Don't Worry

Grandma Creston's voice was firm and resolute. "Charging a lawsuit is the best thing to do, since she's not trying to take it easy." Bryan nodded vigorously, his determination evident. "I think that's what I'm going to do. If she's not careful, I'm taking custody of my kids."

Betty's eyes shone with approval. "That's the best decision, Bryan. I think you should inform her that you're charging a lawsuit." She paused, her expression thoughtful. "It'll give her a chance to realize the gravity of her actions."

Bryan turned to Grandma Creston, his eyes pleading. "Grandma, can you please call any good lawyers you know in England? I need someone who can help me navigate this mess." Grandma Creston's face set in a determined expression, she nodded. "Of course, dear. I'll make some calls. We'll get the best lawyer to help you get custody of your children."

The room was filled with a sense of purpose, the air thick with determination. Bryan's family was rallying around him, ready to support him
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