with a mix of emotions - nostalgia, longing, and a deep sense of responsibility. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the picture, the children's smiles haunting him like a bittersweet memory.The driver pulled up to the company headquarters, and Bryan stepped out of the car, his expression still troubled. He strode into the building, his long strides carrying him quickly through
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Still in love
Bryan sat at the bar, nursing his third whiskey on the rocks. The amber liquid burned his throat, but he didn't care. He was trying to drown his sorrows, to forget the troubles that had been plaguing him since he arrived in England. His phone rang, shrill in the silence of the bar. He gazed at it with a mixture of annoyance and apathy, not wanting to talk to anyone. But then he saw the caller ID, and his heart skipped a beat. It was his younger sister, Elena.He hesitated for a moment, then picked up the call. "Hey, Elena," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "Long time no talk."Elena's voice was bright and cheerful on the other end of the line. "Bryan! Oh my God, it's so great to finally talk to you! I've been trying to reach you for ages!"Bryan raised an eyebrow, "Really? Trying to reach me for ages when I just got here few days ago.?"Elena's tone turned serious. "What a mannerless brother you're. Don't tell me you're to busy to check on your own sister. You didn't c
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My love for you
Bryan's voice was filled with tenderness as he whispered to the sleeping Betty, "I'm happy you still love me, and I promise I'm not going to deny you of my attention." He tried to gently pull his hand away, but Betty's grip only tightened, as if she was holding on to him for dear life.With a soft chuckle, Bryan decided to wait for a moment, thinking she would eventually relax her hold. But as he sat there, his eyelids began to droop, and before he knew it, his head nodded forward, and he fell asleep, his head resting on the edge of the bed frame.The room was silent, except for the soft sound of Betty's steady breathing, and Bryan's gentle snores. The moonlight streaming through the window cast a soft glow on the peaceful scene, as if blessing the loving moment between the two.The morning alarm blared to life, jolting Betty awake from her slumber. She opened her eyes, still heavy with sleep, and gazed at the sight before her. Her hand was still clenched around Bryan's, and he was sl
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Overcome obstacles
Betty pouted, her lips jutting out in a sulky expression, as if daring Bryan to come up with a response. But instead of speaking, he stood up and gently pulled her to her feet, his hands wrapping around hers in a warm grasp."Can you just say something to me?" Bryan asked, his voice laced with a hint of frustration, but also a deep longing.Bryan's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze soft and persuasive. "I want you to come with me to see my twins tomorrow," he said, his voice low and gentle. "I want us to spend the day together, as a family. What do you say, Betty? Will you come with me?"His words were like a balm to her soul, soothing her fears and doubts. Betty's pout slowly faded, replaced by a small smile, as she nodded her head."Okay, I will," Betty said, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry to think you would abandon me for them." Her eyes dropped, her gaze falling on their entwined hands.Bryan chuckled, his fingers tightening around hers. "I'm not going to abandon you,
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Rude child
Lisa walked towards Sam's room, her shoes echoing in the silent hallway. She had been taking care of him since Bryan, Betty, and Grandma Creston left for England, and Ellen had refused to return to her husband's house. Ellen had been managing Sam's health with the help of Jessica, his girlfriend, without the knowledge of Liss, and also pretended that they didn't know about Lisa's deception.As she entered Sam's room, she saw some movement, she went to check the curtain,but since she couldn't see anything she shake off feeling, thinking it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. "Sam, it's time for your injection," she said, pulling out the injection wrap and the drug wrap that she had brought.Sam groggily opened his eyes, his gaze unfocused. Mum...thanks," he muttered, his voice weak.Lisa smiled and approached him, her eyes filled with concern. "How are you feeling today, Sam? Any better?"Sam nodded slightly, his eyes closing again. "Yeah...a little."Lisa administered the
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Taking you around
"Don't worry, dad, that's how Nathaniel behaves. He's taken after mom, so cold and intimidating," Nathan said, his voice reassuring. "Don't worry, I'll give you a call. Let me have your card, dad. We can talk on the phone or maybe meet without Eva knowing."Bryan scoffed, his expression disapproving. "I don't think that's a good idea, coming to see me without your mom. You're still very young for that. But you can always give me a call," he said, handing over his card.Nathan smiled and kissed Bryan's cheek before leaving. Bryan stood up, his anger palpable. "Hey, Betty, catch up with you later. And you've got some explanation to give for taking our father away " Nathan said playfully before running out of there. "Why would you tell them I'm your fiancée?" Betty demanded, her voice stern. "You know this is the first time."Bryan's face darkened. "I didn't want to hide it from them, Betty. They deserve to know the truth. And I want them to know that you're important to me."Betty's ey
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Betty drove through the city, her eyes fixed on the road ahead, a determined look on her face. Bryan sat beside her, his eyes fixed on her, a mix of amusement and sarcasm on his face."This is interesting," Bryan said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "In fact, you're the best driver of the year."Betty's laughter filled the car, her eyes sparkling with joy. "I'm happy you're enjoying it, boyfriend!" she shouted, her voice playful.Just then, Bryan's phone rang, disrupting the moment. He groaned, pulling out his phone, and his eyes narrowed as he saw Eva's name flashing on the screen. He hit the decline button, putting his phone on silent mode. Betty's eyes flicked to him, her smile faltering for a moment."It's Eva, right?" she asked, her voice neutral, her eyes fixed on the road ahead.Bryan nodded nonchalantly. "Yeah, it's her."He tucked his phone back into his pocket, his eyes shifting back to Betty. "Let's go, baby," he said, his voice low and husky.Betty's smile returned, and s
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After a tender moment in each other's arms, Betty broke the silence. "Let me treat you to a roadside dish, it's always delicious," she offered, her eyes sparkling with warmth.Bryan chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You seem to know many places in England. Have you tasted their roadside dishes before?" he asked, his tone playful.Betty nodded, a nostalgic smile spreading across her face. "There was a summer when all of us came to England together. I, Sam, and Alora once had a roadside dish. We were quite close, and... " Her voice trailed off, memories flooding her eyes.Bryan's expression turned serious, his brow furrowing in concern. "Or really, things must have really changed. Lisa changed the children, trying to turn them against the family," he said, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.Betty nodded in agreement, her eyes clouding over. "Yes, things have changed. But I'm glad you're here with me ." Her voice was barely above a whisper, her emotions raw and vulnerabl
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