All Chapters of Redeemed Son In-law: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
199 chapters
The court hearing finally resumed, and the judge's voice echoed through the silent courtroom. "The case will now begin. The defendant's lawyer should please provide their witness."The courtroom was silent, with all eyes fixed on the proceedings. Eva's attorney stepped forward, his voice clear and confident. "Thank you, your honor. I will like to call Mr. Matthew James," he said, his words hanging in the air like a challenge.The name resonated through Bryan's ears like a shockwave. "Unbelievable, so Matthew was the witness," he muttered under his breath, his face filled with surprise and disbelief.Matthew, Eva's childhood friend and secret admirer, walked into the witness box, his eyes fixed on Eva with a mix of emotions. The tension in the courtroom was palpable, like a tightly wound spring waiting to snap. The judge's gaze narrowed, his eyes fixed on Matthew, as the courtroom held its collective breath, anticipating the testimony that would unfold."So, Mr. Matthew, please take yo
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Chapter 182
Bryan's face was red with rage, his eyes blazing with frustration. "How can they do this to me?!" he exploded, his voice echoing through the room. "I can't believe they're dragging this out for another five days!" Betty placed a calming hand on his arm, her voice soft and soothing. "You have to calm down, Bryan. Getting angry won't change anything. I'm sure you'll get custody of the kids. The judge just needs to process the new evidence and the statement Eva provided." But Bryan was inconsolable, his anger and frustration boiling over. "I don't think it will be easy," he lamented, his voice cracking with emotion. "The judge wants more evidence, and I don't know if I can come up with anything else. Eva's statement should be enough, but no, they need more!" Betty's expression was sympathetic, her eyes filled with understanding. "We'll figure something out, Bryan. We'll work together to find that evidence and make sure you get the custody you deserve. Just take a deep breath and calm d
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Chapter 183
Ryan's voice was a mere whisper, a hint of relief evident. "Thank you, Bryan. Thank you for giving me a chance. I won't let you down again. And you don't have to pay for my trip. I will use my money"The line went dead, the silence a palpable reminder of the fragile truce between two former friends. Bryan's eyes remained narrowed, his mind still weighing the risks and benefits of trusting Ryan again. But for now, he had no choice. He needed Ryan's testimony, and he would do whatever it took to win custody of his children.Bryan's mind raced with strategy and calculation, his thoughts a jumbled mix of emotions and logic. He knew that trusting Ryan again was a risky move, but he had no other choice. He needed Ryan's testimony to win custody of his children, and he was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen.As he sat in silence, his eyes fixed on the phone in his hand, he couldn't help but think about the past. The memories of his friendship with Ryan, the laughter and the a
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chapter 184
Bryan's eyes sparkled with playfulness as he said, "How can you try to stop me like that? Did you forget I'm your man?" His voice was laced with teasing, his tone light and flirtatious. Betty's response was sharp with sarcasm, her tone dripping with mock sweetness. "I can decide when you will kiss me and when you won't," she said, her eyes flashing with amusement. She turned to leave, but Bryan's hands grasped her arms, pulling her back into his embrace. His lips claimed hers in a bold, dominant kiss, leaving Betty breathless and flushed. "This is to tell you I can kiss you anytime I like," Bryan whispered, his eyes gleaming with triumph. His face was inches from hers, his warm breath caressing her skin. Betty's face was a picture of indignation, but her lips betrayed a hint of a smile, revealing a spark of desire beneath her feigned annoyance. The air was charged with tension, their playful banter masking a deeper attraction that threatened to consume them both. Betty's voice was
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chapter 185
"I know, but you know there are many ways to bring Lisa down. I have enough of her secrets. And I know everything will be done for her when Sam gets better," Bryan said, his voice filled with determination.Betty's chuckle was low and conspiratorial. "I wish we could go back, Dad is getting better, I am sure he wouldn't want us to lose to Lisa. But at some point, we can't go now, the kids also matter," she said, her words laced with a mix of nostalgia and concern.Bryan nodded, his eyes understanding. "That's why I said I can't return now. I had to swap with this," he said, his gesture encompassing the life he had built here.The two of them stood there, lost in thought, the weight of their responsibilities and loyalties hanging heavy in the air. They knew they couldn't go back, not yet, not until they had secured the future of the kids and the company. But they also knew they couldn't let Lisa win, not without a fight.The silence between them was filled with unspoken understanding,
