All Chapters of THE MAN CALLED GOD: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
330 chapters
Alex stood before the monitors in the control tower, watching the videos before him.“It was Hailey Campbell who instructed the landlord to throw them out of the house,” Aridan whispered, checking his tablet phone.“What information do you have about her?” Alex asked, sitting down on the throne beside him.“She's Lady Eleanor's cousin from the side branch. She's an ambitious model, who had set her sights on the Campbell family's businesses, orchestrating various plans to send Eleanor who was her main rival away. However, lady Eleanor's competence always ensured that her plans were frustrated. She finally got her chance when lady Eleanor fell pregnant with the twins, pulling some strings alongside her supporters in the Campbell family to kick her out, stripping her parents of their powers. They became equivalent to poverty stricken rags after the incident. It wouldn't have created much problems since Lady Eleanor was well educated and experienced. However, she also pulled strings behin
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“There are a few nasty things we discovered about the Winthrop family. They are taking drastic steps to ensure that our efforts to shake up Winthrop's businesses won't affect them much. They are even going as far as laundering money, to siphon illegal funds into the businesses. Karen also kills any employee that stumbles upon any inappropriate scene, or makes them disappear. They also made provisions to ensure that nothing negative will be announced about the Winthrops on the news. The incidents to sabotage their dealings were also tightly sealed. And they increased their security with well trained assassins. Karen seems to have access to a demonic organization. All the assassins employed cultivate dark energies. Karen Winthrop also seems to have someone powerful backing him up. And most importantly, he's desperately searching for you. He has placed a billion dollar bounty on your head on different top assassin organizations; including the dark web, dragon court, and blood temple. He'
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“Don’t prepare cars that will easily connect us to the heaven's mandate army. Or any of our military organizations. Even a fool in power will be able to decode my identity if I make use of my cars,” Alex warned.“Yes sir, I won't take any limited edition cars along, or your special military productions. I will only take along the average luxury vehicles,” Raz quickly reaffirmed, before turning around to do Alex's bidding.Alex stood up, his eyes glinting maliciously as he remembered everything he had to go through in the hands of his so-called family.“Even if I tear them limb by limb, it won't be enough to compensate me for what they did.” Alex muttered, looking through the millions of surveillance monitors before him.He picked up a special lens and left the office, securely locking it behind him. Alex entered his room to take a hurried bath, before dressing up in an outfit made by one of his personal designers.He stood before the mirror, watching the handsome man who hid the dark
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Alex smiled at the scene before him. “Activate the special task function, clear all obstacles. The first car should go on full tempo, while the rest follow up with moderate energy,” Alex instructed.At once, the cars revved up their engines, frightening those lying on it, or on the ground before it. But against all expectations, a heavy wind flew out from the cars, pushing the crowd back, and just like in the Red Sea, a wide path was created, enabling the cars to speed through. Lots of the paid actors kept trying to fight the wind and throw themselves before the car as they were instructed, to no avail.After the cars were safely parked before the entrance, the wind from the exhaust pipes gently receded.But those trying to fall down and feign an accident couldn't do it no matter what. There seemed to be an invisible strand of energy forcing those in the outer peripherals to remain standing, till the space closed up, as the people in the crowd began to push each other, attempting to
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At once, the crowd got swept up into the frenzy, murmuring with all their hearts about the genius murderer before them.“Wow, he's already a hardened criminal. If he killed his grandfather, he probably also killed the pregnant woman,”“That's why they say looks can be deceptive. Who would have thought that such a devilish, cold heart would exist beneath that handsome face? His handsome and innocent looks are just veils to hide his evil nature.” Another muttered.Karen smiled in satisfaction, same with the masked people beside him.“I would like to see how he gets out of this since he's so smart. Every family in the upper echelon knew when he was kicked out, and the reason he was sent away. Whether he did it or not, if we said he did it, then he must have done it. That's how the world works, it's too bad he's as naive as his foolish mother,” a voice belonging to a woman in her late thirties or early forties said, seemingly satisfied with the way things were going.“You all like to pedd
