All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
199 chapters
"I didn't mean to be jealous, I guess I just reacted poorly," Bryan said, trying to defend himself, his voice laced with a hint of defensiveness. "You ignored me and started talking to someone else, like I was invisible."Betty sighed, her expression a mix of understanding and frustration. "I was just trying to catch up with an old friend, Bryan. It's been a long time since we last spoke. I didn't mean to make you feel left out."Bryan chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "You can still do that without making me feel like I'm not even here. I'm your partner, Betty. I deserve better than to be ignored like that."Betty's eyes narrowed slightly, her voice taking on a sharper tone. "I'm not ignoring you, Bryan. I can't believe you're being this jealous."She turned to face the cart man, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Sir, meet my boyfriend Bryan." She introduced, her words dripping with irony.The carteen man smiled warmly. "Wow, you've got yourself a handsome man! Congratulations, I'm happy
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Strange number
The ride back home was a blast, filled with laughter and excitement. As they pulled into the compound, Betty parked the car and got out, grinning at Bryan. "Thanks for the ride," Bryan said, teasing her with a scoff. Betty playfully rolled her eyes. "Hey, I'm your girlfriend, it's only necessary that I take you out on a spin!" She winked, and Bryan chuckled, feeling happy to be spending time with her. "Well, in that case, thanks for the adventure!" he said, leaning in to give her a quick kiss. As they walked towards the house, hand in hand, Bryan couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events. "You know, I never thought I'd be dating a race car driver," he said with a chuckle. Betty smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "And I never thought I'd be dating a... well, a guy like you," she teased, nudging him playfully. Bryan raised an eyebrow, pretending to be offended. "A guy like me? What's that supposed to mean?" Betty laughed, her hair bouncing with the m
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"Hello, dad, this is Nathan," a tiny little voice came from the other end of the line, and Bryan heaved a sigh of relief. The sound of his son's voice was like music to his ears, a reassuring reminder that everything was okay. "Hey, baby boy! How are you?" Bryan demanded, his tone softening as he settled into the conversation. Nathan scoffed, a tiny snort of laughter. "I'm fine, dad. Where's Aunty Betty?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. Bryan chuckled, a warm smile spreading across his face. "She's fine, buddy. She's right here with me. Where's Nathaniel?" he asked, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for his twin sister. The line was silent for a moment, and Bryan's heart skipped a beat as he wondered if something was wrong. But then Nathan's voice came back, full of excitement. "She's right here, dad! We're having a sleepover at Grandma's house!" Bryan's tension dissipated, replaced by a warm sense of gratitude. "That sounds like so much fun, buddy. I'm
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"Give me the phone!" Eva shouted at Nathan from the other end, her voice stern and commanding.Nathan hesitated for a moment before handing the phone over to his mother. Eva's voice came through the line, cold and accusatory. "Hello Bryan, why have you been avoiding my calls?"Bryan scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Who are you to ask me if I'm supposed to pick my call or not?" he replied, his words laced with defiance.Eva's voice rose in anger. "I'm the mother of your children, that's who! And I demand to know why you've been ignoring me."Bryan snorted. "Demand? You demand? You've got some nerve, Eva. After all these years, you think you can just waltz back into my life and start making demands?"The line was silent for a moment, the only sound being the heavy breathing of two people, both seething with anger. Then Eva spoke up again, her voice icy cold."I don't want to argue with you, Bryan. I just want to know what's going on with the children. Are they okay?"Bryan's to
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Don't Worry
Grandma Creston's voice was firm and resolute. "Charging a lawsuit is the best thing to do, since she's not trying to take it easy." Bryan nodded vigorously, his determination evident. "I think that's what I'm going to do. If she's not careful, I'm taking custody of my kids."Betty's eyes shone with approval. "That's the best decision, Bryan. I think you should inform her that you're charging a lawsuit." She paused, her expression thoughtful. "It'll give her a chance to realize the gravity of her actions."Bryan turned to Grandma Creston, his eyes pleading. "Grandma, can you please call any good lawyers you know in England? I need someone who can help me navigate this mess." Grandma Creston's face set in a determined expression, she nodded. "Of course, dear. I'll make some calls. We'll get the best lawyer to help you get custody of your children."The room was filled with a sense of purpose, the air thick with determination. Bryan's family was rallying around him, ready to support him