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After a few minutes of waiting at the hospital, Bryan's curiosity got the better of him. A man in his early forties, likely the doctor, walked into the office, adjusted his sunglasses, and sat down. "Doctor, what's the issue with her? Hope it's not something critical?" Bryan asked, his curiosity piqued.The doctor cleared his throat, a hint of a smile on his face. "Nothing to panic about, sir. I am happy to announce that your wife is pregnant," he said, his voice warm and reassuring.Bryan's eyes widened in shock, his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline. His mind raced with the unexpected news, his thoughts swirling with a mix of emotions. He felt a surge of excitement, followed by a dash of fear, and a hint of uncertainty. He couldn't believe that he was going to be a father!The doctor's smile grew wider, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Congratulations, sir! You're going to be a dad!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm.Bryan's gaze drifted to his wi
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Bryan's eyes widened in surprise, "Wait, Grandma, what do you mean you knew we were coming from England? This is England, remember?" He asked, his voice laced with disbelief.Grandma Creston's smile grew wider, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, dear, I'm as popular in England as I am in Korea. Congratulations to you both, anyway!" She exclaimed, her words dripping with excitement.Bryan and Betty exchanged a stunned glance, their minds reeling with the implications. "You're... you're famous here too?" Bryan stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper.Grandma Creston's laughter filled the room, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Of course, dear! I'm a global sensation! And I wanted to celebrate your news by making my famous chocolate cake the moment I heard. So, when you hate it, you'll definitely be feeding my grandchild!" She said playfully, her words dripping with sarcasm and love.The room was filled with a warm and joyful atmosphere, the scent of freshly baked cookies and cho
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The day of the final hearing had finally arrived, and the courtroom was filled with tension as the two families faced off in the battle for custody of the children. Bryan, Betty, Ryan, Elena, and Grandma Creston walked in, their eyes fixed on the opposing side. Eva sat beside her mother, Michael, and a stranger Bryan didn't recognize. As their eyes met, Bryan's gaze was filled with disgust and anger, his face twisted in a scowl.But Eva's eyes told a different story. For a fleeting moment, they held a hint of guilt and remorse before she quickly looked away, unable to meet Bryan's accusatory stare. Her gaze faltered, and she fidgeted in her seat, her body language betraying her nervousness.The air was thick with tension as the two families waited for the proceedings to begin. The fate of the children hung in the balance, and the courtroom was heavy with anticipation. The judge's entrance was a welcome distraction from the palpable tension, and the hearing began with a sense of solemn
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The judge's voice was firm and authoritative as he delivered the verdict. "According to the law, Mrs. Eva Jackson is guilty of attempting to deceive Mr. Bryan Creston, for neglecting her parental responsibilities, and for concealing her pregnancy for nine years, with the intention of rekindling a relationship with him."The courtroom was silent, the tension palpable, as the judge continued. "Furthermore, the evidence suggests that Mrs. Jackson has failed to provide a stable and moral upbringing for her children, as they have been found to lack discipline and values despite their young age."The judge paused, his gaze fixed on Mrs. Jackson, his expression stern. "Therefore, the court has decided to grant full custody of the children to Mr. Bryan Creston, with visitation rights granted to Mrs. Jackson on a limited basis. She has one month to facilitate a smooth transition and hand over the children to their father."As the judge stood up, the courtroom erupted into a flurry of activity,
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Ryan's voice was firm, his eyes narrowed. "What's the condition?"Bryan's expression was laced with skepticism, his voice dripping with disbelief. "You want me to promise that you won't betray me again?" He scoffed, his tone heavy with irony.Ryan's face was etched with remorse, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. "I promised I won't betray you again. I'm deeply sorry for my past mistakes." His voice was filled with sincerity, his words hanging in the air like a promise.The silence that followed was palpable, the tension almost tangible. Bryan's gaze bore into Ryan's, searching for any sign of deception. Then, with a slight nod, he spoke. "Then I will forgive you."The words were laced with a hint of skepticism, Ryan expression still wary, but his tone slightly softer, indicating a glimmer of trust. The air was heavy with anticipation, the outcome of this fragile truce hanging precariously in the balance.Ryan's voice was laced with remorse, his words tumbling out in a desperate bid f
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