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Alex and his guards quickly squat down, while Raz swirled around, making the bullets miss his hands.Everyone in the crowd began to shout, causing pandemonium.The policemen quickly abandoned the miscreants they were arresting, and quickly took cover, searching for the culprits.A staccato of gunshots went off once more, in Alex's direction, making the crowd roar in panic.“Protect him!” Raz ordered and the guards quickly pushed Alex inside the vehicle.Alex smirked and shook his head, did they imagine that ordinary bullets would kill him?Assassins? What a joke.“Check in the four o'clock direction, there's a sniper hiding there,” Alex instructed through the mic he was wearing on his wrist.Alex relaxed back in the car, watching the crowd that Karen hired as they ran away, stomping on some unlucky ones in the process.Alex chuckled wickedly, as he watched some people being trampled to death.“I hope the money he paid you all would be enough to pay for your medical fees after receivin
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Raz stared coldly at her, making her stagger back in horror.“Raz, answer her with wisdom. We are on live broadcast. Can you see that camera hovering around there? The drone is giving back live feed to news stations, in addition to the ones being operated by the journalist. Besides, she's obviously here for the scoop, unbidden by Karen. She's a dedicated journalist, staking out here despite the multiple gunshots. While the hired goons that are only driven by the peanuts they received scattered immediately they detected danger. Don't frighten her,” Alex ordered through the mouthpiece on his wrist, staring at the blue-eyed blonde, wearing a shapeless jeans trouser, polo, and jacket.Her low heeled boots that looked weathered due to how many times she must have worn it during field works, combined with her outfit to give her a weird look.She was beautiful. However, her baggy and shapeless outfit completely hid away her gorgeous body from sight, leaving only her face.Raz's stare suddenl
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His voice jolted the duo out of their reverie, making them incredibly frightened.The girl quickly wiped away her tears, before hurriedly adjusting her clothes.While the OIC placed in the CEO's office adjusted his clothes, shivering.But not before Raz delivered an angry kick to his butt.“How dare you desecrate my office in such a way? How dare you turn the peaceful and happy working environment that I built into a nightmare? Do you have a death wish?” Alex asked coldly, walking towards him.“How did you get in?” The man stammered, sweating bullets.“Were you planning to lock me out of my own company? I'm sure you didn't want me to come in here, and see your great handiwork. Pray, better pray that you didn't embezzle my money on top, because I will totally castrate you.” Alex said, kicking his manhood.“Ahh, grrh!” He groaned, holding the spot between his legs in pain. “This is not the way to settle something, even if I'm working for you. This is assault, what you're doing is again
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The man shivered, watching Alex.“Money? What money are you talking about?” He stuttered, trying to feign innocence.Raz slapped him, just in time for Alex to chuckle and look at him.“Every single person that stole from me met a grievous end. So choose wisely, my money or your life? Which one are you giving to me?” Alex asked coldly, staring at him.“I don't have any money with me.” The man insisted, toughening his heart.“Okay, Raz. We are dealing with a stubborn one here. And this is not the right place, you know what to do.” Alex said coldly, and went back to the computer before him, going through the data as he had been doing since he returned to the office.Raz grabbed the man and headed to the other office, housing the CEO's executive assistant’s office, before crossing into a secret compartment hiding an elevator.“Bring a van to the secret underground parking lot. You have a package to pick up.” Raz instructed Someone through the phone, making Sam panic.The man immediately b
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Hailey Campbell parked her Porsche in her special designated spot in Top entertainment. Her heart was filled with excitement, after pulling so many strings, she finally got one of the biggest modeling gigs of the year.“Excuse me madam,” the chief security guard said, walking up to her.She immediately frowned, not wanting a mere security guard to ruin her happy day and perfect make up.She angrily gave him a kick to the crotch and walked past, while the security kept groaning and grunting in pain.Hailey walked in with her head held high, feeling arrogant and mighty. She walked into the room reserved for A-list celebrities, and sat down, blowing bubble gum and admiring herself on the surrounding mirrors.“I look so pretty, with this kind of face, the sky is just my starting point. There's no one more beautiful than me from Veneco to Hilltop city.” She whispered with a bright smile, patting her face.At once, the picture of Eleanor appeared before her, like deja vu, making a frown mas
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