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Call me sweet name
Bryan's eyes narrowed, seeking reassurance. "So, are you saying I have a higher chance of winning this in court?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.Barrister Leonard's expression turned skeptical, his tone hinting at the challenges ahead. "It might seem difficult, but there's always a way to navigate situations like this. The issue is that you haven't established a relationship with your children yet. They don't know how they'll react or feel living with you, which makes it harder to convince the court."Betty's brow furrowed, concern etched on her face. "But isn't the consent of the children necessary? They're just small kids; won't it be difficult to get their consent, Barrister?"The room fell silent, the weight of the situation settling in. The fate of the children and the outcome of the case hung precariously in the balance.Barrister Leonard's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes locked on Bryan. "I can request that the court grant you temporary custody for a month,
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Some weeks laterThe day of the court hearing had finally arrived, and the tension was palpable as the two parties faced off in the courtroom. Bryan, flanked by Betty and Grandma Creston, approached Eva, who stood tall beside her mother."Where are my kids?" Bryan demanded, his voice firm but laced with a hint of desperation.Eva scoffed sarcastically, her eyes flashing with anger. "What makes you think I would bring my kids to this circus? What kind of father are you, anyway?" she shot back, her voice dripping with venom.Bryan's face reddened with indignation. "You're unbelievable," he muttered, shaking his head in disgust.Just then, Betty intervened, her voice calm and soothing. "Bryan, we should go. Barrister Leonard wants to see us in his office."Bryan nodded, casting a parting shot at Eva. "You should be prepared, because you're not going to win this case. You're just being stubborn."With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Eva seething with anger. Her mother placed a ca
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The attorney's question hung in the air like a challenge. "So, Mrs. Eva, can you tell me what you told me before, about how you're being deceived by Mr. Bryan?"Bryan's eyes darted to his lawyer, Barrister Leonard, as if seeking a lifeline. The two men exchanged a brief, weighted glance. Meanwhile, Betty and Grandma Creston watched with rapt attention, their faces etched with surprise and curiosity.Barrister Leonard's voice was low and urgent. "Mr. Bryan, did you know what she's talking about?" He leaned in, his words barely audible. "What did she mean by saying you deceived her?"Bryan's response was barely above a whisper. "I have no idea what she's saying." His eyes widened, his face a mask of innocence.The attorney's gaze never wavered. "You can proceed, Mrs. Eva." The courtroom was silent, the only sound the soft rustle of papers and the quiet hum of the air conditioning. The tension was palpable, the anticipation almost suffocating. What secrets would be revealed? What truths
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Call him
Bryan stormed out of the courtroom, his face red with rage, his eyes blazing with anger. "How can she lie like that? How can she tell the court I'm someone I'm not?" He muttered to himself, his fists clenched.Betty tried to calm him down, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "Bryan, you need to calm down. Let's wait for Barrister Leonard to come out and we'll talk to him."But Bryan was too far gone, his anger consuming him. He spotted Eva exiting the courtroom and marched towards her, his eyes flashing with fury. Eva tried to avoid him, but he grabbed her hand, his grip tight."Are you trying to avoid me now? Why can't you face me after all you've said in there?" He spat, his voice low and menacing. "Face me and repeat those lies you told the court!"Eva's eyes widened in fear as she tried to pull away, but Bryan's grip only tightened. The scene was intense, with Bryan's anger and Eva's fear palpable in the air.Eva's mother, a woman of stature and grace, stepped forward, her voice fir
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The truth
Hannah's voice was laced with disbelief and sarcasm as she spoke, her words dripping with a hint of surprise. "Hey Bryan, this is so surprising. Did you just give me a call yourself? You said I should stop calling you and also stop seeing you. Isn't this amazing, you called me?" She chuckled, her tone playful but also slightly bitter.Bryan's response was urgent, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Hannah, please, I need you to do something for me. Please, it's very urgent." His tone was serious, a stark contrast to Hannah's playful demeanor.Hannah's laughter grew louder, her voice filled with amusement. "Wait, did you actually need my help? Oh my goodness, I don't believe Bryan Creston was even going to need a help from a lowlife like myself." Her words were laced with sarcasm, her tone dripping with disbelief.The line was silent for a moment, the only sound being Hannah's soft laughter. Bryan's voice was tight with tension, his words laced with a hint of desperation. "Hannah, pleas
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