All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
330 chapters
Alex stared at Tajana, wondering why he hasn't woken up after thirty minutes of constant treatment.He placed his hands on Tajana's chest, circulating more precious energy into him.Tajana coughed up dark blood, filled with a black, shiny liquid, making Alex's frown deepen.“What's this?” Alex muttered, carefully wiping it up with a clean, white, handkerchief. He wrapped it with another towel, dropping it in a bowl beside him.Tajana soon stirred, opening his tired eyes to stare at Alex.“Boss, thank you. I can finally breathe,” he whispered tiredly, making Alex's eyes dart to the wrapped handkerchief once more.“Silly boy. Why did you keep such a thing from me? Wait until you recover, I will definitely teach you a bitter and well-deserved lesson,” Alex said with a menacing scowl on his face, causing Tajana to smile tiredly.“Are you sure about that, boss? What kind of punishment do you have in mind?” He joked, his eyes closing involuntarily.“Wait until you recover, you can find out
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Alex's men silently parted as he walked into his mansion, respectfully following him.“Mia Callaghan's court sitting is scheduled for tomorrow morning,” Raz said with a smile, while Alex sat down on his comfortable revolving office chair.“And how are the preparations? Mia Callaghan has a few crafty people helping her, especially the people she got through the Baltimore family, all thanks to the William kid. I also need you to gather evidence of her tampering with evidence, lobbying officials, and sleeping around. That would make William shift away. Everything needs to be perfect because the actress sure as hell will do anything to wriggle out of this. Do you understand?” Alex asked coldly, looking at them.They immediately nodded, taking notes on their various devices.“Have you procured the videos I instructed you to?” Alex asked, looking at Raz.“Of course, my Lord. Everything will definitely proceed as planned, they will not be able to wriggle out of it this time. There are also a
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Alex sat before the flat screen television set in his study, watching the proceedings of Mia's court sitting, which he made sure was broadcast all over the world, in every major news channel.The news channel first showed when Alex registered the company, and the press conference he held as they questioned him about the miracle drug which was successfully tested on various volunteer patients. However, he had refused to share the formula, making various ministries boycott him to no avail, as the drug literally sold itself, no matter how high Alex fixed the price.The news stations mysteriously got clips of various politicians, pharmacists, and people from the ministry threatening him about the formula, especially William Baltimore and his family members, before finally showing when Mia testified against Alex in court, despite the other witnesses giving positive testimonies.Alex nodded in satisfaction, this little clip aired by news companies had successfully conditioned public opinion
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“My lord, the antiques were gifted to my clients, and as such, she didn't expect it to be fake. The one at fault was the prosecuted criminal that deceived her into thinking they were real,” the second attorney said professionally, smoothly taking over the proceedings.“Objections, my lord!” The state attorney prosecuting Mia and her cohorts immediately said, finally finding an opening.“Objection sustained. Tender your case,” the judge said, making Alex adjust himself on the chair from where he was watching, it was getting more interesting.“Boss, someone have been detected trying to tamper with our evidence and witnesses. A group of miscreants were also detected trying to create havoc to dismiss the court sitting by setting the court on fire,” Raz hurriedly said through the microphone.“Do everything to protect the witnesses and evidence. And prevent the fire from breaking out. However, make them commit a blunder that will expose them,” Alex calmly instructed, still staring at the te
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“She obviously doesn't want to answer because the truth is clear as day. Here are more evidence of her treachery,” the prosecuting attorney said, showing a chronological order of events.The clip showed how Mia would tell Alex not to worry, that since there's no alcohol in his system, she's doing everything to pull him out, while telling the police officers how wicked and ruthless Alex was.She even claimed she was beaten, and her company stolen from her, telling them all that Alex took advantage of the love she had for him. It soon changed to her deceiving him that she had gotten an attorney that would get him out, while going behind to mock him alongside William, before a quickie in the car, as they laughed at Alex for being a fool to believe a fake pregnancy test which they paid a hospital to manufacture. “This is the perfect time, broadcast the clips of her fucking William in my house while making plans to kill me in prison on social media. Share all the clips on social media and
