
The doctor's pronouncement filled them with a renewed sense of optimism. "Thank you so much, Doctor," Bryan exclaimed, his voice overflowing with gratitude, as he extended his hand to shake the doctor's once more. "This is incredibly reassuring news."

Grandma Creston's eyes brimmed with tears. "May we be permitted to see him, Dr. Williams? I am eager to lay eyes on my beloved son," she entreated, her voice trembling with emotion.

The doctor nodded positively. "Indeed, I shall take you to him," he replied, rising from his chair with a warm smile. "Follow me, please.”

They all stood up, and followed the doctor, their footsteps echoing through the hospital corridor. They walked in a procession, their shoes making soft squeaking sounds on the polished floor. The sound of their footsteps was rhythmic, a symphony of hope and anticipation.

As they entered the room, their hopes were met with a stark reality. President Asher lay motionless, surrounded by a tangle of tubes and wires. The life-
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