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“Mia, behave, or you will get what you deserve. You're facing not just fraud and deception charges, you're also standing trial for the murder of the late Mrs. Sonia, and the disappearance of Alexander Winthrop. If you disturb the court further, the consequences will be dire. Does the defense team have anything to add?” The judge said, writing vigorously in the diary.“No, my lord,” the attorney said weakly. This was the most exhausting case any of them had ever handled, and the judge refused to adjourn no matter what, insisting on delivering judgment as soon as possible.“That you, Mia Callaghan, are hereby found guilty of fraud, theft, tampering with legal evidence, aversion of justice, stealing of another's wealth through deception and duress, attempted murder, arson, and murder,” the registrar read out, making Mia convulse in horror.“I hereby sentence you to life imprisonment with hard labor, you're never to be granted official pardon, parole, or the chance to appeal,” the judge f
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Raz stared at the warden who Alex's finger was pointing at, trying to recall any information about him."None at the moment, sir," Raz said apologetically, apparently not recognizing the warden despite his extensive investigation of all the teams expected to be involved in Mia's case. "He looks suspicious. I want all the information you can gather about him, down to the color of his current underwear. You have thirty minutes. I want to see everything about that shifty-eyed bastard. He's definitely planning something," Alex said, tapping his fingers against his armrest."I also need you to arrange people to keep watch at the prison, Mia won't sit still and wait for her to be transported to the maximum security prison in three days. She will definitely try everything possible to escape. Also, keep an eye on William Baltimore, he will try to destroy any evidence that could connect him to Mia, and also move funds to a secret account while waiting for the state crime bureau to come for hi
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He quickly washed his face to wipe away the vivid imaginations."Damn, why will it be her?" Alex muttered, remembering the vivid memories of the girl he saw in the mirror. To his greatest surprise, the picture of the woman he saw while masturbating wasn't any of the women he expected, it was the teenage girl he saw in the mirror.He had expected to see either Yu Xue whom he was still circulating the remnants of her energy, or Eleanor the mother of his kids, or no one at all. "Who is she? I can't see her face clearly, but her silhouette is very lucid in my mind," Alex said contemplatively, still stroking himself."It's good that I can't remember her face, if not I might be tempted to actively search for her. Damn! Why will I be tempted to search for her? She's merely a teenager. She's probably underaged right now because that scene is definitely from the future. Snap your head out of your ass Alex, don't be a perverted pedophile lusting after a kid. No matter how tempting or bold she
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The attendant smiled at him and quickly nodded, making Alex frown."Could it be that Luz is putting on an act just to draw them into his camp? It must be just a show, right?" Alex muttered."Besides boss, you don't need to be worried about Luz gaining weight. The food experience will stretch out for over a month. In addition, Luz goes on routine jogging sessions. Getting overweight is not an issue at all as long as Luz is concerned. Aridan offered to take him for preliminary military and combat training from next week, so it will definitely burn off any fat that wants to build up in his body. All your children are very promising, intelligent and obedient. You don't need to worry about them at all, restricting what those little cuties eat is definitely an unforgivable sin. Just let him do his thing, I will personally watch his weight," the assistant quickly assured, obviously enamored with Luz. Alex stood for a while wondering if the Luz he knew was the same Luz that was being vouched
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Luz immediately tried to pull back, but he had already reached the wall."Boss, you're frightening him,""Boss, he's just a kid" "Why are you doing that, do you want him to start crying?" They all began to shout again, walking towards Alex as if they wanted to fight him, apparently forgetting he was the boss."I'm not doing anything to him. It's just that the Luz I know is naughty and sassy. He's definitely talented, intelligent, knowledgeable, strong, powerful even, and exceptionally intuitive, but he's definitely not docile. He's worse than me. He never listens to anyone. How can the little dragon turn to a good kid at the blink of an eye? It's definitely not possible," Alex said with a smile, quickly raising his hands in surrender."He's a good kid, just give yourself a chance to see how amazing he is. He might not be like an average kid, but he's definitely exceptional. Besides…" Mac began to say, before quickly stopping himself."Besides what?" Alex asked with a frown."If he's
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